New to sport...HELP

You can't see the game as it really is with anything less than a competitive benchrest rifle. There is no such animal as a 'starter' rifle when it comes to competitive benchrest shooting - you simply can't see the game. You can, however, see it in about 3 shots with a borrowed winner and there are hundreds of folks that will allow you that pleasure. Make plans to attend a match somewhere within 500 miles of your home. If 500 miles gives you pause....well...never mind about that...just go to a match and tell them somebody at Benchrest Central said to "Show you the Ropes".
You can't see the game as it really is with anything less than a competitive benchrest rifle. There is no such animal as a 'starter' rifle when it comes to competitive benchrest shooting - you simply can't see the game. You can, however, see it in about 3 shots with a borrowed winner and there are hundreds of folks that will allow you that pleasure. Make plans to attend a match somewhere within 500 miles of your home. If 500 miles gives you pause....well...never mind about that...just go to a match and tell them somebody at Benchrest Central said to "Show you the Ropes".

some years ago at a southern range no longer in existence i had a rifle problem. well, the fellow next to me noticed and offered his rifle to finish the group. that group was a .149.

i sat with my mouth open and looked at the shooter and said "so thats what it takes, huh." Wilbur answered "yes, thats what it takes"
"New to Sport"

I hear ya Ray. My Mentor stayed up all night, hand turning brass for my used Benchrest rifle that he sold me. He used a Marquart neck turner,Red in color. I remember,because that was the first time I'd ever seen a neck turner. I know now why he went to all the trouble.

I took my used Rifle to a Regional Benchrest Match,(Uninvited). I sort of crashed the party. My first group was a .121. I finished that yardage close to the top of the list. After that Match,I decided that I could probably get to like this Sport. That was 13 years ago.
