Penny Hadfield WINS BOTH Holbrook's Unlimited Matches today!


New member
Hobrook Unlimited results. Set up the movable benches in the pouring rain Fri night. The forcast for Sat was rain all day. I moved them back a yard to keep the guns and shooters drier. The weather man lied!
The first match top three scores only.
Target 1 match 1
Paul Bendix 249 12X first
Penny Hadfield 248 19X second
Al Hadfield 247 15X third

Target 2 match 1
Al Hadfield 250 20X first
Penny Hadfield 249 19X second
Bob Hill 249 11X third

Target 3 Match 1

Paul Bendix 250 17X first
Al Hadfield 250 16X second
Penny Hadfield 250 15X third

Total Agg
Penny Hadfield 747 53X first
Al Hadfield 747 51X second
Paul Bendix 747 47X third

Target 1 Match 2

Penny Hadfield 249 16X first
Al Hadfield 248 15X second
Bob Hill 248 11X third

Target 2 match 2

Al Hadfield 249 16X first
Penny Hadfield 249 14X second
Michael Gallant 248 14X third

Target 3 match 2

Penny Hadfield 248 16X first
David Shattuck 248 13X second
Bob Hill 248 9X third

Total Agg.

Penny Hadfield 746 46X first
Bob Hill 744 30X second
Al Hadfield 743 45X third

Thanks Penny and David for doing all the scoring.
Bob and Ray for setup and take down of target frames.
Michael for having every thing run smooth on the line.
Al for teaching everyone how to shoot back to back 250's

See you in two weeks at Michael's Easthampton match.

Nah it's was Gordons cookies I think

Great shooting Penny .......
Way to go Penny. You are like the Energizer Bunny. You just keep going and going.
hop, hop, hop....

Thanks gotta luck out once in a while...especially when hubby's my best competition!

That's me Jim...I'm rather hyper-active and I just keep moving...ask Al. One of these days maybe I'll slow down, but not too soon I hope! Penny :)
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Paul - Thanks for running the match and for lunch. Al kept poking me in the side to make me call the time.

Congrats again to Penny!


Had a great time even though my scores may have shown otherwise. Sometimes you just need a little reminder of how complacent you may have become and to get you back on track. At least I hope not to repeat Saturday's follies too many times.

Congratulations Paul, Al and Penny, and looking forward to seeing everybody again in two weeks at Easthampton.

Well Penny glad you liked the cookies.......Well deserved and Jim Pepper is headed this way for a match this week and everyday I hear don't forget the cookies.....I told him he's getting a box and their not fattening like Ginger Snaps


Great time as always! Congrats on the 250 and the 747 47x Agg. Lunch hit the spot ...Thanks for setting up the Match and the quick posting of the results. See you in Easthampton!

Bob Hill
Savanna sweets ammo box???

Well Penny glad you liked the cookies.......Well deserved and Jim Pepper is headed this way for a match this week and everyday I hear don't forget the cookies.....I told him he's getting a box and their not fattening like Ginger Snaps


Jim, I think your right about Penny's shooting so well. In her range box was a SAVANNA SWEETS box! Not sure if it had a super lot of Eley or Cookies in it ?


Will find out next week at Easthampton!


What Paul didn't show in his picture was Al standing off to the side with a shotgun pointed at him...a silent threat if he dared touch that box! :mad:

SOOOOOO Good, Jim! :eek: I will have to try to make some of those...but they won't be the same! :( Thanks again...Penny

You'll just have to come the the Great Relish Shootout at Easthampton in 2012. :D

Great shooting at the Nationals! Congratulations again.
