New Forum

So, what to do with this monster I've created...

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Left / Green / BR

I'm down with the left handed green BR rifles


This is my Left Bolt / Right Port / Left Eject / BR Borden Rifle

This picture was taken just last weekend
too many forums

Wilbur , bad idea! A house that divided cannot stand . Andyid , well said my friend. Jackie S. , you nailed it . I would comment more, but its time for my peanut butter sandwich . (real name) CLINT
From the perspective of a guy who shoots 1000 yard bench as a third discipline, I was surprised when I got a bit of a handle on this site. It seems that there are some like me who will scan all mail since last login, then cherry pick the subjects that sound interesting, others who maybe read every posting (like I did while I was acclimatising) but there seems to be a big bunch who only read one or maybe two of the forums.
agree with Mr. Schmidt

Jackie said it first and (in my opinion) well. It's really easy to not read a thread. There may be "dilution" within a thread, but a different forum can't stop that.
I think that a 6mm PPC ONLY!! forum would better serve the purpose.

Mike Ohlsen
...what do you see as the difference between a thread being applicable to the 'Centerfire Benchrest' forum vs. one being applicable to the 'Competition Benchrest' forum? I understand the ones you move from 'Centerfire Benchrest' to 'General Discussion', just wondering about the targeted threads for this new forum?...

Just the tip of the iceberg......
Whatever we do with this

It needs to happen rather quickly. Please visit the "poll" at the top of this thread and make your choice.
I see what

Wilbur is trying to achieve. I am not, nor will ever be the competitor like so many are who frequent this forum are.

I do take offence to those who just cannot get it. Centerfire Benchrest or Factory/Hybrid. Yes it is minor but it still gets to me when so many questions are asked that are not Centerfire Benchrest related but would be better suited for the Factory Forum.

Yah I know we do not want to sound like a bunch of miserable old farts but we are all grown and should be able to take the heat or get out of the kitchen.

I like the new idea.

This forum, "Competition Benchrest" was created as a direct suggestion and many indirect complaints concerning a dilution of the Centerfire forum. Doesn't cost anything so we'll see how it goes.

So the cure for dilution is more dilution???

Isn't the definition of insanity to keep trying the same thing and expecting different results?
What about Short Range Centerfire Benchrest ,and then as a sub description include the calibers most often discussed, or "discussions on 100-300yd benchrest competition". We have the 600-1,000yd forum which is fairly specific, why not just narrow down the title. It may not be apples to apples, but on, I don't look at the "sub-caliber" or "6mm and up" forums, or at the advanced gunsmithing forum because I don't have any rifles that fit that description, and I am not in any way, shape, or form a gunsmith. If I do look I certainly don't post.
It may not require a whole new forum, but a renaming of the old one. Let's face it, the centerfire benchrest forum is PPC, BR, and similar cartridges...those who shoot wildcats for extreme accuracy are not looking for advice about their sporter barreled 300win mag deer rifle. They know where they belong so to speak. If you include a small description in the title you will help direct the folks whose efforts would be better spent elsewhere.

I believe that for the center fire, benchrest shooters that want to get the info from other active center fire benchrest shooters and you feel that you feel that the infor they supply is helpful or not to you as this type of shooter, it is Very Important that they sign in and use their REAL NAME and not a handle. That way you can tell by checking the magazines like NBRSA NEWS or Precision SHOOTING and see some of the names that shoot the matches or ask another benchrest shooter if they know that person.

To many of the question asked that want a good answer, within about three post turns into how to make a peanut butter sandwich.

This from a man that dresses up as a condom???:D

Real name Al.:)
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I think it's a good idea,

And yes, I shoot left handed, and..... I have a green rifle. And I also post under my name. Once in a while I make it into the NBRSA news too!!

Richard Brensing
Well the typical newbie that post in this forum instead of the factory forum still is going to post their question in this because they don't truly understand what short range BR is. I think you will see just as many of the questions that set some of you off.....

Just MHO, tiny
Why not call it centerfire competition benchrest shooting. That what most of the people posting want to talk about. Just for the record, there are people that shoot rimfire competitive benchrest! The current name fits both groups.
I bet that stirs up the pot---ha
Jim :)
Its a form of flattery....

The reason that inappropriately placed posts are posted in the Centerfire Benchrest forum is the same reason the person modifying his first car goes to people who race instead of the local repair shop. Those that race know the simplest and best way to configure and set up the car. The person modifying his first car wants to make his car as best as it can be and get it right, so they go to the folks that have done it. The same applies to the novice sharpshooter wanting the best from his factory varmint rifle. He doesn't want to fool around trying 25 homemade recipes that are may or may not work. They want solid info from the folks who have proven they can do it, hence they come to Centerfire Benchrest. I see nothing wrong with that. If I am not interested in a thread, I ignore it. I doubt a new subcategory will make much difference but then again, you won't know until you try. Randy J. (my real name)
How about

making the competition only forum where that if you want to post you have to enter your NBRSA or IBS # as a password or something like that. Others could still read, but not post. Just an idea, I don't know if Wilbur could even do that.
