New to BR shooting - action question

Hi Jim

How do you like the Teddy compared to the others mentioned ?


I fired it for the 1st time 2 days ago. Picked it up dirt cheap from a friend who needed the money. It's a right, right, 30 BR smithed by Gary Long with a 24" Rock Creek. I don't really know how well it shoots because I was fireforming 50 cases of brass that somebody gave me when I purchased a very lightly used bbl for a rimrock action. The bbl looks pretty rough thru a borescope, but I've learned from other people that looks don't mean squat, it's how well it shoots. I'll tell you one thing, it's pretty smooth. It is smoother than my Panda, and 2 Rimrocks and my older Farley. It's not as smooth as my Bat 2 lug, or my 2 Black Widows. I have a Bat 3 lug melonited action, and a Marsh both being finished at Sid Goodling's shop, and that Marsh has to be the slickest bad boy that I ever cycled. That thing is butter smooth. I guess I'm what u call a runner. I see a condition and I put the hammer down, sometime it works, and sometimes I get caught but that's the way I shoot. I didn't really buy it to keep and shoot, because I have way too many rifles as it is. I just wheel and deal to get money saved up to travel and shoot at these different places. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth unfortunately. Trouble is, I'm really getting sick of traveling and I just might stick to mostly local shoots. If I was good I might feel different, but I'm a fair shooter at best. Sometimes I'll pull a win out of my ass, but I feel that I'm just not as competitive as I should be. I have a better time just hanging out with the guy's after a shoot, shooting the sht & going out to eat with them ect.
i think that better than 75% of the shooters are "social" shooters. they do not have the drive or the money or the time, or any combination of the above to be in the top elite. most do not care. they give it their best, and enjoy bs'ing with shooting friends.
a day of shooting and bs'ing is a great day.
just my two cents worth.

I fired it for the 1st time 2 days ago. Picked it up dirt cheap from a friend who needed the money. It's a right, right, 30 BR smithed by Gary Long with a 24" Rock Creek. I don't really know how well it shoots because I was fireforming 50 cases of brass that somebody gave me when I purchased a very lightly used bbl for a rimrock action. The bbl looks pretty rough thru a borescope, but I've learned from other people that looks don't mean squat, it's how well it shoots. I'll tell you one thing, it's pretty smooth. It is smoother than my Panda, and 2 Rimrocks and my older Farley. It's not as smooth as my Bat 2 lug, or my 2 Black Widows. I have a Bat 3 lug melonited action, and a Marsh both being finished at Sid Goodling's shop, and that Marsh has to be the slickest bad boy that I ever cycled. That thing is butter smooth. I guess I'm what u call a runner. I see a condition and I put the hammer down, sometime it works, and sometimes I get caught but that's the way I shoot. I didn't really buy it to keep and shoot, because I have way too many rifles as it is. I just wheel and deal to get money saved up to travel and shoot at these different places. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth unfortunately. Trouble is, I'm really getting sick of traveling and I just might stick to mostly local shoots. If I was good I might feel different, but I'm a fair shooter at best. Sometimes I'll pull a win out of my ass, but I feel that I'm just not as competitive as I should be. I have a better time just hanging out with the guy's after a shoot, shooting the sht & going out to eat with them ect.
i think that better than 75% of the shooters are "social" shooters. they do not have the drive or the money or the time, or any combination of the above to be in the top elite. most do not care. they give it their best, and enjoy bs'ing with shooting friends.
a day of shooting and bs'ing is a great day.
just my two cents worth.

I'll agree with you. You can tell the serious shooters from the guy's who really want to win. Let's face it we all want to go to a match and win. It's good for our ego. But in reality, there are those shooters that just excel head and shoulders above the rest. To put it in perspective, Wayne France won the 2016 SSOY in IBS score. Do I think Wayne is the BEST shooter out there, no. I mean taking nothing away from Wayne, he is a top shooter, no doubt. He went to a lot of shoots and he did fairly well at most but IMO there is one shooter who is the best and that's Dean Breeden. Dean came in 2nd this year, but he only shot maybe 13 matches at the most roughly. I think he only lost 1st place by 4&1/2 points? They final tally isn't out yet but I believe it was the right figure. I mean they take your best 10 shoots and total the points on that basis. Coming in 2nd with only roughly 3 shoots over 10, you have to do very well in 10 out of those 13 matches and that's where that guy shines. He is just one gifted shooter. IMO he is the Tony Boyer of IBS short range score shooting. If you think he is good with a bench gun you should see him shoot trap and skeet. Boy is he good with a shotgun. Like I said he just is a naturally gifted shooter. I mean I talked to Wayne about Dean and he said the same thing. Dean told me in NC that he wasn't going to go to the last state shoot in SC because being SSOY to him, well he could give a rat's ass about being it again. Hell he's done it 5 times so far. The only reason he shot in the NC meter match was to try to beat a record in LV that he already owns.
... the best thing to do before spending $$ is to go to at least one for real benchrest match. Look at the equipment being used and especially what wins. $3000 is more than enough for a winning rifle, but you will probably be much better served with a used rifle with a history of winning or at least being very competitive.


Great advice. I used to shoot across the course, and thought I knew what I was doing.
I blew $4,000 on the wrong action, wrong trigger, wrong stock, wrong scope and wrong caliber.
Then I bought a USED 6.5 x 284 for under a grand (less scope) and shot better. (600 yard guns)
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Pros and cons.
I have a newer Shilen DGA with a barrel nut and floating bolt head ,also you can change the bolt head for different Case sizes. I shot easy 20000 rounds thru it. It work perfectly the whole time .I can't tell you how many Calibers i shot , it was for the Berger manual. So I was changing barrels and calibers constantly. I fell in love with the action and barrel nut. But with a glue in action I have yet to come up with with a good why to lock and unlock the nut. We have looked at different spanner wrench design but I'm not smart enough. If I was ever to figure it out i would use the nut with my bats and pandas . Remember you can chamber the barrel with a shoulder on the DGA if you reside to glue in.
Let add that it is a very safe action, I blew up a lot of cases shooting max loads.
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