OK, Chargemaster show of hands


oft dis'd member
just cleaned it up, A'gain........

HOW MANY OF YOU have started pouring the new powder in with the stupid little side-port drain open?



Stick a label on the front of the bugger:

Close the @%#* drain?

That's what I did with a similar issue.

On the inside of the lid of my cartridge box is a sign "SET YOUR PARALLAX YOU STUPID GIT!!!"
I keep a sticker on my front rest that says "PATIENCE". Obviously, I don't pay attention to it anymore. I'd probably just forget about the sticker on my Chargemaster too if it had one.--Mike
Nope, not me, never have done that, not more than twice...
Next question do you salvage the spilled powder or trash it. I trash it.
I'm set up on a clean tabletop. I mos' gener'ly save it.

The stuff on the floor gets SWEPT, not vacuumed, up. And thrown away.


just cleaned it up, A'gain........

HOW MANY OF YOU have started pouring the new powder in with the stupid little side-port drain open?




Doing that...is quite a bit dumber than screwing the bottle off of your powder measure without first turning it upside down... :)
I'm guilty of that and one even better, hitting dispense without the pan in place!!:eek: Duh!

Ok I am confused , if I hit my dispense button without powder pan in place my Chargemaster beeps but nothing more. Is something changed on newer units ?
As to the side drain I learned quickly to watch it drain and close it right away.

notice the sticker on my chargemaster. It only happened one time, but 1 time to many! LOL! I just gotten a pound of 4350 that i was looking for for a while and a buddy of mine found one at a gander mtn store and bought it for me. I was watching the game on the TV to my left while filling the chargemaster. i didnt notice the powder was running all over the bench until i happened to check my progress. Needless to say a few choice words were spoken. LOL!! Thats my one time story! Lee
Doing that...is quite a bit dumber than screwing the bottle off of your powder measure without first turning it upside down... :)

ohhhh, don't get me started!!

I've got both a Dillon and Mec shottygun units.......

Boy does this thread make me feel better, I thought that I was the only dummy that did that. I put a red label on the knob so that if I can see it is open.

big K
I think the worst part about it is that I know I've done it, make a mental note not to do it again, and sure as hell, did it a second time.