New Range At KettleFoot


New member

It has been announced that Kettlefoot in Bristol TN/Va is going to build a new range, it is the goal to build it to 500 yards long. This range will be use for several styles of competition, including centerfire benchrest. As it stand right now, the score types of matches are the type of matches being looking at.. esp UBR. Input as to the types of score benchrest that are most favored would be gladly welcomed.. thanks..

UBR is the Format with caliber neutral targets.

There is no move in the future for the IBS or NBRSA to change from their "best edge" scoring system. So they should look into attracting NBRSA and IBS Sanctioned Matches as well.
UBR is the Format with caliber neutral targets.

There is no move in the future for the IBS or NBRSA to change from their "best edge" scoring system. So they should look into attracting NBRSA and IBS Sanctioned Matches as well.

Thanks Jackie, i think that it would be possible to also entertain those formats as well.. if not every month, the possibility to rotate the schedule so that no one is excluded.. it is a thought..
Doc, Kettlefoot is a beautiful range. I look forward to making the trip over again and shooting, once you are up and going. I enjoy shooting, whether it be IBS, NBRSA or UBR but particularly like UBR and the simple rules we follow. It leaves a lot of room for experimentation as well, a class, including a factory class, that gives everyone that wants to come shoot, a class they can compete in with what they have. The caliber neutral targets make for a level playing field for the guys that have a PPC or other sub 30 cal BR rifle gathering dust, to come shoot without having to go to the added expense of a new barrel or complete rifle, to be competitive in the score game consistently.

As you know, the costs to hold the matches is very reasonable for the clubs and there is no membership requirement for the competitors. These are all factors that make it easier for the new guy to get involved in the sport as well as veterans that don't have or wish to shoot and or/build a 30 cal to compete. In your area, with the closing of the range at Johnson City, I'd think there are more than a few 6 PPC's collecting dust. I think it's great that you are investing this much into holding cf BR matches in that area again. Keep us posted. I think you'll be able to count on several people from KY,Tn,Va, etc, that are regulars at other UBR venues to support and attend the club whenever possible. Personally, I think you are in an excellent location to draw from several venues and I know that Kettlefoot will put their best foot;) forward in whatever they do. I think it's a perfect fit and at a good time to set yourself up to do well. Of late, I haven't even been able to support matches just a few minutes down the road as much as I want to, due to a career change and very limited time to shoot, but that's beginning to look better all the time and I look forward to the trip to beautiful east Tn/west Va when you get the UBR matches up and going.

With the current UBR clubs within reasonable driving distance, I will only recommend scheduling with those other clubs in mind. I don't think your matches will hurt any of them, but rather, I think all will benefit in the long run, with considerate scheduling of the matches.

You're in a BR hotbed of sorts and have good facilities if the new range is anything like the club already has. The drive for people like myself is near the limit for a lot of folks. IIRC, I'm about 5 hours away. I think this max distance is more prevalent than people like to admit and one thing I believe is, new shooters don't travel well until the hook is very firmly set. We all know, we must have new shooters to survive and you're in a place to draw from a wide array of existing shooters as well as new, without having to drive half way across the country to shoot and to contend in points.

To sum it up, I'm very pleased that you'll be holding UBR CF matches at your wonderful club. Keep us posted and good luck! Let me know when you get started. I'm sure there are some of us regulars that will do our best to support your matches.--Mike
Doc, Kettlefoot is a beautiful range. I look forward to making the trip over again and shooting, once you are up and going. I enjoy shooting, whether it be IBS, NBRSA or UBR but particularly like UBR and the simple rules we follow. It leaves a lot of room for experimentation as well, a class, including a factory class, that gives everyone that wants to come shoot, a class they can compete in with what they have. The caliber neutral targets make for a level playing field for the guys that have a PPC or other sub 30 cal BR rifle gathering dust, to come shoot without having to go to the added expense of a new barrel or complete rifle, to be competitive in the score game consistently.

As you know, the costs to hold the matches is very reasonable for the clubs and there is no membership requirement for the competitors. These are all factors that make it easier for the new guy to get involved in the sport as well as veterans that don't have or wish to shoot and or/build a 30 cal to compete. In your area, with the closing of the range at Johnson City, I'd think there are more than a few 6 PPC's collecting dust. I think it's great that you are investing this much into holding cf BR matches in that area again. Keep us posted. I think you'll be able to count on several people from KY,Tn,Va, etc, that are regulars at other UBR venues to support and attend the club whenever possible. Personally, I think you are in an excellent location to draw from several venues and I know that Kettlefoot will put their best foot;) forward in whatever they do. I think it's a perfect fit and at a good time to set yourself up to do well. Of late, I haven't even been able to support matches just a few minutes down the road as much as I want to, due to a career change and very limited time to shoot, but that's beginning to look better all the time and I look forward to the trip to beautiful east Tn/west Va when you get the UBR matches up and going.

With the current UBR clubs within reasonable driving distance, I will only recommend scheduling with those other clubs in mind. I don't think your matches will hurt any of them, but rather, I think all will benefit in the long run, with considerate scheduling of the matches.

