Please help me identify this rifle!! Rare??

There's a couple of definitions of a benchrest rifle. One is defined by rules of an organization and the other is the remainder of the rifles that don't meet those rules. Most rifles will meet the unlimited class rules but so very many would not be competitive. Given the expense of shooting a registered match and the travel involved I wouldn't take my lead stocked 22 short to a Benchrest match. If I call it a benchrest rifle since it can only be shot from a bench - that's OK.
Negative Ghost Rider... that was a legitimate question. I do however realize this is the internet and everyone is going to assume you’re being a douche no matter how you phrase things. Lol.

Hey buddy, as far as educating you goes, Google is your friend. This is the twenty first century.
When we speak of a Benchrest gun, it's accepted that it's a rifle that has been built specifically for, and meets the rules of, either the NBRSA and/or the IBS. Both organizations hold registered tournaments and a Benchrest gun must meet the rules set down by them in order for the rifles to compete....weight, scope power, etc, etc. In other words, it's Benchrest with a capital B.

There are many, many casual 'benchrest' (note the small 'b') events all over that encourage open competition and rifle accuracy.

Have fun with your rig and keep enjoying working with accurate rifles! :) -Al

All in the capitalization! Got it! In no way was I trying to downplay your sport by calling this firearm a Benchrest gun when clearly its a benchrest gun. Truth be told I’m new to this whole scene and when I say new I mean I’m still reading and not pulling any triggers. I bought a couple guns I thought could be used 500+ and now I managed to get myself into a bet where I have to hit MOA at 1000 yards. Truth be told I’m not sure anything I have is going to do that so now I’ll end up spending a bunch of money to win a $2 bill. This weird little gun sure isn’t going to do it but hell I bought it for $400 at an auction because it looked cool. I appreciate everyone’s input and information.
Hey buddy, as far as educating you goes, Google is your friend. This is the twenty first century.

Sure google is my friend. However I couldn’t find anything that resembles this gun and there are always conflicting definitions and truths to be had on said 21st century internet, so I figured I’d go straight to the source. The guys that live and breathe this stuff. Makes sense, no? You can google all you want but if you have a question about Jeeps, head on over to the wrangler forum and ask one of us a question, we’ll blow google out of the water. I’ve owned 41 of them. Which happens to be the year they were founded. Fun fact.
There's a couple of definitions of a benchrest rifle. One is defined by rules of an organization and the other is the remainder of the rifles that don't meet those rules. Most rifles will meet the unlimited class rules but so very many would not be competitive. Given the expense of shooting a registered match and the travel involved I wouldn't take my lead stocked 22 short to a Benchrest match. If I call it a benchrest rifle since it can only be shot from a bench - that's OK.

It’s ok by me! Thank you.
It's heavy and you shoot it "from the bench". SO, that makes it a bench rest gun. :cool:
Competitive ? Probably not but still fun to shoot.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So is being a bench rest gun.:D

I’ve learned that. Unfortunately not many prairie dogs in Wisconsin but I’m sure it’ll poke some holes in paper and start some conversations at the range.
Now that the thread is clicking along........

No, I'm not "brave".

"Bravery" is generally a form of stupid which has as it's root insecurity.

I'm discerning, I'm completely comfortable that I know a bot from a spammer from a human. Ceow717 is human on many levels.

So real I’ve got a 7.62x39 finger.


  • 08495B45-7016-4DF4-A2B8-368AD66DDB3C.jpeg
    67 KB · Views: 245
So real I’ve got a 7.62x39 finger.


Jump in with both feet much?


Y'er gonna' love this!......

"moa @1K eh???" well, next group you meet is those guys who want to sell you "A Thousand Yard Gun" where, "even though she don't shoot so good at 100yds "the bullets go to sleep" and she easily shoots moa at a thousand..."

Don't fall for it!

It's an internet and anecdotal fallacy promulgated by unscrupulous people to hawk inferior crap to the uninformed.... one of the greatest current scams, along with "Carbon fiber barrels"....

Just remember this rule, find out which bullets are HEAVY for your chosen caliber (like 106gr for 6MM or 230gr for 30cal) and buy a gun which will shoot these heavy bullets into less than 1/2 inch at 100 yards.

(The other big sucker-trap is the guy who'll sell you a gun that shoots LIGHT BULLETS into half moa "all day long".....and IT MIGHT..... but it'll fall apart miserably @ 1K)

Jump in with both feet much?


Y'er gonna' love this!......

"moa @1K eh???" well, next group you meet is those guys who want to sell you "A Thousand Yard Gun" where, "even though she don't shoot so good at 100yds "the bullets go to sleep" and she easily shoots moa at a thousand..."

Don't fall for it!

It's an internet and anecdotal fallacy promulgated by unscrupulous people to hawk inferior crap to the uninformed.... one of the greatest current scams, along with "Carbon fiber barrels"....

Just remember this rule, find out which bullets are HEAVY for your chosen caliber (like 106gr for 6MM or 230gr for 30cal) and buy a gun which will shoot these heavy bullets into less than 1/2 inch at 100 yards.

