OPPRESSIVE Freight Charges

What happened the the profit that was added to the cost of obtaining the product to sell? That's why I don't make purchases that add an extra charge for handling.
I wanted to buy some cardboard boxes the price was $24/100, was OK with me, the shipping was 12.99, NOT GOOD with me, I called the company's 800#, got next day delivery for 7.81, I was happy. Better then half the cost of the product is a ripoff (sp). The noisy wheel gets the grease. Trust me when I say this, that I know all about freight costs, I was an owner operator hauling steel in Detroit for 35 years, I know a ripoff when I see one.

Dan Honert
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This is what I think...

I think we've about beat this subject (and each other) to death. But, I'll add this and then quit.

Fred, if you went in to your local Wallyworld and bought a CD and asked the clerk to wrap it up and mail it to you, do you think they would charge anything extra? Businesses who do mail order have to either raise their prices or charge for handling. There wouldn't be much profit otherwise.


for most retailers it's make 30-50% on the sale and another 20% on the "shipping and handling". It's a royal f*****g so just realize it and don't support those online retailers who engage in royal f*****g the consumer. jmho --greg
As it turns out, the merchants seem to be the whiners, doesn't it? I was a traveling salesman for manufacturers for about 15 years of my life so I am quite familiar with merchant's profits; why I complained in the first place. IF some of you want to roll over for what Greg sez you are gettin, do it with my blessings. We have an oportunity to send a message to the retailers on this site which is why I sometimes do it. If there was more SOLADARITY; not a Right Winged Concept by the way, we might find the retailing community listening to us.
You get different rates because Joe Public is a royal pain in the butt and the commercial shippers conform to your shipping guidelines or they don't get the cheaper rate.On commercial accounts the vendor will already have a legible label on the package with a zip plus 4 address and they will be put in cages according to which state they are going to.The mailman doesn't pick anything up the shipper brings the packages to a bulk mailing facility and all is well.One click of a scanner and all 350 packages are scanned in because the shipper has given you a master label.

When Joe Public shows up they have two wheel cylinders put into a well worn out cereal box with a piece of masking tape they pulled off of the truck bumper and don't know the zip code.They are highly offended when youi ask them to put your tape on there package for free and then they get upset when the ceeal box breaks open and the wheel cylinders fall out requiring another person to put it all back together as best they can.If there best guess at a zip code is wrong and it always is then someone else has to look up the zip code for them.They are now pissed off because because the little blonde behind the counter obviously doesn't work fast enough because it took an honest 5 minutes to ship the package.
It is usually ten times worse than that because they have there untamed kids with them along with the dog but I don't want to paint an ugly picture of todays public.Notice I left out the cell phone calls and food.
That is why you get two prices.
Lynn aka Waterboy
Well folks, Bruno's has a new wrinkle on this subject: They take your order by phone or internet, and tell you S&H will be added when the order goes out. That way you don't B**** about the cost. I just ordered one Redding competition seater and a bag of 1,000 patches from them. When the package arrived, I found the invoice. They soaked me $11.03 S&H, then added their $3.00 service fee which they state is for cost of boxes, packaging,etc. That's $14.00 added to a $100 order. At least Sinclair's is up front in charging a flat $10.50 fee. This is clearly gouging. I will boycott Brunos next time. Same with Midway; they kick up S&H fees. Why should there be a handling charge? Are they making a profit on the product and shouldn't that cover the overhead?

If I order from Cabelas or Bass Pro Shop, the store price and the mail order price of each item is the same. But they add good ol S&H to the mail order. Don't they have employee expenses and overhead in the store? They do not add a handling fee to in store purchases - its an expense they include in their profit margin. AND. . . .when they file their tax return, is S&H shown as a profit item? Not likely.
""The great rip off is the hazmat fee on our goodies, doesn't go anywhere except in the carriers pocket.""

