
jackie schmidt

New member
Marilyn and I just got our results for our Covid-19 test we took this morning. We did both the nasal swab and the blood test for anti-bodies.

We are now both negative for active virus, and show strong IGG anti-bodies. That’s as good as it gets.

I’m going to work.
Marilyn and I just got our results for our Covid-19 test we took this morning. We did both the nasal swab and the blood test for anti-bodies.

We are now both negative for active virus, and show strong IGG anti-bodies. That’s as good as it gets.

I’m going to work.


All right, good for you guys! Sounds like you need to get packing, too. Nice pad...that would cost you at least double that in my neck of the woods.

I hope you negotiated that Ferrari to go with the house. With your new pearly whites, and maybe a gold chain or two, you'd cut quite the dashing figure rolling to matches in it! Not sure where you'd put the rail gun, though...

Glad you guys are OK.

Alright !

Marilyn and I just got our results for our Covid-19 test we took this morning. We did both the nasal swab and the blood test for anti-bodies.

We are now both negative for active virus, and show strong IGG anti-bodies. That’s as good as it gets.

I’m going to work.

That's a good report Jackie. Relieved to hear you and Marilyn made it through that bump in the road.
Enjoy going back to work. I'll bet your employees will want to see some ID when you show up.

Best regards,

Gene Beggs

Great news Jackie. This may or may not be helpful concerning the tests. I submitted a sample for testing on July 12.
Got the results back from curative yesterday. This is their verbatim response,FWIW.

"This is an automatic notification about your recent COVID-19 test result from curative. Your Covid-19 test was NEGATIVE,meaning that the virus that causes COVID-19 was not detected in the specimen you provided. We do want to inform you that, like all tests, the COVID-19 test does have limits. If you are feeling cold or flu symptoms, its important that you stay away from others and if your symptoms are getting worse,follow up with a medical provider."

Typical CYA response from the testers.

Glad to hear its over with and you can get back to doing what is you like or need to do Jackie. It sounds like it was basically like having a bad case of the flu. Is that what you would compare it too or was it allot worse than.
................. Typical CYA response from the testers. Glenn

Well, not that much CYA.

A positive PCR test is considered to have a reliability of 98 %. If your test is +, you most probably are cov+.

A negative PCR test is considered to have a ........ 60 to 70 % reliability. So .... if your test is negative ..... well ..... make your choice.

Please keep the following in mind. The PCR is usefull / reliable when you have a lot of virus in your nose, generally at symptoms very early appearance. Later on, the virus does migrate, for example in your lungs, and the "nose test" will show negative.

People with negative PCR and ed lungs full of virus have been observed.

So .... Take care.

Furthermore, the WHO is currently being barbecued by some 250 doctors all around the planet claiming that the virus IS airborne. For these guys, somebody talking or breathing heavily (not to talk about those stupids coughing or sneezing without care) ARE generating tiny tiny droplets that "floats" a long time in the air, with enough virus load to infect you, beacuase these tiny tiny drops will straightaway go deep into your lungs or land on your humid eye balls and immediately start the Party.

While "social distancing" protects you from BIG drops quickly falling to the floor (watch you soles when coming back from the supermarket !), the aerosol/spray cloud will remain airborne and any air motion can bring it to you. Opening windows to have an air flow can be important, example doctor/hospital waiting room.

Here it comes again about wearing a mask AND GLASSES at the grocery or the supermarket or in a street with many people walking in and that tiny wind all along the street ....

India, Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain, China are all starting new lock out.

Don't get paranoiac, but BE prudent.

Jackie, read an article about a study that indicates they think people with type O blood are more resistant to Covid than people that have other blood types. Do you and your wife have type O positive or negative blood type?
Thanks, Paul
Jackie, read an article about a study that indicates they think people with type O blood are more resistant to Covid than people that have other blood types. Do you and your wife have type O positive or negative blood type?
Thanks, Paul

We are both A positive.
There is a so much dis information out there it is difficult to know who or what to believe.

I think that the fact that both Marilyn and I recovered with no ill affects is a good indication that healthy elderly people can beat it.
We are both A positive.
There is a so much dis information out there it is difficult to know who or what to believe.

I think that the fact that both Marilyn and I recovered with no ill affects is a good indication that healthy elderly people can beat it.


You're the youngest elderly person I know. Happy to hear the great news.
My mother in law, 88 years of age, had COVID about 1 month ago and was able to recover by herself at home. She was weak as hell for about 10 days but was on her riding lawnmower less than 3 weeks after first symptoms cutting 4 acres of grass. She has zero underlying health issues. However, a professional colleague of mine who was recently retired and had type II diabetes with moderate control contracted the virus and expired within a week. That was a eye opener for me as he seemed, on the surface at least, to be in good health.
Read an article about a person that got in a LONG line to get tested. singed up, got tired of waiting and went home. Couple of days later, get a letter in the mail stating they tested POSITIVE. ??? Really ,makes you wonder.:mad:
Test This AM

Checked my toothbrush. Looked negative. Free to go to a match last weekend and go racing in Ohio this weekend. I saw on the www that breathing 110 race gas kills covid germs. Jaminson's for mouthwash.

Will wear my mask. Does it make my face look fat?

If you're not healthy, be careful.



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all right, good for you guys! Sounds like you need to get packing, too. Nice pad...that would cost you at least double that in my neck of the woods.

I hope you negotiated that ferrari to go with the house. With your new pearly whites, and maybe a gold chain or two, you'd cut quite the dashing figure rolling to matches in it! Not sure where you'd put the rail gun, though...

Glad you guys are ok.

put rail behind front seat
Who was that masked man? There was a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi-yo COVID away"

Dear Rardoin, People with diabetes are at particular risk for a severe COVID infection and possible death. I am pessimistic about a swift vaccine development. What I feel is more important and possibly more likely is the development of an effective treatment for COVID. This would go a long way to help those who develop a severe case of the virus. It would also relieve a lot of anxiety about COVID in the general population. Granted that a vaccine would be more helpful overall to people but most vaccines take years to develop. In the meantime wear a mask, use social distancing, wash your hands and keep from touching your face until you have washed your hands.