New shooter looking for guidance with equipment

"I wouldn't do that s..t if I were you" Richard Pryer

You want some good advice about benchrest? Here it is:don't. You will empty your wallet and break your heart. You will meet people whom your mother warned you about. You will take to strong drink and lose all sense of fashion. Your politics will take a wild swing to the right. You will tote around endless heavy boxes and develop a limp. You will stop talking with your spouse when she looses all interest in hearing about cut rifle vs button pulled barrels. You will start talking in tongues ie seating depth, clicks, BAT, Farley rest, etc. Your handguns, hunting rifles and shotguns will gather dust. Stop now before all is lost. Tim
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You want some good advice about benchrest? Here it is:don't. You will empty your wallet and break your heart. You will meet people whom your mother warned you about. You will take to strong drink and lose all sense of fashion. Your politics will take a wild swing to the right. You will tote around endless heavy boxes and develop a limp. You will stop talking with your spouse when she looses all interest in hearing about cut rifle vs button pulled barrels. You will start talking in tongues ie seating depth, clicks, BAT, Farley rest, etc. Your handguns, hunting rifles and shotguns will gather dust. Stop now before all is lost. Tim

Wow. Ain't that the truth.
The part about the wife. Just git divorced now. It will hurt less.......
You want some good advice about benchrest? Here it is:don't. You will empty your wallet and break your heart. You will meet people whom your mother warned you about. You will take to strong drink and lose all sense of fashion. Your politics will take a wild swing to the right. You will tote around endless heavy boxes and develop a limp. You will stop talking with your spouse when she looses all interest in hearing about cut rifle vs button pulled barrels. You will start talking in tongues ie seating depth, clicks, BAT, Farley rest, etc. Your handguns, hunting rifles and shotguns will gather dust. Stop now before all is lost. Tim

And catch yourself being awake at 2:00 AM, in a cold sweat, agonizing over why that one shot dropped 2 lines straight down at the Nationals 10 years ago.:D

Seriously, though, Benchrest can be a very rewarding endevour if you remember that when trying to make a bullet travel the exact same path as the one before, there are only a few things that will cause that to happen, while there are countless things that will keep it from doing just that.
Its an Addiction

The most underrated pleasure in Life,is a hefty contribution to the City Sewer Treatment Center.

To the original post.
The seller told you one thing and you have just found out the that the seller did not tell you the truth.
If I was in your shoes I would contact the seller and see what they have to say. And go from there. Round cound and little things we all except as not the best info. But selling with ihe info a specific smith built it. To me thats just like steeling your $$$.
If the out come is not what you are liking post the sellers name so we can watch out as will.