Paypal Anti-gun?


Gary O

I got this blurb from Guns America this morning. What say you? What are our other options? Thanks...

"Paypal is not an option. Please do not attempt to use it to pay for or to get paid for GunsAmerica sales. Paypal is violently anti-gun and has suspended and frozen thousands of legitimate gun seller accounts over the years. If Paypal catches you taking or making a payment for a gun, your account will be shut off immediately and both parties’ accounts will be frozen for at least 60 days. Any money in those accounts will be unavailable for that time, and sometimes you have to jump through several hoops to get your money out at all."
It's rather old news... PayPal has been doing that for years... they also charge about 4% to the seller to collect the money.
i find it amazing that people do not know that paypal and ebay are antigun. ebay owns paypal. read the user gun related sales.
the only thing i find more amazing is the number of companies/individuals that see nothing wrong with SUPPORTING THESE ANTI GUN COMPANIES by using thier services.
its like donating money to the opposition.
( don't climb up on your soap box and claim its just a legal are probably 8-10 online sites that auction guns with no issues..they are antigun, plain and simple)
mike in co
Not defending PayPal

The real problem that affects PayPal and they are based in California and must adhere to their state laws in all transactions therefore all gun related transactions are "taboo"...this was explained to me by Ebay back when they stopped allowing anything that is related to firing a weapon other than "air" rifles, being sold thru their website...remember it is the "left coast"...

Eddie in Texas
You CAN use Paypal to pay for gun stuff but if the seller ever screws you then you have NO recourse. After losing $500 to $600 on several transactions [ about 1/2 of which were gun related ] I had to give up Ebay and Paypal after 900 + transactions.
that is bs.
they are an auction forum, unlike a true auction house..they never take possesion of the goods/never handle the funds..., so no california rules do not apply. it is a sale between two people in whatever states and in compliance to those state/fed rules.
more bs to cover thier antigun position.
mike in co
The real problem that affects PayPal and they are based in California and must adhere to their state laws in all transactions therefore all gun related transactions are "taboo"...this was explained to me by Ebay back when they stopped allowing anything that is related to firing a weapon other than "air" rifles, being sold thru their website...remember it is the "left coast"...

Eddie in Texas
I have always said if you don't like a business don't deal with them. If you don't like the service they offer, don't use it.

Everyone is free to start their own business and run it the way they see fit.
that is bs.
they are an auction forum, unlike a true auction house..they never take possesion of the goods/never handle the funds..., so no california rules do not apply. it is a sale between two people in whatever states and in compliance to those state/fed rules.
more bs to cover thier antigun position.
mike in co

Well...I fail to see where you can be so firm on you statement unless you are a corporate law attorney..
I know that is what I was told by them...your reasoning would allow any company "just transfering money between two parties" to be under no laws...that would allow for money to transfer for illegal or legal purposes with no oversight...I recommend that you contact them at their corporate headquarters and ask for someone in their legal department to explain it to you...but if you just prefer you can jump to conclusions with what little legal expertise you don't matter to me one way or the other...

Eddie in Texas
they have been show to funnel funds into the hands of the anti gun movement, and that is reason enough to never use them. it has nothing to do with their online policies.... personally i think any gun owner that uses paypal or ebay should just turn in their guns because they are supporting the cause of those who would take our guns.
I stopped using them after the No gun issue.
But, It really got interesting when they let someone steal my credit card numbers...
plain and simple facts PERIOD
you go read the law, i have.
ebay refuses to allow gun auctions...and there is no legal basis for it. just an antigun company.
paypal refuses to transfer funds for gun related transactions...thier choice, no legal issue...just another anti gun company
it seems pretty silly to ask an antigun company why they do or dont do something and then ACCEPT THIER ANSWER as fact....i have a brIdge in new york i can sell you ??
they have never admitted to being anti gun publically...but those that have done the research antigun as they get.

mike in co.....nearly fourty years spent in claifornia....

Well...I fail to see where you can be so firm on you statement unless you are a corporate law attorney..
I know that is what I was told by them...your reasoning would allow any company "just transfering money between two parties" to be under no laws...that would allow for money to transfer for illegal or legal purposes with no oversight...I recommend that you contact them at their corporate headquarters and ask for someone in their legal department to explain it to you...but if you just prefer you can jump to conclusions with what little legal expertise you don't matter to me one way or the other...

Eddie in Texas
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yep, PayPal will freeze your money, but it's for 180 days, and they cancel your account, it was a real pain in the AZZ,,,,,,,, BUT have no fear I signed up for GunPal and all was good for 4-6 months,,,,,,,, then payment got slow on the next deal,,,,,,, then,,,, I sold a $500.00 Rifle in sept 2010,,,,,,, and I still don't have my money, (yep gun was shipped when I got "cleared payment"), so now, it's USPS Money Order or Certified Check,,,,,,,,,,,,,PayPal & Gunpal screwed me,,,,,,,,,, but I did get my $ from PayPal after a little more than 6 months,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,but paypal & gunpal's sure not a gun mans friend,,,,,,,,,,,,

ask yourself a couple of questions....
why would a giant company put its corporate offices in california with no tax incentives instead of a place like delaware...which has great tax law/incentives ?
why would a low tech company locate in the san francisco bay area where labor cost and cost of living is very high, instead of the burbs of tulsa or texas somewhere where livng cost and labor costs are low ??

they are in the middle of bleeding heart liberal bay area...because that is what they believe..........dumb business decisions, but they have put thier money where thier beliefs are.

mike in co
for a search on castboolits...they had contact info for legal actions
plain and simple facts PERIOD
you go read the law, i have.
ebay refuses to allow gun auctions...and there is no legal basis for it. just an antigun company.
paypal refuses to transfer funds for gun related transactions...thier choice, no legal issue...just another anti gun company
it seems pretty silly to ask an antigun company why they do or dont do something and then ACCEPT THIER ANSWER as fact....i have a brIdge in new york i can sell you ??
they have never admitted to being anti gun publically...but those that have done the research antigun as they get.

mike in co.....nearly fourty years spent in claifornia....

Thanks Mike
Paypal has been anti-gun for a long time. Best to use anyone else for payment, but options are few & far between..
us postal money orders make it a federal crime if the seller does not deliver.
i take certified funds and usps mo only.
if a gun is paid for with fraudulent is gun thieft, also a federal crime.

occassionally a check from those i know
Paypal has been anti-gun for a long time. Best to use anyone else for payment, but options are few & far between..