New Texas Rain Gauge

Butch Lambert

Active member
Range Gauge

Butch, my son lives in Belton and he reports that it rained for 8 minutes yesterday. Maybe a timepiece will do.
Yea Butch..... It's really pitiful...... I feel so sorry for the folks try'n to Ranch and Farm..........

The month of July, the whole state of Oklahoma set an all time record.......... Avg High temperature temps for ALL 77 counties in 1956 97.6 deg............ 2011 77 counties broke it by 1.1 deg.............98.7

Last two weeks the lowest high for Oklahoma county has been 98............ Just one day in those last 14 days.. The rest WELL over 100deg........ 108 today on the first day of August..............

Ohhh dear Lord....!

My first cousin who was born here in the Pacific NW and grew up in British Columbia is moving his family to Austin.... THAT oughtta' cure them web feet!

The bad news: It's 102F already at 11:30 am headed for a forecast high around 110F. The good news: We got over 5" of rain out here at the farm in the latter half of July. The unfortunate folks in town 6 miles away got less than an inch. Vic
Sure.... Global warming is not real........ Believe that and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
So you're the one who bought the bridge, huh? No surprise really, seein' as how you believe in global warming.
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So you're the one who bought the bridge, huh? No surprise really, seein' as how you believe in global warming.

None are so blind that will not see.... Sheesh Why do I waste my time. The facts are there, the heat is there, the drought is there. Sure keep believing Rush and the right wing radio as you dry up and blow away.
Sure.... Global warming is not real........ Believe that and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Hey, bring that global warming here, last three summers have sucked in Wa. State. Getting tired of Juneuary. Anyone want to trade LaNinya for thier global warming?:cool:
None are so blind that will not see.... Sheesh Why do I waste my time. The facts are there, the heat is there, the drought is there. Sure keep believing Rush and the right wing radio as you dry up and blow away.

Funny,, the last report they released said that the so called global warming was caused by solar flares and will increase then go dormant.
It further stated that they had been able to actually back track the pattern. Thats why for some periods we have extreemly cold winters also.
But then you can find a report out there that will support almost anything you want to believe. You just have to look for them.
None are so blind that will not see.... Sheesh Why do I waste my time. The facts are there, the heat is there, the drought is there. Sure keep believing Rush and the right wing radio as you dry up and blow away.

The sun is producing massive solar flares right now and has been doing so for several months. A top NASA scientist has recently revealed that satellite data shows that the earth radiates far more heat back out into space than is allowed for in the models that are being used to predict global warming. The UN's climate change unit was nailed for manipulating data a couple of years ago in order to support the theory of global warming. The facts are there, the lies are revealed, the liars unmasked. Sure keep believing Algore and the left wing media as your country, your liberty, and your prosperity disappear before your eyes.

Do you not get the feeling it's all just a scam designed to give government an excuse to take everything you have away from you? Are you that willing to let global totalitarianism have its way?
Sure keep believing Algore and the left wing media as your country, your liberty, and your prosperity disappear before your eyes.

Do you not get the feeling it's all just a scam designed to give government an excuse to take everything you have away from you? Are you that willing to let global totalitarianism have its way?

YES, YES, YES..............! Damn TRUE..!

STILL.... I don't doubt that carbon doesn't contribute.... IT does... I just say the libratards take it WAAAAAAAAAY TOOO FAR.!

Two things THIS year....

1. La Nina = Massive High pressure in the middle of the Country that DON'T hardly move out and is long lived.....HOT & DRY.

2. The Sun is in a pattern that does bring us more heat.... After coming outta Solar Minimum from the last 11 years.
It should be predictably going into Solar Maximum... More and bigger Sun spots... So the Sun is still basically "stuck" in Solar Minimum .... I read a while back that from Max to Min the difference in visible light output is up about 0.8%, ultraviolet light up 0.3-0.5% and infrared light up a whopping 0.8-1.0% .... Infrared is what brings us the HEAT.. This extended Minimum just exposes the Earth to more Infrared radiation.... Makes it ...Hotter....

Excerpt from Wikipedia:
During 2008-2009 NASA scientists noted that the Sun is undergoing a "deep solar minimum," stating: "There were no sunspots observed on 266 of [2008's] 366 days (73%). Prompted by these numbers, some observers suggested that the solar cycle had hit bottom in 2008. Sunspot counts for 2009 dropped even lower. As of September 14, 2009 there were no sunspots on 206 of the year's 257 days (80%). It adds up to one inescapable conclusion: "We're experiencing a very deep solar minimum," says solar physicist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century," agrees sunspot expert David Hathaway of the National Space Science and Technology Center NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.[6] It's a natural part of the sunspot cycle, discovered by German astronomer Heinrich Schwabe in the mid-19th century.[6] A "clockwork pattern" that has held true for more than 200 years.[7]

The Sun and Earth is at least 4.6 Billion years old............ We by no means know the Sun's patterns........ Let alone our OWN TRUE CLIMATE PATTERNS..!

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Cool colorful Colorado

We just had a shower pass through and drop the temperature about 10 degrees. - nhk


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Gina1 please send Money so that I can help Al Gore spread the word about Globle warming, $10,000 would be a nice start. Then I can send ICE to the Polar bears in the Arctic, This winter I'll be able to send a lot more seeing last winter lasted for everererer. In ten years you'll forget all about how hot it was in 2011! just like I forget about the SNOW. I'm sure there will be something else to worry about then.

Joe Salt
Anybody here old enough to remember the 70's????

This whole boondoggle just REEKS! To quote Yogi, "it's deja vu all over again!" But with a new crop of suckers. Sad really how few people anywhere will actually research a thing.

Yes Al I do remember the 70's. I didnt think you were near old enough for that.