Need To Find An IBS Rule

I'll play the broken Record again:

IBS has operated, during the years I have been involved, on what are either verbal agreements, understandings or opinions for some things. As Dick has said, there is no staff to do much of the work that needs to be done from time to time.

Beyond that, the rules changing or clarifying process in IBS is a bit protracted. It is a somewhat Democratic process when it is left to itself but for making minor corrections in the rules or covering omissions, it is a very lacking process, IMHO.

So, what is the ansewer to correct the situation? Perhaps instead of working the rules, the Bylaws need to be worked over a bit to address the Omission situation, at a minimum.

Personally, I don't have a problem with a device that dispenses ammo. Heck, we allow ejectors without any thought about it. I find it a lot more a PITA to handle fired cased than loading. My vote is to allow dispensing devices as was my vote to wright slipped or blown over flags. Didn't do one damn thing to harm another competitor. A dispenser will only aid in allowing a lot of people to get caught SPEEDING.

Then there is the inovation thing. I am betting most folks wouldn't use a dispensing device if they could. Most don't use tuners.
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