Two, three years ago it was fairly common knowledge that the 2013 NF Competition scopes were developing problems holding zero. NF, AFAIK, has never acknowledged that there was a problem. However, scopes that were sent in for repairs were returned in good working order. I know that's what happened with me and several others I compete with. I don't know why they didn't want to admit the problems, but as I told the tech I dealt with, "I don't care. As long as you honor the warranty and fix the problem, we have no issues". They fixed my scopes, both of them and there have been no more problems. I will say that a couple of enterprising gentlemen made a few bucks making scope checkers about that time. Don't know what forum you were on today, but you could do a search on Accurate Shooter and get enough to read to last you a few days. If your NF Competition develops a problem, send it in and they will fix it. You can have confidence in that. I have not heard that the later models had any problems. I think most or all were in the first two years of production. Apparently they figured out what was wrong and fixed it.