OR ARA match results


Ben Bock Eugene, OR
Dennis DiFeo shot a 2400 today, a new record for OR, in our 2nd year of ARA. Conditions were of the twitchy, what-happened-there? variety.

Congratulations to Dennis.
Post all scores

Why not post all scores? Thanks Fred
Fred Leeds took second with an agg of 2105.000, and Wes King took 3rd with an agg of 2036.500. Fred, AKA "The Nevada Rookie", probably would have taken the match, if he'd felt like shooting all of his target bulls. Those "accidental zeros" can get expensive.

Thanks to all,
Congratulation Dennis with your 2400, Fred don't know quite what to say my friend, and hope it's not a ongoing thing. You did good even though.

Take Care,
No more Mr. nice Guy

Ok Guys I've spotted you all the points you get for the year. From now on I intend on shooting all 25 bulls.(unless I forget) The hard part of this game is not finding the right gun and ammo; but remembering what to do with them once you get them.
I had something else to say , but forgot what it was. Thanks Fred

I used the one I call Yellow Jacket 13lbs. made by Bill Myers. The gun didn't let me down rather, I let the Gun down. Have a great day Dan and let me know when you get a new shipment of ammo. Thanks Fred
Fred: action, barrel? I know March scope, and assume Jewell trigger. You were downrange when I was getting this from the other guys, and Iforgot to follow up with you on the gear.

Email m or post,



The action is a Turbo,Benchmark Barrel,Stock Myers,Jewell trigger,Kelbly's rings, March scope,and last but not least one altimers infected shooter. Thanks, Fred