Friend Gene Beggs
Friend Gene:
I just read your thread here......
I've never met you, but in the dealings we've had, and differences, I want you to know that I think you are a true "Gentleman".......
A public forum like this is not the place to discuss issues.....that's a shame matter how serious the discussion starts, well, it's a public forum...
Now, welcome to Rimfire Benchrest my friend....
Now my friend, for what it's worth:
95% of rimfire, lead bullet, accuracy can be obtained scienticifally, careful set-up, precision measurements, sound machining practices, etc....etc.
But Gene, the 2 or 3 percent of accuracy above that first, easy 95 percent, that produces world records and National Championships, is an "art"..
No amount of measuring, no precision machines, no bore scopes or air gages, no $100,000 lathes or mills, no mechanical devices of any kind, or the care with which they are used, will turn that first 95 percent of rimfire accuracy into a killer gun that will set world records or win National Championships......
World class rimfire guns are produced by artists....
Again my friend, welcome to Rimfire Benchrest...
Your friend, Bill Calfee