Oklahoma State 3 & 4 Gun Leg#1 Results


New member
Decent turnout over the weekend, had 12 shooters Saturday, an 10 on Sunday. On Saturday we shot the sporter an Light-varmint portion at 100 yards. Joe Hargadine was 1st with a 0.3208, Jim Shipley was 2nd with 0.3418, and Richard Brensing came in 3rd with a 0.3430. In the Light-Varmint section: Rex Reneau was 1st with a 0.2504 agg. Dennis Wagner was 2nd with a 0.2556, and Kurtis Brown rounded out the top 5 with a 0.2632. On Sunday we started the 200yd portion of LV, an Jim Shipley came in 1st with a 0.3986, Richard Brensing was 2nd, and Dennis Martin rounded out the top 3. Finally the sporter 200yd top 3 were Jim Shipley came in 1st with a 0.3986 agg , Richard Brensing was 2nd with a 0.4596 agg , and Dennis Martin 3rd with a 0.5103. The 2 gun champion was Rex Reneau.

A word to all about the 2nd leg of the OK State 3 & 4 gun that was originally scheduled for May 1 & 2 has now been rescheduled for possibly October 9th & 10th.
though I am still waiting on confirmation from our regional director. I will update this thread once confirmed.

As you are aware, your May 1/2 match conflicts with the Gulf Coast Region's Bluebonnet match in New Braunfels. If your May 1/2 match gets rescheduled to October, I can just about guarantee 1/2 dozen shooters from DFW will attend. Good luck.

As you are aware, your May 1/2 match conflicts with the Gulf Coast Region's Bluebonnet match in New Braunfels. If your May 1/2 match gets rescheduled to October, I can just about guarantee 1/2 dozen shooters from DFW will attend. Good luck.


Yeah, I was made aware of that by another GC shooter a few months back when the schedule was made public. As stated though, I'm just waiting on our Regional Director to confirm the October dates in question. I'll keep everyone posted as the dates grow closer, or the situation changes.

Rescheduled? That would have been nice to know before making plans and hotel reservations for the second half of a state four gun match thats been in the magazine for a couple of months. I gave up the Buffalo match to shoot Luther so I could shoot the railgun match in May. October is out for me. And unless Rex pulls out a rail you can go ahead and send Richard the four gun trophy because of the people eligeble to win I think we are the only three that have a rail. I would have gone to Midland if I would have known this. By the way Rex won the sporter 200, I was second, and Richard was third.
Sorry for the confusion Dennis. Yeah, the reason for the reschedule was because the Target Crew I had originally hired in November of 2020 backed out an left me hanging with no warning. After confirming they would help right up until hearing no word from them the last week/day of the match. An to scrape up a crew in a 2 weeks period is virtually impossible. So hopefully with 6 months until the last, maybe getting a dependable one will be easier. Also, the dates I mentioned October 9 - 10, 2021 have just been confirmed. So, those interested, make sure you mark your calendars

See you all then...

I came to Luther for two reasons. The first is attendance was down at Luther so I went to help out. The second was for the Oklahoma state 4 gun. Don’t blame it on a target crew. I would run targets if that’s all it is. I’ve done it before. I know you’re trying but some of us plan our matches on what we can make. I should have just gone to Midland and I will from now on.