
Bring it on Mel. I've got a pocket full. There is something writen on them. It's a little hard to read, but I think it says Mel. Make sure Ken has a lot.
Pepper ,Will be nice to go home with some of yours.I'll take the ones with my name on them you don't a pocket full.
I just got some bad news as far as shooting goes. My daughter is coming in for a visit on the 23. She lives in Aspen. I hate to miss that shoot,but you can understand. I was really looking forward to that shoot.
Jim ,Sorry to hear that Half the fun is being there shooting with guys like you. Just send 9 quarters.
Jim ,Sorry to hear that Half the fun is being there shooting with guys like you. Just send 9 quarters.

Pepper save those quarters me and you might have to have a one on one shootout that weekend
I'll tell you what Tuna, you ain't getting no cherry. Mel got me good sometime back. I will look forward to some of your quarters. How about at Palmeto?
Mel, I always look forward to seeing old friends. That is what shooting is all about.
I'll tell you what Tuna, you ain't getting no cherry. Mel got me good sometime back. I will look forward to some of your quarters. How about at Palmeto?
Mel, I always look forward to seeing old friends. That is what shooting is all about.

Bring nice new ones Pepper , I think Mr Davis will be in on too.....Hope you can stand my cooking
How come I always hear about those great cookies, but I never get any?
Pepper, Don't worry I hear Gordon has found a supply of extra good burbon He might like better than cookies.
Pepper, Don't worry I hear Gordon has found a supply of extra good burbon He might like better than cookies.

See that Pepper your in, Gordon doesn't need cookies anymore...You can have all his......Hope you like pecans
I just looked at something on my machine in front of me. Ya'll better hope Gordon has all of your work out of the way before the delivery truck shows up on Friday. If I know my Bourbon, you boys might owe me for softening him up before Easthampton :)