Patient Zero at Benchrest Central

Al said another mouthfull!

I can't even imagine thinking like you.....why on earth would you not get tested? You get tested TO FIND OUT IF YOU'VE GOT IT. Or have had it.....

#1 it would/will give us some real numbers.... any rational human can see that right now we have only guesses, and poor ones at that. In simple fact, we need to test everyone to get any useful numbers.

#2 it allows one to live, if you test as having had it, go back to work and relax. (i realize, this makes no sense to you)


Al, today you are spot on. Some days you are not but I like you anyway. You are one of the people I would like to know.

Concho Bill
See my comments in bold below.

As for the two of us thinking alike, I find that hard to imagine also. :)

the salient part of my quote you left out ......"I realize this makes no sense to you"

I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you

I'll give two small examples of how I think, the true depth of my depravity (no need to reply)

#1- I grew up in an era where we dealt differently with virii like this.... an era which I fear is now GONE..... And I miss it.

You musta' missed it too...

Example Number One;

EVERY YEAR da' chickenpox, she come 'roun....... an EVERY YEAR de' mothers be call 'roun "hey, who got's de pox?? OK, we comin' over!! Lat de kids wrassle...."

"Let's get this over with so's we can go back to livin'....."

Because once you've HAD IT, you're clear... that's old fashioned vaccination.... and it WORKS. (my parents were also fond of the phrase "Kill or Cure" :) as am I )

But anyways, for the 2-5yrs it takes to develop a vaccine, it's old-fashioned med'cine.

The CDC KNOWS THIS! But their verbiage is specifically and pointedly "well, viruses 'can mutate' (this is specific double-speak) and while we BELIEVE once you've been infected (symptomatic or not) you're clear, we can't KNOW.....yet.... "better safe than sorry""

It's double-speak that works because we're spoiled 1st World children.

Ya' know what hunter CHICKENPOX KILLS PEOPLE TOO! In your worldview my mother was a foul human, a depraved lunatic....

As I'm

to you

A'Zample number TWO;

I've ALSO spent 40yrs of my life cohabiting with primitive animals known as college kids, highschoolers, co-eds, students...... children of our species euphemistically referred to as "young adults"

I was there for the release of 'Animal House'..."Revenge of The Nerds' ..... '40 Yr-Old Virgin'..... potent mirrors of where we were as a society. And it made me nauseous to see the folks around me laughing.

Still does.

And I was THERE for the parties. I was there for my friends.... I was "Perfect Al"..... always the designated driver.

And always the guy everyone went to when they finally realized 'uhhhh, I think I effed up"

I can't count the times I've heard "uhhhh, that was pretty crazy last weekend hey"...... "and I just heard (he/her) probably has (X/Y/Z)" ..... "and uhhh" ......

"I wonder if I should go get tested??"


It makes me physically ill to see God's chillun' glorifying uncivilized behaviour.

I was raised in a home where things like 'principle' and 'honor' and 'adult' meant something. My kids were raised the same, all 8 of them. And to this day when folks ask me "what do you believe???" I say, "I believe you should get to know my kids."

And to this day our home is where all the real nerds hang out, HERDS of them.

And to this day I completely understand that


rant off



I forgot to make my point on that example number two..... the point is, "If we're going to shut down the whole entire world over this thing then WE ABSOLUTELY MUST ALL GET TESTED!!!"

We MUST quantify it.

To take an adult approach.

But it'll never happen....

And yes, it's our own fault.
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...................I guess it’s only good that day.

I can't even get my mind into that frame of reference, you REALLY don't get it

I can't GET tested silly..... that's a small part of the point











Because this would completely reset the narrative. It would save TRILLIONS of dollars....and they will never do it.

I've already explained HOW, and what you got from it was "guess it's only good for a day"


I don't think you have any idea what I mean by "completely reset the narrative". It's like having to explain the blonde joke. Hey, I LIKE blondes, (I like everybody) therefore I never get into that situation. I'm not trying to convince you of ANYTHING, I'm simply opining...... cuz I'm getting OLD...... old enough to realize that "HEY! They ain't no smart people out there taking care of us!!" Old enough to be disappointed that "Hey, I'm just as smart as all them old guys" Old enough to KNOW lot's of people in government.....the people making up the rules as they stumble blindly along badmouthing our Founding Fathers...

This isn't some kind of "conspiracy" it's simply what's going on, right in front of you. And it's BEEN going on all your life.

We EARNED this. America works, we reap what we sow

Read Imprimus (I absolutely KNOW you won't....... EVER)
As before, see my comments in bold below.

I can't GET tested (There have been almost 100K people in your state tested, why is it you can't get tested?) ....


[Nationwide testing of everyone] would completely reset the narrative. It would save TRILLIONS of dollars (And from where does that number come?) ....


Read Imprimus (I absolutely KNOW you won't....... EVER) (I do read Imprimus)
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This lady....

Regarding her and your lower back issues...… the one diagnosed case that I'm aware of locally was a lady that developed kidney issues with her illness. She had to be brought out of a medically induced coma (from the virus) for the hospital to treat the kidney issues. She is recovering, but slowly. It's been over 2 weeks now.

I'm not a doctor nor do I know exactly what it was caused by ….. just what her husband told me. As you know kidney issues are something to not take lightly.

Very glad to read that you're on the mend and hope you both have a speedy and complete recovery. WD

The lady that I spoke of in the post above passed away abruptly Wednesday afternoon from complications arising from her bout with CV19. 53 years old, healthy and active prior to contracting CV. Damn shame. She was a really nice lady too. WD
Zebra13 - How are you and your wife doing?


My apologies for not replying sooner, but I haven't been around BR Central too much of late. Been busy around the new pad, bass fishing, etc.

The wife and I are fine. She was down for about a day and a half, with very similar symptomology to me. On day three, she was back to running and working out (she's A LOT tougher than I am...ask John S). I felt better after two days, but still felt wore out, so I took it easy for a week or so. I had that nagging, dry cough for a while as well, but finally seems to have gone away. And now I too am back to running and working out.

So...all good here on the western front. Thank you all for the well wishes.
