Personel attacks........



Could we add a new message board labeled "personal attacks" ? I think it would be the most viewed board at Benchrest Central! It would certainly be entertaining. ... i also go by "joey the lip". joe:)
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Could we add a new message board labeled "personal attacks" ? I think it would be the most viewed board at Benchrest Central! It would certainly be entertaining. For Lynn - i also go by "joey the lip". joe:)
Joe ,
You took the words right out of my mouth, but then you went and bashed Lynn all in the same breath. No one is innocent , self included. Rather then having a bashing board maybe Wilbur could instruct the moderator's to completely delete any post that had any negative comments or personal attacks aimed at any person. If things continue the way they are going the rimfire sport will gradually go down instead of being built up. Just MHO . -CS
It does seem we could be a bit more civil here at BC. I happen to think personnel attacks take away from what we're about. Guns in general have a super history thruout time. In the wrong hands guns can be very harmful to man and animals. I feel guns just deserve a little more reverence than what we are given them.

A bit of light hearted jabbin is kinda fun sometimes -makes me feel human. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

I think a better way is tell someone after you have tried their 4.7 oz tuner it didn't produce the desired results you were looking for and ask if you were doing something wrong. Questions and answers like this would advance rimfire.

We're all Humans some just see things differently - no harm no foul. In the end it is up to each individual to sort fact from fiction- that's what life is about.
I believe there are very few people who contribute here who would phrase things in conversation the way they sometimes do here. AND some things said, in print , look a lot worse than they are meant. It is easy to be Tongue in Cheek in person but often not so easy to write it. It is even a lot more tolerable to argue points in person and to be relatively fervent about them and have it to be concidered civil. WINTER seems to bring the cranky out in us. It's the lack of vitimin D that makes us that way so 400mg of vitimin D will make everyone feel a lot better and become mort kind in their intercourse with others.
There are misspellings in all of the posts above, plus Pete is recommending vitamin therapy for intercourse.
well, i'll tell you this. i started hanging around on i know, i know, it's where bill c. hangs out. but aside from that i just don't see much if any "bashing" going on. then all of a sudden a post pops up and wouldn't you know, its martin, and wouldn't you know he's bashing bill c. now maybe it was tongue in cheek and maybe it waesn't. i have no gripe with martin or bill c. all i'm saying is that i got tired of all the "stupid" stuff going on here. this forum has turned into a circus of clowns and anybody who cares about this forum would agree. thats why i started spending my time on the other forum. the moderator has let this forum get completly out of hand. maybe he has his reasons. not wanting to step on someones toes etc. or maybe, just maybe, most people think it all in good fun. if thats the case more power to them. but in my opinion it has taken away the true purpose of what it was meant to be. it's supposed to be people helping people in the pursuit of benchrest accuracy and other things related to rimfire. it has become anything but that.
well, i'll tell you this. i started hanging around on i know, i know, it's where bill c. hangs out. but aside from that i just don't see much if any "bashing" going on. then all of a sudden a post pops up and wouldn't you know, its martin, and wouldn't you know he's bashing bill c. now maybe it was tongue in cheek and maybe it waesn't. i have no gripe with martin or bill c. all i'm saying is that i got tired of all the "stupid" stuff going on here. this forum has turned into a circus of clowns and anybody who cares about this forum would agree. thats why i started spending my time on the other forum. the moderator has let this forum get completly out of hand. maybe he has his reasons. not wanting to step on someones toes etc. or maybe, just maybe, most people think it all in good fun. if thats the case more power to them. but in my opinion it has taken away the true purpose of what it was meant to be. it's supposed to be people helping people in the pursuit of benchrest accuracy and other things related to rimfire. it has become anything but that.


Albert Einstien was a rotten speller of the English language. With todays technology and by using spell check misspelling is an easy thing to conquer ........... but to me there are a lot of people that cannot spell and have interesting things to say.

For me i could care less how people spell -i'm more interesting in what they have to say than the spelling of the words that portray their ideas. I don't want anyone not to post because their spelling sucks - i'll figure it out!

Me for one -misspell words all the time... sometimes i hit spell check if the spelling is just too bad, lol... i do leave a lot of misspelled words because i know it p isses off the elite! When Einstien spells his words correctly i will work on mine, lol. There is no proof that a perfect speller is a superior thinker... joe
... There is no proof that a perfect speller is a superior thinker... joe

Agreed. However, a person who is careful with the mechanics of what they say, i.e. spelling, grammar, is more likely to say something worth reading :)
Not so...about half my college profs wrote fire starting material.
Not so...about half my college profs wrote fire starting material.

