New Book

Well, if Tim likes it, that's good enough for me. Got to run out to my car and get my kindle so I can download it.
Finished. Liked it a lot. A whole lot. Looking forward to the next installment.

There were some minor grammar errors that slipped by the proof readers, but that is just mechanical.
Rob I really liked the book......first fiction book I've read in 25+ years........when is the next one being published?
Thanks for the encouragement!

Thanks for the feedback Ian.

I am hoping the sequel may be released around Christmas time.

I just finished it. Damn, a BR shooter that can write! I really did enjoy it.
You know, I bought it to help a fellow shooter. Guess what, I got the best part of the deal.
Rob, just finished it today. Good read and definite page turner. It's written with a little different perspective than most with as much emphasis on the villain early on in the book and the introduction to the hero and heroine later on in the book. I liked the fact that not everything goes smoothly for Matt and Natasha as it does with other characters from other writers. Most other action type heroes seem to be a little unrealistic with superior shooting skills and fighting skills to everyone else. Super hero type characters.

Hopefully, there will never be a nuclear detonation in the US or anywhere else for that matter. But, with the way it seems that countries are trying to gain nuclear capability, countries that won't seem to mind using them, it becomes more of a realistic chance that it will happen

I like these types of books, modern terrorist based books and have read Vince Flynn's series and Brad Thor's series as well. I look forward to reading the next one and look forward to adding Rob Carnell's name to my favorite series writers. Good job.

Thanks Mike

Rob, just finished it today. Good read and definite page turner. It's written with a little different perspective than most with as much emphasis on the villain early on in the book and the introduction to the hero and heroine later on in the book. I liked the fact that not everything goes smoothly for Matt and Natasha as it does with other characters from other writers. Most other action type heroes seem to be a little unrealistic with superior shooting skills and fighting skills to everyone else. Super hero type characters.

Hopefully, there will never be a nuclear detonation in the US or anywhere else for that matter. But, with the way it seems that countries are trying to gain nuclear capability, countries that won't seem to mind using them, it becomes more of a realistic chance that it will happen

I like these types of books, modern terrorist based books and have read Vince Flynn's series and Brad Thor's series as well. I look forward to reading the next one and look forward to adding Rob Carnell's name to my favorite series writers. Good job.


Glad you got a chance to read it. So far all the reviews have been positive, so I am busy with the sequel which should be ready around Christmas.

Have you read any of Daniel Silva's stuff? It is really good.

Good Story....

Just finished it. A terrific fast moving story that also features a cooperative Russia. Although written on a slightly adolescent maturity level, the story line moves very fast and with the good detective work makes sense. I will defiantly read the sequel.

The sequel Smugglers Surprie has just been released

If anyone is interested, here is a link:

It is a sequel, but is stand alone as well and assumes no prior knowledge.

There is some long range sniping in the book, and I freely admit that I don't know much about this, so if you see any errors, please let me know!

The book begins in WW2, and relates an event that later in the book moves to the consequences for modern day terrorism.

OK, I followed the first link and Amazon said I bought the book February 12, 2013. What am I missing here? IIRC, I did enjoy it. Never mind, didn't look at the dates. Big DOH!
Last edited:
That is the original

OK, I followed the first link and Amazon said I bought the book February 12, 2013. What am I missing here? IIRC, I did enjoy it. Never mind, didn't look at the dates. Big DOH!

The new link is the sequel, many of the same characters appear.

This one is brand new, released last week!

Here is the link again:

If you decide to give it a read, please let me know what you think!

Hi Rob......must be Christmas :) bought it and finished it.

I enjoyed the read, although the end seemed a bit abrupt - when is the next one due out?

I quit reading it

when Matt was shot. That was a few days ago so I guess I'm recovered now. I'll finish it tomorrow. Oops, I hope that wasn't a spoiler for somebody.
Good question Ian

Hi Rob......must be Christmas :) bought it and finished it.

I enjoyed the read, although the end seemed a bit abrupt - when is the next one due out?


I spent quite a bit of time in airports the past 2 weeks, so the next one is quite advanced.

Perhaps I can get it out before Christmas.
