Norma 300 WSM Brass

I had Jim Borden put a 32 inch Krieger in 13.5 twist on a 2X10 BAT action in 300 WSM and I just got it back from Alex Sitman on monday.I plan on firing a half dozen cases 3 times each and sending out for custom dies but this time I'll be telling the manufacturer I want the tight die first not the second or third time around:mad:.
I plan on giving the 187 BIB's one last chance to shoot in the wind.

Neil Jones has been getting them right for me. I talk over my taper requirements and he's hit them on the nose.

Custom size die

I had Jim Borden put a 32 inch Krieger in 13.5 twist on a 2X10 BAT action in 300 WSM and I just got it back from Alex Sitman on monday.I plan on firing a half dozen cases 3 times each and sending out for custom dies but this time I'll be telling the manufacturer I want the tight die first not the second or third time around:mad:.
I plan on giving the 187 BIB's one last chance to shoot in the wind.


Send your brass to Al Warner for his custom die and NEVER look back. It is expensive ($393), but it will be perfect. The degree of his craftsmanship is shocking.

Having said all this, I also have several sets of Carstensen dies, and I have never had the problems you speak of: 338 improved, 300 WSM, 284 Shehane.

You have been shooting mighty fine, even with the "click" at the top, so continued good luck.

Jim Hardy
I contacted Alan Warner a while back and I was told then he doesn't make the big dies just stuff like the 6.5X284 and smaller.I will have him make my 300WSM dies.
Lynn aka Waterboy
I plan on giving the 187 BIB's one last chance to shoot in the wind.
If you feel the 187 BIBs won't shoot in the wind with a .300 Ackley, I doubt you'll change you mind when using a .300 WSM. A bunch of us love our BIBs, but will allow they're not for everybody (even with all the long-range records they hold).
Charles E
I was using an 11 twist barrel with the 187 BIB's in the 300 Ackley and while they shot good at 100,200 and 300 they didn't perform at 1,000 like the heavier bullets did.
I had this gun built with the hopes of using a more appropriate twist rate and only using it on windless days during the winter months.The last NBRSA 1,000 Yard Nationals had some great for California conditions and we have the match again this year.
I don't concern myself with records shot 3,000 miles from here as they don't tell me all that much.Out here when the wind quits switching directions every 15 seconds at the base of the sierra nevada mountain range we all tend to shoot good groups.So far none of the records shot here have been set with the BIB bullets even though alot of shooters have tried them.In talking with Randy by phone 4-5 months ago I think everyone was using the wrong twist.By that I mean they shot the 187's in a barrel intended for the 210-240 class of bullets and just substituted the 187's in as a test much like I have done in the past.
I am hopeful that a purpose built gun set-up for the 187's shot in the calmer months will keep me competitive but if not I can always use up the barrel for practice.
I think Randy told me he only sells 5,000 of the 187's a year on average so while they may be setting all the records back there you guys sure don't buy many of them for the vast amount of shooters you have attending your matches.
Lynn aka Waterboy
I was at Hawks Ridge when JP set the new world record, what a prince of a guy. That target is still on my cell phone camera, still showing it to friends....JP ran the line on my shootoff, and I won Lt score 49-1X. What a way for me to see my first ever 1000 yd range!!!!