Pointing tools - What's the deal?

Ferris Pindell, myself, John Whidden, David Tooley and Scott Fletcher just can't get the smile off our faces.
I'll allow it is a real problem, Jim. If the police stop you, you'll likely wind up in the slammer, blowing into balloons & giving blood.

The home remedy is to put your thumb on the workbench & rap it with a small ball-peen hammer. You need enough force to cause a bit of pain without doing serious damage. It is my belief that you can either vary the size of the hammer or the force you hit your thumb with, but to get statistically significant results, you'd probably need to do about 50 tests each way. The plus is the smile should be long gone.

Maybe acupuncture would work?

Merry Christmas

I'll allow it is a real problem, Jim. If the police stop you, you'll likely wind up in the slammer, blowing into balloons & giving blood.

The home remedy is to put your thumb on the workbench & rap it with a small ball-peen hammer. You need enough force to cause a bit of pain without doing serious damage. It is my belief that you can either vary the size of the hammer or the force you hit your thumb with, but to get statistically significant results, you'd probably need to do about 50 tests each way. The plus is the smile should be long gone.

Maybe acupuncture would work?

Merry Christmas


The closed meplats should make you smile as well. I know you remember the time you borrowed my 300 WSM with more than a little RL-22 under 210 JLKs with meplats closed -- you won the shoot off with a 3.xxx group. In fact, there were seven screamer groups that weekend and you and Joel shot four of them. That "loaner" victory made my day!

As to how to remove the smile, it depends. What would be the BC of that smashed thumb? We could always give it a trim and then close it up a little.

Have a great Christmas and give Joel my best as well. Avoid all hammers.

I think the smashed thumb would look a little like the blunt and equally misguided G1 standard projectile that we still reference our BCs to.
The persistence to adhere to this demoralizing standard for long range bullet bc's is a lot like shooting off one's own foot with misunderstanding. I think the bloody stub would look a lot like the blunt G1 standard projectile.
Offf topoic and mad about it:mad::mad:
The G7 idea . . .


You know, that does sound like a geat idea and a great place for the G7 designation. Since Berger is on the cutting edge of bullet design and new projectile introductions as well, they might as well adjust the package marketing info for the shooters who want the to know the G7. It just seems to go well with the general across the board product upgrade -- especially for mid and long range competition bullets.


Jim and German,
We're moving toward G7 for long range bullets. When the time is right we'll make the switch. In the mean time, I'm happy to provide measured G7 BC's for Berger bullets on request (here, or: bsl135@yahoo.com).
Merry Christmas,
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