Newbie questions


Before I bombard you all with questions that have been asked millions of times, is there someplace that describes the basics in equipment, loading, and technique for short range benchrest?

Thanks -- Todd
I do have both of those books. I'll read Tony's book to see if I can get my first round of questions answered.
Before I bombard you all with questions that have been asked millions of times, is there someplace that describes the basics in equipment, loading, and technique for short range benchrest?

Thanks -- Todd

Look at Bench Rest Match reports which may be found at the IBS and NBRSA websites. And on here.

Look for makers.... as in "'smithed by" or "built by"

Buy a 6PPC from a known maker

Do not consider any other options....... period.

With this PPC you will need fitted dies,

They may come with the gun.

If they do not, I'll suggest Harrell's to start.

With good dies and a good gun you can start.

Once you start you'll have specific questions.

You will know which or what questions to ask.

Ask LOTS of questions!!! Don't buy ANYTHING without asking questions :)
I just started with a PPC a couple months ago also. Not new to reloading, so finding a good load wasn't much of a problem. Get some N133 and/or LT-32, some Bart's 68gr bullets and you will be on your way.

The biggest learning curve for me was being able to set up the rest and rear bag in a good location without taking a half hour to do it, getting the bags and rest set up so that your rifle has a reliable and repeatable platform to shoot from. My rifle didn't ride the bags very well and it took a lot of trial and error, and a few modifications to make it work. Multiple trips to the range in other words.

In addition to those books, keep an eye out for The Benchrest Shooting Primer, the Precision Shooting Reloading Guide, Warren Page's The Accurate Rifle, and Mike Ratigan's Extreme Rifle Accuracy. Spend as much time as needed on the sections pertaining to wind, mirage, and gun handling. Unless you have windflags set up, you will be learning nothing about the accuracy of your rifle and load, and will be just wasting time and money.
Look at Bench Rest Match reports which may be found at the IBS and NBRSA websites. And on here.

Look for makers.... as in "'smithed by" or "built by"

Buy a 6PPC from a known maker

Do not consider any other options....... period.

With this PPC you will need fitted dies,

They may come with the gun.

If they do not, I'll suggest Harrell's to start.

With good dies and a good gun you can start.

Once you start you'll have specific questions.

You will know which or what questions to ask.

Ask LOTS of questions!!! Don't buy ANYTHING without asking questions :)

I thought I would have to get the parts together and give them to a reputable Smith to assemble.

Would you mind providing a link to a match report so I have an example?
I thought I would have to get the parts together and give them to a reputable Smith to assemble.

Would you mind providing a link to a match report so I have an example?

OK.... so this is going to get me in trouble but in for a penny ;)

"reputable smiths" is a broad term. There are thousands of reputable men building rifles in this world but blessed few qualified to assemble a competitive Benchrest Rifle. 99.99999% of all the so-called "shooters" on the planet will never even SEE real accuracy much less experience it. And there are about 7 BR gunsmiths who make the guns that win everything. Well, maybe even as many as 20 but the number is small.

Right now, on this site there are three rifles for sale. A 'Clay Spencer' Kelbly, a 'Bryant' and a 'Powell'...... WHY are the names listed you ask? Because they're KNOWN gunsmiths, people who've paid their dues and built multiple winning rifles. You buy THEIR packages because they're qualified to make the decisions re components etc and qualified to put them together...... and because they have an entire community to answer to.

You show up at a match and win something and everyone will ask you "who put your gun together?". Conversely you show up at a match with a gun built by Powell, Bryant or Spencer and everyone there assumes that you suck, not the gun. And in simple fact when a known riflesmith builds a gun that DOESN'T win, everyone hears about it.

I say this not because you're planning to show up at a Match... but because the folks building the gun don't know that, because truly REPUTABLE gunbuilders know for an absolute fact that thier reputation rides on every gun that leaves their premises whether it "shows up at a Match" or not. They build GOOD, because they can't bear to build bad.....

and because they know the difference.

A GOOD gun will shoot whether you "do your part" or not.

Every other forum on the innertube you will see folks nodding and bobbing "it's the indian, not the arrow" and

"it'll shoot all day if I do my part" and

"You give Tony Boyer a Savage and he'll hand you your ass on a plate"

Pure-Dee ininformed and ignorant bullsh!t.... when you buy a good gun, YOU will go out and shoot teeny-weeny dots. YOU will go out and shoot 5-shot groups that make one hole.

And YOU will smile.

Or, you don't lissen to me and you spend the next 10-15yrs chasing your tail and wondering "is it me or the gun???"

I've invited dozens, perhaps hundreds of people over to my place to "shoot a good gun" and a number of them have handed me blank checks because they've realized first hand the exquisite WONDER of truly accurate equipment.

what I'm saying bluntly is, "you don't know what you don't know"...... that you're not qualified to "pick components" nor to pick a "reputable smith" to put it together.

Take it from one who has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this road..... you name the rules, you pick the scenario I've BTDT ......whether it's "saving money" or "wanting something different"..... I've BTDTGTTS over and over and over.

As I've recently stated baldly in several episodes on my youtube channel....... IF THE GUN IS CAPABLE OF SHOOTING 5-SHOT GROUPS WITH AIR IN THEM, IT'S BROKEN!!"

This is true.

If you live within a hunnerd miles of a winning gunsmith or a Bench Rest Match 100yd Group or Score ..... GO!! ...... HASTEN Ye forth and SEE what accuracy is.

Anything else is masturbation
Match Results

I hope these work, if they don't some nice man like Boyd Allen will no doubt leap in to help my Luddite fingers

you may notice that a lot of the listed gunsmiths are named 'self'

This is because at some point well into one's shooting career one starts solving one's own problems of necessity :)

The Good Guys are booked out forever and three days.... hence Shooter's Corner in Hopatcong, 'The List' ...... these are rifles vetted by one of shootings Grand Masters. You'll notice that the prices are all over the place with the ones built by listed gunsmiths being higher. But this I can say from the experiences of myself and dozens of others YOU WILL always get Good Value from Bob White.

Bob's reputation is bedded solidly in the rock of his reputation across the States and around the globe. You will get a fair shake from Shooter's Corner

edited to add the freakin list
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Before I bombard you all with questions that have been asked millions of times, is there someplace that describes the basics in equipment, loading, and technique for short range benchrest?

Thanks -- Todd

There is a 6ppc for sale on accurate shooter from Dave Tooley. 2 barrels chambered by Billy Stevens in a Scoville stock for 2200.
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Before I bombard you all with questions that have been asked millions of times, is there someplace that describes the basics in equipment, loading, and technique for short range benchrest?

Thanks -- Todd

Where are you located? -Al
Thanks for all the info. I'm off to a good start. Had a question ....

What would be a good 2 ounce trigger for the money? (i.e. good value benchrest trigger)
........Had a question ....

have an opinion....


In the last two yrs I've tested rather extensively the Hare, Flavio Fare', Bix-N-Andy, Huber, Trigger-Tech/Calvin Elite/Basix/Timney etc etc..... in short I've bought and used EVERY AVAILABLE NEW TRIGGER that'll get down into the ounces "safely" because folks were saying "the quality of Jewell triggers has fallen off"......and my results were such that I've reverted to Jewell.... "roller bearing" triggers act and feel and shoot exactly like they're rolling (interminably) on bearings, like driving a train off a cliff... and some of them have a wall at the back for steering...... and several will fire if dropped....

Jewell's just, WORK

Downside is, Jewell's will bust if you pop primers.

Upside is...... they work

For ME

