NYC gun owners shafted again??


xs hedspace

A post on another forum had a copy of a NYPD letter to a gun owner requiring him to turn in, modify, or prove his rifles are out of NYC. Why? They hold more than 5 ROUNDS!! They were all .22 rf, 2 bolt actions, and one was a biathlon trainer. Holy crap, I didn't think the gang bangers were using these for drive-bys! So this guy registered his guns, so he was law abiding, and the idiots in the city council are harassing him. Moral of this story could be DON"T REGISTER? This is outrageus and insane! :mad:
I'd say that the moral of the story is to leave the Peoples Republic of New York and any other place that institutes such asinine laws and regulations. I've got to admit that those biathlon rifles are very popular with the bad guys though. :rolleyes:
It's easy to say "move away" a lot harder to actually do!

and when obo gets done with his executive orders - good luck getting your guns into Mexico or Canada!
It's easy to say "move away" a lot harder to actually do!

and when obo gets done with his executive orders - good luck getting your guns into Mexico or Canada!

Getting guns into Mexico or Canada is easy, just join the BATFE.
NYC gun owners shafted again

Rodger they are talking New York City.
Home of the commies Like Blumeberg and Cuomo
I hear what you're saying

It's easy to say "move away" a lot harder to actually do!

and when obo gets done with his executive orders - good luck getting your guns into Mexico or Canada!

But millions of immigrants in the late 1800's and early 1900's did it to escape the oppressiveness of Europe and other regions, so it's certainly not beyond the realm. Greg
NYC gun owners shafted again

Your probably right about that new Mayor' People like that get voted in constantly.
What's good for New York city is supposed to be good for the rest of the State.
There's totally different Mind set down there.
New York city should be a separate District Like DC. They have little in common with people from the rest of the State.
They out vote us every election.
De blasio is a radical progressive who won by better then 50 percent. "Social and financial inequality" was his platform which, if you listen carefully is the narrative the Dems are stoking for 2014. It'll be a collaborative effort delivered by the mainstream media to divide and conquer the country in order to keep the senate and gain in the house. De blasios policies will reverse the financial and social gains his constituents experienced in the last 15 years.
Elections have consequences, just look at Detroit, 50 years of progressivism no wait, just look at how far our country has fallen since 2009 both domestically and abroad.
Sad state of affairs we're in:(
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NYC gun owners shafted again

Its true that not everyone who is registered to vote goes and votes on election day.
But bet there is a big turnout in New York City. The turn out drives are really aggressive.
Combine that with voter apathy in other parts of the state and you have a disaster.
A lot of us get the feeling that neither party truly represents us.
Its true that not everyone who is registered to vote goes and votes on election day.
But bet there is a big turnout in New York City. The turn out drives are really aggressive.
Combine that with voter apathy in other parts of the state and you have a disaster.
A lot of us get the feeling that neither party truly represents us.

Democrats have mastered the "get-out to vote" ground work especially in their heavily constituent concentrated areas. "community organizing" is a disguised method of creating mob mentality where by people follow just for the sake of following which is how Obama got elected the second time and probably the first.
Seems to me there are some clear cut choices available for NY gun owners that care.

1. Get involved in enough politics and getting the vote out to get what you want.
2. Pack up and move to another state that fits with you POV.
3. Complain about how bad things are in NY.

If there are other choices, feel free to point them out.

Seems to me there are some clear cut choices available for NY gun owners that care.

1. Get involved in enough politics and getting the vote out to get what you want.
2. Pack up and move to another state that fits with you POV.
3. Complain about how bad things are in NY.

If there are other choices, feel free to point them out.


Your response is a bit too simple,!! Republicans are outnumbered by a large margin in NY plus most local media lean left which makes it easy for Dems. You wouldn't believe how hard the media is on their opposition come campaign season!! I wish it was as easy as you make it seem but the reality is, it's not.
I think I'll choose to complain, it's cheaper and easier ;)))
If I seemed to imply that the first two were easy, I was misunderstood. Nothing worthwhile is simple or easy. Actually, I'm somewhat sympathetic, but it doesn't change the facts. Whining about how bad things are won't help anything....that leaves #1 or#2.

If I seemed to imply that the first two were easy, I was misunderstood. Nothing worthwhile is simple or easy. Actually, I'm somewhat sympathetic, but it doesn't change the facts. Whining about how bad things are won't help anything....that leaves #1 or#2.

So what are we going to do. Let New York go like it's been going or go there and try to make a difference. I've never been out of "smallville"....but could go.
So what are we going to do. Let New York go like it's been going or go there and try to make a difference. I've never been out of "smallville"....but could go.

Actually Wilbur, if I thought there was something I could personally do in NY, I'd have to consider going. Seems to me that as long as there are more voters who want what they are getting it kind of limits the possibilities. You & I know a bit more about things in TN. I wouldn't live in NY if you paid me, too damn cold among other reasons. For me the most productive thing I can think of to do is support (monetarily) the NRA (although they can be a PIA) as they seem to be the only serious push in a positive direction.

Wilbur the only way to end this will be with the Supreme Court, are votes won't do any good were outnumbered. New York city has to many radicals,and bleeding harts. I've been to every rally in Albany, our words fall on deaf ears. And the way Obamas loading the Supreme Court to his side, God knows how it will end. I'm staying with my prediction, MARSHALL LAW!

Joe Salt