Please, no more politics

Used to visit this forum several times daily, and only got really involved in one discussion re: the news on Kennedy brain cancer. Had mde other remarks here and there but never got really into it. Anyway now I only visit once every 2-3 days, my loss maybe but your sponsers loss also. As a whole I liked the exchange of ideas and different persectives, and when things got a little heated, well so be it. This idea that the world is sopposed to be nicy nice just doesn't cut it it don't work that way. As we all know the world isn't fair.
.... This idea that the world is sopposed to be nicy nice just doesn't cut it it don't work that way. As we all know the world isn't fair.

It does cut it, and it works just fine. Can't argue with that last sentence.

You're gonna have to do better than that to damage our friendship. Actually, I don't think you have the means to accomplish that.
Well I did without for 65 years so I doubt doing without longer will not bother me either. Toddle Do
It doesn't have anything to do with freedom of speech, censorship, favoritism, my view, your view or any of those perceived reasons. It has everything to do (and little else) with the advertisers that have their name pasted at the top of every page. That's not an alias up there! It's their real name and their real livelihood. They didn't sign up to advertise on a political web site.

This is pretty good software and it has features to solve this problem. Give me a week or so....


Thanks for the explanation! I suspected that was the issue all along, but wanted to hear it directly from you. I, and I'm sure everyone else will play by what ever rules you must set to make the forum a success.

A good point was made that having other areas of discussion does increase membership and the amount of hits for advertising purposes.

I'm interested to see what you have in mind as related to working with the software. I would think having a separate room "only for those who enjoy political discussion" should solve some problems. If person goes into a video store and sees a door that says "Adult Videos" they should not enter and then complain about being offended. They were not forced to enter!
:D No, before someone say's it I'm not equating political discussion with XXX rated movies! I have absolutely no knowledge of what adult movies might contain! ;)

I, and I'm sure everyone else will play by what ever rules you must set to make the forum a success.
I would think having a separate room "only for those who enjoy political discussion" should solve some problems. If person goes into a video store and sees a door that says "Adult Videos" they should not enter and then complain about being offended. They were not forced to enter!

Please read your first line from your own quote.You are the one who is not following the rules.
When your done with that please read the second part I quoted from YOU.You are in a firearms forum right now doing something that Wilbur has patiently asked you to stop doing.
It appears you refuse to follow any rules or guidelines what so ever.Please take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule and look up the word "Appropriate".
Nobody here wants to scuddle your second ammendmant rights we merely want you to share your vast political knowledge on the "Appropriate" forum.
I feel you are either a very bitter person or simply don't undertand exactly were you are at.I don't mean any disrespect by that as I know people that have learning disorders and might get here accidentaly.The purpose of this forum can be found under its heading.
It clearly states-Firearms Related Topics.
If I may are you from New York by any chance?
Actually, I don't like to see a bunch of rules posted. We are mostly adults here. I think we all know when someone is being cutting and that is where the line is crossed. Civility is all that separates us from animals. If in discussions we resort to insults we have crossed that line.

It may be that it is not possible to discuss politics and remain civil. I suggest that before we respond to a post in haste, we should cool off. That being said, I cannot for the life of me, understand why everyone doesn't think like me.

Why would anyone ever ask anyone if they were from New York City. If the fellow is not, those are fighting words and if he is he will tell you in a minute.

Concho Bill
Concho Bill

In an earlier post it was clearly pointed out that this site is firearms related and not about politics.Everybody was nicely asked by Wilbur not just MrD to stop.He has since then started a recruiting campaign to get it re-enlisted.If that isn't whining to get your way I don't know what is.
As to the New York question that is a valid question and I can't see it as envoking any kind of mass rioting or fighting.I met someone from New York once who sounds scary similar to MrD's posts.
For those that are still confused please look under the headings and you will see why the various forums exist.
You know, people are funny creatures. In the two threads "Please no more politics" and "the end of general discussion" there have been 88 posts between them. These threads are about having no politics in general discussion. Are not these political threads in themselves? Politics or not having politics discussed here is what we are posting about.

Yet, I see alot of posters I've never seen here before posting on this subject. 88 posts...........this number of hits puts everything else in general discussion to shame.

It clearly states-Firearms Related Topics.

Well if you go by that, then there goes about 90% of the threads in general discussion.

There's been more talk about ethanol, fuel mileage, tire inflation, and nuclear reactors than guns.
Concho Bill you are my new role model :D:D:D

"I cannot for the life of me, understand why everyone doesn't think like me."


Only Hearsay...

In one sense, this is "my site" only because I have the keys to the liquor cabinet. I have the power to make it die.

In another sense, this is "your site", because you have the power to make it both live or die.

So.....who's on first?

...but I heard on the radio today the players name of China's 1st baseman in the Olympics is Hoo.

Since you got the key, my favorite is takillya....Don Julio & Padron are both good.

