New 4473 in the Mary Jane states....

Sorry to resurrect this old thread but I was reading the "notices, instructions and definitions" on form 4473 and thought of this thread. The back page for question 19 has a warning in the second paragraph that reads:

"WARNING: Any person who transfers a firearm to any person he/she knows or has a reasonable cause to believe is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm violates the law, even if the transferor/seller has complied with the Federal background check requirements."
sorry to resurrect this old thread but i was reading the "notices, instructions and definitions" on form 4473 and thought of this thread. The back page for question 19 has a warning in the second paragraph that reads:

"warning: any person who transfers a firearm to any person he/she knows or has a reasonable cause to believe is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm violates the law, even if the transferor/seller has complied with the federal background check requirements."


I had to pass polygraph after polygraph to obtain and maintain clearances.

Every agency wanted to do their own.

I always breezed through them and after a couple tries the intervals got longer and longer as I moved to the bottom of the pile.

And they are allowed to ask about ANYTHING.
In detail.
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I had to pass polygraph after polygraph to obtain and maintain clearances.

Every agency wanted to do their own.

I always breezed through them and after a couple tries the intervals got longer and longer as I moved to the bottom of the pile.

And they are allowed to ask about ANYTHING.
In detail.

There is another side to this coin...

"They" are only allowed to "ask about ANYTHING" if you've volunteered for a position which allows them to. People not employed by the govt don't have to volunteer much of anything. I, for one, get downright nasty when govt employees overstep this. We The People also need to get back to the mindset of our Founding Fathers, the mindset outlined clearly in our Constitution. WE CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT, not the other way 'round.

"Government employees" are my employees.

And "innocent until proven guilty" is still LAW.
One thing to remember.......

You filed an application to get the FFL. You ASKED THEM to "regulate" YOU, by ASKING them, to give YOU THEIR license under THEIR conditions, and agreed to abide by same.

So, what THEY say, goes, because you asked them to......
You filed an application to get the FFL. You ASKED THEM to "regulate" YOU, by ASKING them, to give YOU THEIR license under THEIR conditions, and agreed to abide by same.

So, what THEY say, goes, because you asked them to......


But to follow your line of reasoning it could be said that I've "asked" the goobermint to grant me my Driver's License too. This does not give them any rights regarding my property (in this case the vehicle) and while they may ASK "do you mind if we rifle through your possessions" I certainly have the right to say no.

And BTW I didn't "ask" them to "grant me" a FFL. I applied for it in good faith, as an upstanding member of the community. They couldn't NOT issue it to me. It's a business proposition. Likewise in my construction businesses I do agree to conform to Codes and Practices as "defined by" the code books but these codes are just like speed limits, they're laws/rules which We The People have agreed to for the greater good of our society. "The Government" didn't and doesn't define anything. WE provided the definitions and agree to abide......nowhere is there a "requirement" that I answer the stupid questions that some code enforcement officer dreams up. (And it does happen....)

I fear NO line of questioning because I obey the defined letter of the current law, my job is simply to know that law better than the enforcement body does.

Which I do.

Nor do I fear my government

I useta' think there was some "smart people" somewhere "higher up" that "ran things" but now I'm older.......and I've been there, behind the curtain......and sorry to say, it's turtles, JUST turtles all the way down.

edited to add

Brian, I'm sorry to have mis-read your intent regarding "asking for" an FFL...... I was hearkening back to an earlier discussion on the subject and my comments are completely off-base from your clearly stated intent.

In short, you are right. My discursion is irrelevant to your point.
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How are you guys in pot-legal states handling question 11-e?



Is this a trick question?

FFL is not required to investigate applicant.

Applicant must be smart enough to give the correct answer.

Please past the bag of Doritos and a 805. A DBA will also work;-)=

Yahoo Joe said "we cant arrest everyone that lies." Depends on who is enforcing the law, if anyone. Maybe today you will be lucky, tomorrow, who knows.
My understanding in Illinois is,if you have a medical marijuana card you cannot buy a firearm. I was in a couple of gun shops this past weekend and they had signs posted.