Norma 6 Dasher


New member

Is there any reason why I would not be able to lengthen the neck on my existing Dasher chamber to run the new Norma brass?

My existing neck is .271" and I have a .272" chucking reamer that Im thinking would be fine with unturned Norma Dasher brass?

I dont want to throat again so the bullet would still be seated to the same length but would have extra contact over the longer neck. The reason Im thinking about this is Im tired of fire forming.

Is there any reason why I would not be able to lengthen the neck on my existing Dasher chamber to run the new Norma brass?

My existing neck is .271" and I have a .272" chucking reamer that Im thinking would be fine with unturned Norma Dasher brass?

I dont want to throat again so the bullet would still be seated to the same length but would have extra contact over the longer neck. The reason Im thinking about this is Im tired of fire forming.
Just my thinking but if you want truer ammo your going to want to fire form anyway.
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Just trim the neck to your Dasher length, and try them. If you are big on the .200 line it won't last long anyway...... Jim