Norma 6 PPC brass


Jerry Adams
Picked up a couple hundred Norma 6 PPC brass from Lester at the Cactus this year. After buying a Nightforce 45X Competion scope from Lester that's about all I could buy with my remaining money. Doing some measurements and comparing it with my current brass made from Lapua .220 Russian is interesting. I am using a .268 neck and turning my brass to .011. That's what the Norma brass measures so no neck turning. Checking headspace, the Norma is about .005 short of my current brass. I measured my chamber length using a gauge and it comes to 1.514. The Norma brass measures, on average, 1.510. So, it appears that I need to trim that Norma brass some before the first firing. I trim my current brass to 1.495. Should I take off .015 right off the bat or only about .005 and trim again after the shoulder is blown out?
I see that Jackie and others are also seeing issues with the newer Lapua brass. I've still got about ten boxes of the Gold box Lapua so I'm good on that. I've got five blue boxes of the Lapua but I bought that several years ago so that may be OK. Anyway I want to give the Norma a try. Thanks for the suggestions.

I think you will like the Norma brass. I made up 50 of them last year for the Sniper King, and fired 250 record shots plus sighters. Then did it all over again at this year's Sniper King. There is probably over 600 rounds fired with those 50 cases and the primer pockets are still just fine. In addition the accuracy with those cases was super. They are just plain easier to prep up than Lapua, and they hold more powder.

Steve Kostanich
How do you know you need to have your cases trimmed to 1.495?

Well, like so many things, I guess it's not a matter of need. As I measured my overall chamber length at 1.514, I guess I could have used 1.499 or 1.52689 or 1. 5139999. Just so long as I don't encroach on the end of the chamber. So pick a number. :rolleyes:

I think you will like the Norma brass. I made up 50 of them last year for the Sniper King, and fired 250 record shots plus sighters. Then did it all over again at this year's Sniper King. There is probably over 600 rounds fired with those 50 cases and the primer pockets are still just fine. In addition the accuracy with those cases was super. They are just plain easier to prep up than Lapua, and they hold more powder.

Steve Kostanich

I think Steve is being a little modest.
The way Steve shot in and won BOTH 2016 and 2017 Sniper King with the info he posted says something.
Why would you want a .015 gap between the end of your case and the start of the freebore? Seems like that is just a place for carbon to build up.
Why would you want a .015 gap between the end of your case and the start of the freebore? Seems like that is just a place for carbon to build up.

Well, I don't know if Tony Boyer addressed that in his book but I will look it up. OK, I looked it up. Tony says on page 156 "My reamer cuts a chamber that accommodates cases with a maximum overall length of 1.500 inches. As I check case lengths, if I find a case that is 1.495 inches of longer, I will trim every case back to 1.490 inches. I have found that if I keep my case within that range and keep up with cleaning a carbon ring that forms in the chamber neck, that I greatly reduce unexplained fliers." So Tony has no problem with a .010 gap.