New Logo

And a short summary of some new key rule changes;

1. NO 25m Rimfire Events

2. ALL Rimfire 50m Events STAY; International Sporter, Light Varmit & Heavy Varmit

3. Air Rifle stays unchanged LV & HV @ 25m

4. International Sporter Stock can be Flat or Convex

5. 20 Minute Time Limit per Target

6. 3 Gun Agg Rimfire Champion

These changes allows the WRABF to have more shooters and also the event will be cut down to 10 days inc practise to save travel expenses etc

Love the new look LOGO! Very nice.

Not thrilled about the 20 minute per target thing, but you know what they say about being able to please all the people all of the time, don't you know. So, if the majority wants it that way, who am I to complain?

Keep up the good work.

Not thrilled about the 20 minute per target thing, but you know what they say about being able to please all the people all of the time, don't you know. So, if the majority wants it that way, who am I to complain?


It’s not just the 20 minute detail, but you also have to switch benches in 10 minutes rather than the previous 15. I can tell you now Ron Harding is a 29 minute man when it comes to shooting a card and I don’t see him getting all his gear off a bench in 3 or 4 minutes to give the next guy 6 or 7 minutes to set up.

However, as Bill has previously stated, this is only for Championship matches or qualifiers for those.

I’m pretty sure the UKBR22 won’t be adopting this rule, unless of course it’s in connection with a qualifying match.

Hi all yes hard top please everyone regarding the 20 minutes I saw Ron shoot in 18 minutes in Plzen, i am sure we will all get used to it in time and the time between targets etc is also 20 minutes
Hi all yes hard top please everyone regarding the 20 minutes I saw Ron shoot in 18 minutes in Plzen, i am sure we will all get used to it in time and the time between targets etc is also 20 minutes

If Ron Harding shot a card in 18 minutes you should have given him a medal for speed shooting, because after shooting with him on multiple occasions that will be the first time.

OK, the time between details is now 20 minutes Taking the original detail time of 30 minutes with a 15 minute setup (used at most of the matches I’ve been to) total 45 minutes, we now have 20 minute details with 20 minute setup (total 40 minutes), a saving of 5 minutes.

Maybe a worthwhile saving at large competitions to cram more in. For domestic or even small international matches I don’t see the need. Shooting is supposed to be fun, not a race.

I think each MD has to run the matches the way they feel best suits their shooters and range facilities, if it's a world qualifying match then the rules are there to be adhered to.

For years I too have shot both 20 and 30 minute targets between the different rimfire disciplines, and sometimes even Classes (Unlimited vs. 3-Gun). But, since I too am a 29 to 29:50 minute shooter, I much prefer the longer. Having said that, I shot my best ever 3-Gun Agg. when shooting in an Outdoor rimfire Unlimited State Championship match when using a 20 minute clock: a 748-55x accomplishing my only back-to-back 250's yet. Now, take Paul Bendix, and you'd be talking about only needing 10 to 15 minutes, all the time. Too each their own, and we'll just have to go with the flow I guess.

And my thanks to both Bill and Brian for all that they do to help promote our sport.

Just my humble 2¢worth?

Brian in Plzen it was 30 minutes shooting and 30 minutes between details far too long in any case and untenable with the amount of Countries we have as members and have in the pipeline, the majority agreed at World Championship level 20 minutes should be enough time and also issues a further challenge, so it is now in place we all have to make the best of it and rise to the challenge.

Brian my favourite Ron Harding (the oldest shooter @ 86 i believe) moment was at the Final Dinner all the Juniors decided to get themselves on stage and do a group photo, without a fuss Ron snuck in behind them and on to the stage to be included, now that's a special moment and what this sport is all be about.
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I didn’t realise it was 30+30 at Plzen, must admit that sounds excessive and I can see how that would lead to problems at such a large event.

The UKBR22 Nationals are on this weekend, unfortunately I couldn’t make it (first time since 2006).

Numbers are down due to the recent expense of Plzen for many shooters, so they are using 30 minute details and 30 minute setup, which is a nice leisurely pace to compete at. If that’s what suits the occasion then that’s fine.

Ron is one of the rocks of this sport, as I’m sure you well know. On more than one occasion he has asked me if I want a hand when moving gear from the 50m to 25m range, for a guy 25 years his junior, it was embarrassing :)