(The other big sucker-trap is the guy who'll sell you a gun that shoots LIGHT BULLETS into half moa "all day long".....and IT MIGHT..... but it'll fall apart miserably @ 1K)

Yeah I kinda jumped off the top rope but he has to shoot a bear with a pistol on the ground so there’s that. I have a Savage model 12 6mm BR, a Nesika .243, a Dakota .243AI, a Dakota 25.06 customized by Speedy Gonzales and a Model 70 .225 Win. Are any of these capable or do I need to go shopping??
Yeah I kinda jumped off the top rope but he has to shoot a bear with a pistol on the ground so there’s that. I have a Savage model 12 6mm BR, a Nesika .243, a Dakota .243AI, a Dakota 25.06 customized by Speedy Gonzales and a Model 70 .225 Win. Are any of these capable or do I need to go shopping??

Your task is Sisyphean,

his??? Meh.... I'd let my wife do it, without fear for her safety....... And I love her.

And she'd enjoy it.

Regarding YOUR job.....Hmmmmm...... Speedy's an accuracy guru, he may just be your saving grace. The rest of the offerings??? I'd use them for trading stock against something worthy.

So, if I were handed your task, I would begin by getting a Redding "Type S bushing die" which sizes only the neck. I'd be getting some Winchester 270 cases and necking them to 25 altho you've a decent chance even with plain ol' plain ol' Win 25-06....I'd load 25-06 rounds using the 115gr Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet out to firmly engrave the rifling lands and spend a few hundred rounds with it. I think I'd have a good chance of making the accuracy parameter of 1/2moa

Ballistic Coefficient up near .5.......... with a little luck it could get 'er done.

You'll need the luck :)
Your task is Sisyphean,

his??? Meh.... I'd let my wife do it, without fear for her safety....... And I love her.

And she'd enjoy it.

Regarding YOUR job.....Hmmmmm...... Speedy's an accuracy guru, he may just be your saving grace. The rest of the offerings??? I'd use them for trading stock against something worthy.

So, if I were handed your task, I would begin by getting a Redding "Type S bushing die" which sizes only the neck. I'd be getting some Winchester 270 cases and necking them to 25 altho you've a decent chance even with plain ol' plain ol' Win 25-06....I'd load 25-06 rounds using the 115gr Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet out to firmly engrave the rifling lands and spend a few hundred rounds with it. I think I'd have a good chance of making the accuracy parameter of 1/2moa

Ballistic Coefficient up near .5.......... with a little luck it could get 'er done.

You'll need the luck :)

First of all, great word. Not often I run into a fellow sesquipedalian member. Secondly I forgot to mention the 25-06 is also Ackley Improved... does that change things?

Yeah his task isn’t as tough. It’s not like we have brown bears in WI. I can just hope he doesn’t draw a tag ???
First of all, great word. Not often I run into a fellow sesquipedalian member. Secondly I forgot to mention the 25-06 is also Ackley Improved... does that change things?

Yeah his task isn’t as tough. It’s not like we have brown bears in WI. I can just hope he doesn’t draw a tag ???

Ohh Yeahh.... and a Master of Malapropism me, more.... I'll even dabble in Cockney Rhyming Slang.....

Re the 25-06AI, nope, doesn't make it any less accurate BUT!!! You have to be EVEN MORE CAREFUL to keep the bolt lugs well lubed when loading neck-size-only with the AI version as the Ackley shoulder will tend to get tighter than the un-ackleyfied virgin. By the 4th-5th reload you'll be heeling the bolt closed fairly firmly so be careful not to gall your bolt lugs.
"Bravery" is generally a form of stupid which has as it's root insecurity.

That is the most stupid definition of Bravery I have ever heard. You have never seen bravery.

Brave men died so that key board shooters could live out a therapeutic fantasy:(

Yeah I kinda jumped off the top rope but he has to shoot a bear with a pistol on the ground so there’s that. I have a Savage model 12 6mm BR, a Nesika .243, a Dakota .243AI, a Dakota 25.06 customized by Speedy Gonzales and a Model 70 .225 Win. Are any of these capable or do I need to go shopping??

If I was wanting to shoot long range with one of your listed rifles, I'd use the Savage 6BR. The 25-06 is the least accurate caliber that I've personally owned, ackley or straight.
Keep your purchased Winchester to shoot at the range for fun.
If I was wanting to shoot long range with one of your listed rifles, I'd use the Savage 6BR. The 25-06 is the least accurate caliber that I've personally owned, ackley or straight. Keep your purchased Winchester to shoot at the range for fun.

Amen, Butch. :D -Al
If I was wanting to shoot long range with one of your listed rifles, I'd use the Savage 6BR. The 25-06 is the least accurate caliber that I've personally owned, ackley or straight.
Keep your purchased Winchester to shoot at the range for fun.

Kind of where I was leaning. I’m currently bidding on a creedmoor too... just for fun.
If I was wanting to shoot long range with one of your listed rifles, I'd use the Savage 6BR. The 25-06 is the least accurate caliber that I've personally owned, ackley or straight.
Keep your purchased Winchester to shoot at the range for fun.

I’ll give it a whirl. It’s a 12/1