Open Grove Results 3-9-14

What a beautiful day, got to 84 in the shade, along with the Santa Anna winds. We had 12 shooters this morning. It was a pleasure meeting new shooter to BR Chip Smith. Chip's rifle is cool looking and he shot it very well in the Open Class finishing second behind Linzie. It was nice to have Matt and Abdul make the long trip down.

Results for LV:

1) Vipha M. 243-6x, 241-4x, 240-5x, == 724-15x

2) Matt L. 230, 242-4x, 244-4x, == 716-8x

3) Doug M. 232-3x, 221-3x, 234-2x, == 687-8x

4) *Abdul L. 183, 167, 199-2x, == 549-2x (Junior)

Results for HV:

1) Doug M. 243-7x, 247-10x, 248-10x, == 738-27x

2) Vipha M. 249-11x, 241-6x, 246-10x, == 736-28x

3) Matt L. 248-5x, 241-5x, 242-9x, == 731-19x

4) Bill T. 226-1x, 246-6x, 239-6x, == 711-13x

5) Linzie B. 236-6x, 225-3x, 246-10x == 707-19x

6) Tim Mc. 215-1x, 221-3x, 231-7x, == 667-11x

7) Jeffery L. 219, 215-2x, 223-1x, == 657-3x

Results For Open:

1) Linzie B. 245-8x, 242-8x, 247-11x, == 734-27x

2) Chip S. 245-11x, 246-5x, 241- 4x, == 732-20x

3) Christopher T. 228-3x, 241-8x, 236-12x, == 705-23x

4) Michele H. 225, 225-2x, 218-5x, == 668-7x

5) Tom A. 219-1x, 233-1x, DNS == 452-2x Toms Mom had a heart attack so he had to leave.

Big Thanks to all of you for your support, and thank you Tim for running the matches. Nice shooting by all of you, it was good to see that those winds didn't seem to bother most of you.

Next Match will be April 13th.

Congratulations to all of the shooters.

A strong 249 by Vipha and a special acknowledgement to our new rookie, Chip Smith, with a great finish in Open class.
open grove

I had a great time. Such a wonderfull place to shoot and a great group of people. I hope to make it up there many more times. There are some very good shooters that helped me out and I want to thank them. Again, that is a great bunch of people. And Joe is an awesome host. I hear he is even a better shot!

Chip Smith
I had a great time. Such a wonderfull place to shoot and a great group of people. I hope to make it up there many more times. There are some very good shooters that helped me out and I want to thank them. Again, that is a great bunch of people. And Joe is an awesome host. I hear he is even a better shot!

Chip Smith

Chip, looks like your new action is a shooter!! What barrel did you use? Congrats on doing so well at your first shoot!

Hope to see most of you at the Nationals. Great shooting everyone!!!

Paul Bendix
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Good shooting to all, especially Vipha, Doug and Lindzie.

And congratulations to Chip for his fine showing, and I can't wait to see your new action once one works its way east.

Dave Shattuck
I think Doug and Vipha need to get "Team Miller" shirts made up. Between Linzie, Doug and Tim giving me pointers and help it really made the shoot such a great outing for a first time. There are not many competition events where you see people give info and share equipment and pellets to help every one. What a great group of people with outstanding shooting skills.

And the best part is, no matter where you go, or how tight the competition, you'll find the same.

At the Worlds in 2011 I remember an instance where another country's team had a gun go down, I think it was team Australia, and as soon as Dan Brown heard about it he was on the case offering to both lend them his equipment and to fix theirs. Plus, all weekend long we were all sharing our air supplies and whatever else was needed with whomever needed it.

You got that right about shooting with a great group of people!!! Plus, even though I have never met him, from all my years of shooting with Joe in ARA, by reputation I know for a fact that you will never, and I mean never, meet a nice, more generous person on the face of God's Green Earth. Their may be a few that equal his generosity, but none that will ever surpass it.

Dave Shattuck


Are your members competing in the Score Line Postal matches on the USABR site? I did not see the scores last visit.


No, not at this time possibly after the Nats. Some here are getting ready for the Nats, their trying a lot of different things. I only see 4 names on that Postal List.
