Our laundry showing up on google/internet

Charles E

I don't know how it happens (Wilbur?), but even when some of our threads get deleted by the original poster, or a moderator, they're showing up on the net. Safest thing is to not say anything you don't want to see plastered over the net.

While looking for something else, I found:



(above two different threads with same name, both now deleted on BR Central)





Hmm. If you Google search for the topic, there everything is.


Some deletions come too late, some seem in effect. Watch your punctuation & spelling!
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What were you searching for Charles? Searching for specific thread titles in Google is only going to reveal this site. This sport is dying because nobody is talking about it and promoting. All promotion, even bad, is still promotion.
What were you searching for Charles? Searching for specific thread titles in Google is only going to reveal this site. This sport is dying because nobody is talking about it and promoting. All promotion, even bad, is still promotion.

The reasons behind the sports demise are slightly more complex than a lack of talking about it. Believe me there is such a thing as bad promotion. Just ask BP.
Charles...just making a guess here....google will sometimes retain cached copies of pages.
You think it's gone, not always.
google it. there's a bunch of stuff out there.
There's been times I purposely went looking for the cached copy of something.
Sometimes you find it, sometimes you don't.
What were you searching for Charles? Searching for specific thread titles in Google is only going to reveal this site.
Some old friends from school showed up, unexpectedly, at work. It was fun, but since we hadn't been in touch for 40 years, I wondered how they found me. "Just Googled your name" they said. So I tried that to see what was there. That's how all this stuff showed up.

I guess those of you who don't use your real names on BR Central are OK. For the rest of us, be aware that apparently anyone searching your name may find your posts here, even if you later went back and deleted them.


Jeffrey Miller -- thanks. Your answer makes sense.
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The reasons behind the sports demise are slightly more complex than a lack of talking about it. Believe me there is such a thing as bad promotion. Just ask BP.

While I don't expect Maine to be used as an example of anything, both CF and Rf shooting numbers have been growing slightly here. We are large state area wise but relatively small in population with 1.4M or so. We have three venues that offer IBS Score shooting and one and perhaps a second offering IR 50/50.

That aside, In my opinion, there is a small number of folks who contribute here who have enjoyed some success at competing and who seem to think their opinion on things is the Last Word. This is where the arguements always seem to start. If anyone says anything after they comment, they are affronted and get a bit surly with their retorts. In my opinion, folks who have this kind of personality should re-assess how they approach things and perhaps not comment on these sort of things. The sport is not growing in the "Expert" ranks. It is growing from those who are getting started. If a lad doesn't mind the risk of ruining a barrel by trying to fit it to is own rifle, so be it. It's nobody'd business but theirs. Rather or not someone wants to disclose how to fit it properly is another matter but why cut the conversation off by insinuating the person is an idiot?

If folks want to swim against the tide, it their business and they should not be ridiculed for it. If a person wants to make a 100LB Unlimited rifle, why discourage it. It's nobody's business to do so. People are individuals and a number of them don't mind trying things that are against the grain. We would not have anything new and progress if there was only one way to do things.
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Charles, probably a good time to review the forth rule of internet forums. There will always be participants that seem to be self appointed ministers if misinformation,its a fact of nature. Regardless of how an answer gets presented, they don't really want an answer, usually take ANY answer as an insult vs their particular pre concieved notion, and invariably develop a public chip on their shoulder. This is , I suppose, a free speech issue, but when It's usually in the middle of a rookie posing a question to gain useful info, the missinformation ultimately becomes a disservice. I have been told and agree, it remains propably the single biggest reason those with much to share refuse to post.
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In my opinion, there is a small number of folks who contribute here who have enjoyed some success at competing and who seem to think their opinion on things is the Last Word. This is where the arguements always seem to start. If anyone says anything after they comment, they are affronted and get a bit surly with their retorts.

Ego's are funny things. Just as they are easily over inflated, they are just as easily bruised.I've found that those with such ego's often resort to sticking their heads up their own backside in order to get a view of the world that they find agreeable.

Good advice freely offered is what such fora as BRC are all about. You just have to be prepared to take the rough with the smooth. Long term it tends to even its self out. Its where minor disagreements and differences of opinion are blown out of proportion by over zealous moderation and heavy handed editing that those with the most to share decide to keep their own council.
Charles, probably a good time to review the forth rule of internet forums. There will always be participants that seem to be self appointed ministers if misinformation,its a fact of nature. Regardless of how an answer gets presented, they don't really want an answer, usually take ANY answer as an insult vs their particular pre concieved notion, and invariably develop a public chip on their shoulder. This is , I suppose, a free speech issue, but when It's usually in the middle of a rookie posing a question to gain useful info, the missinformation ultimately becomes a disservice. I have been told and agree, it remains propably the single biggest reason those with much to share refuse to post.
I've included the quote only so we don't get lost with intervening posts. This is an important topic. There is much to what you say; I can think of obvious counterexamples, but that's all they are. I want to think on this one a while before posting.

I don't even think a response is necessary. Human nature is what it is and I doubt not immediately changable. I think I've enjoyed some success in rf & cf because any time anything goes wrong my first question is " what did I do wrong"? Lots of folks can't tolerate the " look in the mirror first" approach.