New HOF member

Congratulations Mike. Well deserved.

I didn't notice who won the LV 200 stage until I talked with Jack this morning.

Again, congratulations on the Hall of Fame; and it looks like you are also in position for the World Team again.
Congratulations, Mike. I didn't realize that you were that close to getting in. Good for you. Amazing shooting on your part last week.
Congratulations MIke. In 2005 I wrote an article about five "Up and Coming" Benchrest shooters (appeared in Feb. 2006). The five shooters were Wayne Campbell, Joe Krupa, Jack Neary, Mike Ratigan, and Mark Buettgen. None were in the Hall of Fame then, but their talent said that they would be there. With the exception of Mark, all have now made it. Mark lets work interfere with shooting too often and has not had many chances to attend the Nationals. He will join the other four one day. For those reading this that don't know what an accomplishment it is to earn 10 or more HOF points, let me invite them to attend a "Nationals" and get 10 first place finishes. Great shooting Mike. James Mock
Congratulations MIke. In 2005 I wrote an article about five "Up and Coming" Benchrest shooters (appeared in Feb. 2006). The five shooters were Wayne Campbell, Joe Krupa, Jack Neary, Mike Ratigan, and Mark Buettgen. None were in the Hall of Fame then, but their talent said that they would be there. With the exception of Mark, all have now made it. Mark lets work interfere with shooting too often and has not had many chances to attend the Nationals. He will join the other four one day. For those reading this that don't know what an accomplishment it is to earn 10 or more HOF points, let me invite them to attend a "Nationals" and get 10 first place finishes. Great shooting Mike. James Mock


best said!! Mike, Congratulations is not strong enough. Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WELL DESERVED MIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's great to see those who give soooooooooooooooooo much back to the sport get in the HOF.