Presuming it will be accepted, that might hold up for a week or two: equivalent to a 100 Yd. 0.047" , but at a distance which amplifies the relative wind-drift by a factor of approximately 37.666! ;-) Congratulations, Bart! RGBart set new IBS records at Memphis, A group of.282 with a score of 50..... shooting a 6 br imp. with his new bullet a 105 hammer...... nice work bud........ jim
Presuming it will be accepted, that might hold up for a week or two: equivalent to a 100 Yd. 0.047" , but at a distance which amplifies the relative wind-drift by a factor of approximately 37.666! ;-) Congratulations, Bart! RG
Presuming it will be accepted, that might hold up for a week or two: equivalent to a 100 Yd. 0.047" , but at a distance which amplifies the relative wind-drift by a factor of approximately 37.666! ;-) Congratulations, Bart! RG
Now, I believe thats laying a marker down! Pretty good shooting for a “Point Blank” Shooter!
Great job Bart.
Are those bullets available now?
Bart set new IBS records at Memphis, A group of.282 with a score of 50..... shooting a 6 br imp. with his new bullet a 105 hammer...... nice work bud........ jim
Bart,, what powder in the 6mmBR Imp?
accurate shooter article by boyd allen
Hey Guys thanks! I’ve been on the road a bunch and haven’t been over here!