Ok probably another millionth question on Bag Sand


STBE Harris

Looking for a source for a heavy type sand to put in sand bags and front and rear rests. This will be for a group that shoots at our range
in informal matches. There will be kiddos shooting so we want to make sure we have some "sand" that is non-toxic as possible. I read there are many choices, however I found some heavy dark abrasive sand at our closest local giant box hardware store. It is supposed to be used for sand blasting. It is called Black Beauty made by Harsco. I went to their web site and the stuff sounds pretty environmentally safe and non-toxic. But then I read that it is coal slag. I thought coal slag was pretty bad news stuff. Then there is "reptile sand" the location I live in is a pretty small town and I don't find that sand at the local pet store. We make trips to the "big city" so we can eventually get it if it is a good option. Anyone know what lizard reptile-sand is made of? Of course there is washed playground sand but we would like to find something heavier. Any suggestions for something that is heavy and not too expensive? I know there is sand from Sinclair and other sources for serious competition but I would like to find something closer and cheaper. Thanks STBE
Play sand

I would recommend that you go to Home Depot and buy some "Play Sand" that is used for kids sand boxes and playground equipment. This product is inexpensive, comes in 25 lb. bags, and it has been washed clean.

Just received some new sand bag rests a few days ago and had same question. Original bags had the play sand as mentioned, and personally was not happy with it... holds shape too easy being more appropriate for building sand castles than bag filling.

Ended up buying reptile sand and mixing approximately 50/50 with Hart's parakeet sand/grit mix. The reptile sand is silca sand reminds me of sand on Florida's panhandle beaches (superfine/very white). The parakeet sand similar but has small pieces of gravel in it, with the purpose of the gravel (for me not the birds) to keep the sand from clumping.

This info came from an article linked to from this website as I recall... a fellow named Speedy Gonzalez. I'm not too sure if it would be legal for formal competitions due to the added gravel but I have no plans to shoot formally.

Works great, although I bit touchy to put into the bags... the gravel has a tendency to clog the funnel if poured in too quickly.
I would recommend that you go to Home Depot and buy some "Play Sand" that is used for kids sand boxes and playground equipment. This product is inexpensive, comes in 25 lb. bags, and it has been washed clean.


Yepper . . . .quick , easy , readily available.

Thanks for the reminder OP , I've got a couple more bags to fill and sew , just saw them a second ago in the shop , but didnt quite jog my memory. Off to the hardware store tomorrow

ETA: Belay that last . . .

at Wal-Mart in a box, and Speedy was the master mind !

That sounds even mo-better-er
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I know one shooter who uses Galena sand in his bags. This is a form of lead sulphide ore. I think he is treading a fine line between being legal and crossing the line as far as BR rules are concerned.
As far as the "legality" of what's in the bags, I don't think anybody is going to challenge unless you put something really heavy in there. You would have to be winning for somebody to request an "inspection" and whatever you have in the bag is not why you're winning...so why not just follow the rules.
One good place that you can find sand in various sizes and consistency is a fish aquarium supply store. This is where I go to buy my bag sand and you can generally buy it in the amount that you need.

Bob Blaine