You're in a BR hotbed of sorts and have good facilities if the new range is anything like the club already has. The drive for people like myself is near the limit for a lot of folks. IIRC, I'm about 5 hours away. I think this max distance is more prevalent than people like to admit and one thing I believe is, new shooters don't travel well until the hook is very firmly set. We all know, we must have new shooters to survive and you're in a place to draw from a wide array of existing shooters as well as new, without having to drive half way across the country to shoot and to contend in points.

To sum it up, I'm very pleased that you'll be holding UBR CF matches at your wonderful club. Keep us posted and good luck! Let me know when you get started. I'm sure there are some of us regulars that will do our best to support your matches.--Mike


Your statement is one of the reasons that i was suggesting so earnestly UBR.. As you well know.. there are many that travel from all over for the rimfire matches, i can only conclude that it might be the same for centerfire.. i know that i am personally looking forward to it.
Ground is supposed to be broke in the spring, i need to get over there and take a look at it myself.. i hope that we can get the larger benches like on the current 300 yard range vs the smaller ones that are used on the rimfire range.
Other styles of shooting that are being looked at are rimfire f-class out to 200 yards, some military matches, rimfire PRS, Egg shoots.. and some other things not thought of! :)
Kettlefoot was once THE MATCH TO ATTEND. Claude Smith was the range master and 80+ folks showed up...back when 80+ folks were a possibility.
Kettlefoot was once THE MATCH TO ATTEND. Claude Smith was the range master and 80+ folks showed up...back when 80+ folks were a possibility.


I would hope that we can do that again! i know that i would like to see that happen..
Tim is really doesn't matter. That said, the other group matches in this region are NBRSA.

i have this written down with my notes.. So would you be more inclined to do something that the others aren't.. meaning.. IBS at this venue?
If I, as an outsider might interject, it should come to a vote of the members of Kettlefoot and a consensus of those most likely to attend, which organization(s) the match(es) are registered with. It costs each club to register with an organization for each year and so to register with both NBRSA and with IBS would cost the club. I didn't included any other organization because I don't know their rules.
First you have to gather info, that can be presented.. then move forward from there.. this is why this thread was started.. to gather information..
I am a member of Kettlefoot and a stockholder in the co that owns the physical facility. I also own property that joines the club. Saying that, I don't know where a site would be to build a 500 yard range.

About 6 years ago we redid the existing centerfire range and expanded it to 30 enches, some $85,000, with the hopes of going back to registered centerfire benchrest. Claude Smith was to run the matches. Sadly Claude passed away last year. The Johnson City club Unaka closed their range to us last year. In 1999 Unaka had some 64 shooters for NBRSA . Last 2016 shoot at Unaka we had 13 shooters.

after the Unaka closing I took the Unaka crew to Kettlefoot in hopes of them running that facility. Didn't go. If you will look on my Facebook page the Unaka measuring tools are for sale.

We, Kettlefoot, do have a new, great 60 bench range fo rimfire where the PSL, ARA, and IR 50/50 shoot the Triple Crown annually.

If you are willing to run the centerfire at Kettlefoot their management are open to talks.

USMCDOC, are you a USMC Doc? I ask because a good friend of mine, Jamie Goodman MD, recently sold his farm that is on the next ridge Over from Kettlefoot, and took a job at the VA Hospital in Greeneville, SC.

In 1999 Unaka had some 64 shooters for NBRSA. Last 2016 shoot at Unaka we had 13 shooters.

Regarding the decline in shooter numbers -- that seems to be systemic and I wonder what's behind it. I believe more folks have drifted away than have died.

Regarding the clamor for more clubs to hold matches, there are plenty of clubs that hold non-registered matches; however, AFAIK, the attendance is rather dismal. (We had only 10 shooters at River Bend yesterday.) I have difficulty understanding why registered matches are more popular than non-registered matches. Yes, a registered group match typically gives you more shots for your miles; however, they require more time and money to participate.

If you will look on my Facebook page the Unaka measuring tools are for sale.

I can't find your Facebook page -- can you post the Unaka stuff here?
Regarding the decline in shooter numbers -- that seems to be systemic and I wonder what's behind it. I believe more folks have drifted away than have died.

Regarding the clamor for more clubs to hold matches, there are plenty of clubs that hold non-registered matches; however, AFAIK, the attendance is rather dismal. (We had only 10 shooters at River Bend yesterday.) I have difficulty understanding why registered matches are more popular than non-registered matches. Yes, a registered group match typically gives you more shots for your miles; however, they require more time and money to participate.

I can't find your Facebook page -- can you post the Unaka stuff here?

Facebook jerry Dennis sharrett

Since about 1963 I have shot in some sanctioned events. Bullseye/2700, metallic shilouette, trap, sporting clays and now this. All them seem to be cyclic. I'm at Holton now (IBS 100/200 group nats) the average age of the shooters here about 65.


Kettlefoot was once THE MATCH TO ATTEND. Claude Smith was the range master and 80+ folks showed up...back when 80+ folks were a possibility.

My favorite match,, no parking when the 80 shooters were there, but Claude Smith ran a great match (always) I have driven from eastern NC several times, meet Wilbur, shoot & pracice a little, eat a lot and have a great time. I truly hope it comes back. I also agree w/Tim on Nbrsa or IBS