LOL, mine too, and why I said 'more likely', which implies no guarantee.

That said, I agree with the intent of jGEE's post - we should focus on the content and leave the banter out.

threads like this should not even be needed. i would venture to quess that 99% of the members of this forum are WELL over the age of eighteen, you'd think everyone could just GROW UP!
Like I said before... I read this forum for entertainment and I read Rimfire Accuracy for good information..

Dave Smith
I call it Seductive Pride, it keeps pulling you in deeper and deeper. It's like an addiction. I speak from past experiences being an addict for 15 years now clean for 16 yrs. You don't realize the harm that words cause.
What is a Super Moderator to do. You have people who cannot spell and people who don't know how to capitalize and some that just seem to stir up the pot.

The thread and it's subject is standing with one toe across the line but it is doing little harm. I cannot express how I really dislike the snide personal attacks and they are happening on other forums as well.

Let me suggest this to you, If you see something that someone writes that is trying to pull someone's chain just let it go. Just consider the sorse and let it go.

Concho Bill
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I guess that I have to ask, what it the purpose of designating a Moderator if they do not moderate the site? No disrespect intended but if the designated leader doesn't lead, then there is chaos.

More than one good forum has been ruined because individuals were allowed to personally attack people and the moderator left it unchecked. Some posters are just mean spirited people, some just try to build themselves up by tearing others down. Either way, the forum suffers and people begin to drop off and not come back.

Once the forum gets the rep. of being nothing but a home for bashing and no real information is being exchanged, it dies.

I would encourage you to do some moderating. If you feel (dislike) the snide personal attacks, then delete them and they will stop. A friendly exchange is one thing, nasty attacks are another.

There is no dog of mine in this fight, I have just witnessed other forums that didn't police the threads have their readership dry up. This forum overall is a decent one and it would be ashame to have good contributors avoid it.

I'am just saying.


I guess that I have to ask, what it the purpose of designating a Moderator if they do not moderate the site? No disrespect intended but if the designated leader doesn't lead, then there is chaos.

More than one good forum has been ruined because individuals were allowed to personally attack people and the moderator left it unchecked. Some posters are just mean spirited people, some just try to build themselves up by tearing others down. Either way, the forum suffers and people begin to drop off and not come back.

Once the forum gets the rep. of being nothing but a home for bashing and no real information is being exchanged, it dies.

I would encourage you to do some moderating. If you feel (dislike) the snide personal attacks, then delete them and they will stop. A friendly exchange is one thing, nasty attacks are another.

There is no dog of mine in this fight, I have just witnessed other forums that didn't police the threads have their readership dry up. This forum overall is a decent one and it would be ashame to have good contributors avoid it.

I'am just saying.


AMEN Brother !!! Preach on . -CS
Agreed. However, a person who is careful with the mechanics of what they say, i.e. spelling, grammar, is more likely to say something worth reading :)

I have attempted a couple of times to download the spell check for this site. As I recall, it is a convoluted process and I think I recall may need to be paid for so I have given up each time I have tried.

I can usually see mis-spelled words in things others write but have not, in about 60 years or so, master spelling. I just don't have the right memory functions to do it. I appologise to those who it offends.

I guess that I have to ask, what it the purpose of designating a Moderator if they do not moderate the site? No disrespect intended but if the designated leader doesn't lead, then there is chaos.

I would encourage you to do some moderating. If you feel (dislike) the snide personal attacks, then delete them and they will stop. A friendly exchange is one thing, nasty attacks are another.

This forum overall is a decent one and it would be ashame to have good contributors avoid it.


Bob, you have hit the nail on the head. There was a lot of spam being posted on this forum and we have kept it off. That part is easy.

I have always thought of myself as a fair guy whose judgement is solid. I continue to moderate in my spare time because I like all the guys on this forum and I think it is worthwhile. Some of the things that I delete are where people replied in haste and probably would like to state themselves differently.

I have deleted probably more of the personal attacks than anyone else and I have paid a price for it. I had one man who I respect tell me that that I was not his friend anymore because of something that I said in correcting someone that was his friend. He also told me that I had personally ruined That hurt!

I have had people question why I removed their thread when I let some other thread pass. Many of these threads start out one way and then change as they move along.

If I had my way, I believe that I would just ban a few people who over and over cause trouble. This forum might not be as interesting but it would be more peaceful.

I could still have a full life and be a happy person without being a Super Moderator on this forum. I wouldn't miss the pay.:)

Please let me know what you think. If you have anything that you would like to say to me that is more personal, I read and reply to my PMs and I would like to hear from you.

Concho Bill