Quote from #1 I think_

Has there ever been a fire dae to powder and a insurance claim?? How many million $$$ /year in hazmat money fees. Ebay sellers gouge on S & H also.
Hey these are expensive union guys driving these trucks. The $20 Hazmat fee is to flip down the triangular shaped sign on the truck that says "Hazardoud materal on board"

$13 to ship a 2-3lb package from California to Maine doesn't seem all that expensive to me. And my guess is, you probably don't live in the middle of the biggest town in the state. I ship small packages nearly ever day all over the south as well as almost all parts of the US from time to time. Most of my packages weigh from 4-6 lbs. If I ship a package that size to the west coast (from TN) it's usually cheaper to use FedEx than the USPS.

Think about it fellas. Like I tell my customers, you can't drive across town for what I can ship it to you for. At the price of gasoline and vehicle upkeep, postage and shipping is a helluvadeal.


I also think so.

Watch Eclipse Online For Free
Try living in Canada

Two times lately I have paid OPPRESSIVE Freight Charges on items ordered in the U.S.
In both cases the charges were NOT listed or sent when I emailed my order.

Lyman hard cover reloading manual $ 40 US
Shipping to Canada $ 25 US
actual cost $ 65 US

Vo inspection scope $ 240 US
shipping $ 25 US

A brown truck showed up with my box $ 52 US
- aditional charge :eek:
actual cost $317 US

i hate greed, and what some companies charge for shipping is rediculous. midway usa is horrible about what they charge for shipping, so i almost never use them anymore. recently tried to order a T SHIRT from mathews solocam (archery), and they wanted $8.50 to ship a T SHIRT, i let them know in no uncertain terms that if thats how they do business, i'll never buy another $850 bow from them! F 'em all, crooks like this need to learn a lesson.
:I just got $88 worth of merchandise from MidwestUSA -- shipping was $12. I think that is too high. All the savings are gone-- I could probably just drive up to Gander Mountain and pay more-- and come out the same place.

BTW, one guy wrote above -- just hold back and wait until you have a larger order.

I think the shipping is figured as a "ladder" based on how much you spend. It is not weight -- it is based on the total cost of your order.

So holding back until you have a larger order does you no good at all on the shipping.

Midsouth is no better. I got stung by them for high shipping just a month or two back.

Any suggestions as to some other distributor to try?
It costs what .42-.46 cents to mail a letter that weighs 1 1/2 oz. multiply that times the TOTAL weight of a package you want shipped.
When you think about it, it is amazing that a person can find an item online from several places and have it shipped to their house thousands of miles away for a reasonable fee. This was not even possible just a few years ago. And to make it better, often no sales tax is charged.

Concho Bill
i absolutely have to disagree with the above. heck one of the companies we are complaining about made it big by having good prices, and FREE shipping, and they did this for many years before they got greedy. now midway usa has so-so prices and rip off shipping.
It amazes me that there are this many cry babies on this site :rolleyes:

It is what it is. Gas is about $2.60 a gallon. Takes me at least 4 gallons for a round trip to the range plus wear and tear, say $15.00. Enough bullets to shoot a match is about $35. Takes 1/2 lb of powder, $12.50. 100 primers, $5.00. I live for the opportunity to expend all this stuff. A couple of bucks per item or less to ship the necessities for doing what I love is not even worth considering.

I love competing, you guys love crying. At least you should do it in private. Man up. :rolleyes:
It amazes me that there are this many cry babies on this site :rolleyes:

I love competing, you guys love crying. At least you should do it in private. Man up. :rolleyes:

Ray, As of the time of this writing there are 2250 people who have looked at this thread and about a dozen who have posted. Of those dozen or so about 1/2 have been complaining and about the same amount have agreed with you and me that the freight cost is affordable.

If the cost of an item including freight is more that you feel you should pay then don't buy it. Simple enough!

One other thing: You can buy a T-Shirt for 50 cents at a garage sale.

Concho Bill
Or Had the T shirt shipped with the Bow ,I mean Really it's a Mathewes what's 10 bucks against 1200-1400 $ Bow(fully setup).
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