New Berger BR Bullet

Just so I understand, lot 4192 is the only lot of these Column bullets that have an issue? All other lots are fine? I bought some to test in my rifle and before I make myself nuts I want to be clear that these will perform.

Thanks, Jim
Thanks, Eric. I'm glad that there was a problem with that lot of bullets as they didn't seem to shoot well in my rifles. I will be looking forward to shooting the replacement column bullets. It's no problem on my part as to the time it takes to replace them as I have plenty of other bullets to shoot.
Unfortunately things for me are a bit more of a hassle living in the north. I am hoping that the dealings between my local shop and Berger go smooth. I am sitting on 1000 bullets that I was wanting to give an honest effort on this season. Looks like that is out of the equation. Part of me would rather get my money back and move on.

I got 3-4 other people to get some to try. Lucky them, they did not get the recalled lot. :-(
Here is part of a message that Eric sent me. I just want to thank him and all the people at Berger Bullets, for doing the right thing.
"We are pushing to get these bullets made as quickly as possible. Both the bullets and the jackets are out of stock. We are moving the schedule around in an effort to get BR Column bullets ready in the next two weeks but it may take a bit longer if we run into unexpected issues."

We are getting reports that the other lots are shooting well. Some of these were tested in Lou's tunnel and all is good. It is just lot 4192 that we know is bad.


I completely understand your frustration and I share your annoyance with this situation. Given that this lot was 120,000 bullets you can imagine the size of the sandwich we are eating due to this mistake. This cost will be increased due to the large number of bullets that were shipped outside the US. To make this right with those who resell our bullets outside the US we must provide more bullets to offset the additional duties, taxes and fee associated with importing bullet into other countries.

I can't say strongly enough how much I regret that this happened especially with our first major run on this new bullet. It is a deliberate act that we are going to make this right because I want to make it clear to the benchrest community that we stand behind our quality no matter what the cost.

For what it is worth, Don Nielson has won two 2-Guns and a 4-Gun over the last month using the BR Column bullets. He did run out during the HV stage of the last match and switched to a bullet known as the BR Special which is the original test bullets for the 6mm 65 gr WEB. Both the WEB and the Column are made with the same shape. The WEB is on a .825 long jacket while the Column is made on a .790 long jacket.

I mention Don's successful results only because I want to encourage you and all BR shooters to give the Column bullet a chance. We will not repeat the mistake we made with lot 4192 and the Column bullets capability as a match winner is genuine.

Recall Update: The jackets used to make the 6mm BR Column bullet are being made now. This is a critical first step in getting the lot 4192 recalled bullets replaced. We are sorting out a few details but our goal is to get the bullets running as soon as possible. I'll estimate (not promise) that bullets will start coming off the press by next week.

That is a pretty good question that really hasn't been answered yet. With all the employes and state of the art machines one would tend to wonder why the issue wasn't caught during the making process? At least they are talking care of it. Lee
I had an interesting email from Berger sales today. The writer recommended that I patronize one of their resellers as the resellers would be in line ahead of me if I tried to order direct. Shipping "real soon now" according to the writer.
Somewhat confused ???

Per your suggestion I went back and looked at the post dated 5/29 Post #101, This quote is from that post;

"We were not able to clearly identify the cause but we suspect that it relates to seating pressure. We have already taken specific steps to prevent this from happening again. I am confident that this will not be an issue with future lots. One thing I can guarantee is that we always stand behind our quality with a full exchange option available for those who have Bergers that don't shoot for them (whether the bullets are bad or not)."

Just wondering??? if they "were not able to clearly identify the cause" I'm wondering what steps they took to correct a problem that they could not identify??

From what I have read about making bullets the core seating pressure is one of the very important parts of making good quality bullets, I am guessing that this process is what Eric was referring too and they have taken steps to prevent varying core seating pressure in the future.............Ian
I guess what some guys are wondering is how the core issue went unnoticed to begin with. That's what I am hearing anyway. Eric said he was uncertain of the problem but yet they fix it? Time will tell. I hope all is well for them. I like there bullets. Lee
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Well when I get my replacement bullets, maybe, just maybe I may get an answer. All I can say at this time is some of the bullets from lot 4192 went under the microscope BEFORE the recall. What I was told " I have seen better lead lines". Maybe that had something to do with it??????????????
I gguess what some guys are wondering is how the core issue went un noticed to begin with. That's what I am hearing anyway. Eric said he was uncertain but yet they fix it? Time will tell. I hope all is well for them. I like there bullets. Lee

Lee, I guess like a lot of other situations Berger narrowed it down to the probable cause. Sometimes that's as close as one can get.
Maybe it it is because of a trade secret and they don't what anyone to know. I am just glad they are sending me two thousand including the five hundred I shot up tuning and the two day match at Union County. I shot the worst I have ever shot there. Now I know why.
I really enjoy shooting berger bullets and i certainly hope they get the issue resolved. I have high hopes for the colum bullet, as i really like this style of bullet. I shoot a similar style bullet with a small boat tail. I always thought a FB bullet with this shape would be sweet. Lee

I was supposed to get a recall tag from UPS but i must have missed them as it hasnt come yet, or if it did come UPS didnt leave it at my door. I have no real idea how all this is suppose to work.
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It took about a week for the UPS driver to show up. You should have them boxed and ready to go, the driver will slap a tag on the box and leave you a receipt tag. He will take the box with him. Berger should be making replacement bullets this week, as long as all goes well.

MidWAY USA is predicting a July 5 arrival date for BR Column bullets. Sinclair had no estimate. Since these two are ahead of me in line I'm not buying direct from Berger. By ordering a decent quantity I should be getting the same lot number.