New forum feature - "Clubs"


cook and bottle washer
Just installed is a forum feature for members to list clubs and supply pertinent info concerning the club to the site visitors. You will find the "Clubs" link in the navigation menu at the top of the forum page. I have entered Kettlefoot Gun Club as an example taking the liberty to enter Cliff Keesee as the contact. I may have to remove that entry if Cliff complains.

That said, here's the deal:

Benchrest Central will create and host a forum and event calendar specifically related to the individual club if requested.

You have to be a registered forum member to fill out the "Add club" form.

If you request a forum and calendar, you will have complete control of both. You will also recieve a notification when a post is entered on your club forum. That way you don't have to monitor the forum to quiclky respond to an inquiry or comment.

Please give it a go as we can always delete anything that causes trouble. Just takes a few minutes and may be helpful to someone looking for a place to shoot. Plenty of upsides and no significant downsides that I can imagine.

So...Click "Clubs", find that "Add club" button and fill out the form with as much info as possible. I'll be waiting to create your new club forum and event calendar.

Alternatively you can go here -
Wilber, would you concider hosting a forum for each of the three active shooting associations? Just a thought and contingent on the owners/directors of each association requesting it......
Don - Yes, that's exactly what this feature does. Fill in the form and I'll create the forums. Just make sure the right guy does the form as that person is in control of the forum and recieves the notifications.

The Club forum won't link from the main forum index but rather from the "Clubs" page.
Thanks for Putting the Classifieds Button on the Forum page!!