Need some outa'-the-box thinkers...

Ive been toying with the idea of a suppressed for a few years. I have a few actions but they all have a .473 bolt face so I decided on a shortened 308. My friend had a form die to make 30 br so I made 110 cases (a few to be lab rats) and he also has a reamer. My idea was to use a bigger case than a 300 BLK so I could make supersonics with more fps than a BLK. The subsonic with 220 SMK and super sonic with 125 ballistic tips.
I am so out to lunch on this, I would have guessed that bullet drop would be the problem, not recoil. 1.5 seconds time of flight is not bad at all. I remember shooting my first elk (only elk for that matter) it was with a 338 win mag. I had practiced for months sighting in and off hand shots, I was 35 and in decent shape and if I shot more than 18-20 rounds in a session it was too much. When I shot the elk I never felt a thing, or heard a thing. I know this doesn't solve your problem. Any of the devices that have been mentioned to reduce recoil add weight. I saw a pack years ago designed to carry a heavy tactical rifle that had a place to center the rifle in the middle of the harness and close to your back with the pack portion over the rifle. Maybe a heavy rifle and a better way to carry it till you can work out the recoil?

You're right about recoil in the woods and you not feeling it, EXCEPT that a good friend of mine recently cut hisself to the bone with a 30-06 class rifle just because the elk was uphill at a weird angle and he relaxed.....

The pack of which you speak is probably the Eberlestock pack. I've built some long-range setups for use with these packs.

Regarding the 50cal rifle aim is to make a SHORT, LIGHT and DEAD QUIET gun that handles like a 30-30 but hits like a 45-70.

Just because.

Maybe out of respect for my ancestors... :) They built working guns. These poor kids of today humping 13lb of fishhooks around battlezones just make me hurt.

As a big ol' tow-behind-the-pickup howitzer gun like that 300 Whisper in the vid it's already been done. Cool, but not COOL!!!!.....
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Ive been toying with the idea of a suppressed for a few years. I have a few actions but they all have a .473 bolt face so I decided on a shortened 308. My friend had a form die to make 30 br so I made 110 cases (a few to be lab rats) and he also has a reamer. My idea was to use a bigger case than a 300 BLK so I could make supersonics with more fps than a BLK. The subsonic with 220 SMK and super sonic with 125 ballistic tips.

Here's a suppressed story.....

First of all....Your idea is sound. But notice that even the Blackout can be zipped up to 30-30 standards. It's a good liddle 30-30 style deer gun, well-played in the American South East. But SUBsonic it becomes a toy. A 220gr SierraHPBT Match only has 500FP at the muzzle. Basically you've made a great big 10lb 357 Mag....marginal as a manstopper but not really a hunting round.

So some friends of mine got into the AR-15 subsonic thing......started out with just putting a suppressor on the AR-15 and shooting standard loads....OUCH!! it'll ring your chimes. It almost seems "louder" than un-suppressed! So they spent a week scouring the sub-gun forums and making up loads until finally, VOILA'HHH!! It was whispery quiet and all's you could hear is the action cycling......WHEEEE! they were showing off their new creation the action cycling, spent rounds dribbling out the side....and my comment was "congratulations! You've made it into a 22 long rifle!"


Al, this is a cool project! I think you juuuuuust might be having fun. I have to compliment you on your writing, you make it read like you're having a standard conversation and you seem to have mastered creative ways to write that make it feel almost like one is right there with you just listening along. You are a ton of fun on here, gotta be more so in real life. I've not read every post yet, gotta go to work in a few, but I think you need a good name for your creation. I nominate you call it the.........


Take care,

There's something to be said about big bullets moving slow. I just finished a .585 Nyati on a CZ 550 Safari Express action. In doing so, I designed an 840 grain cast bullet and ordered a mold. My initial load is 90 grains of 3031 and it goes 1,750 fps. In an 11 lb rifle with a brake, it isn't too bad on the shoulder. Now don't get me wrong, it kicks but isn't painful.

840 gr Martin LFN

Eventually I'll develop a 900 - 1,000 fps load. I bet it'll still penetrate like hell and be pleasant to shoot. Of course, it isn't the 500 yard cartridge you're after, but I thought I'd share it. Incidentally, the top Nyati is 160 grs of 4350 with a 750 gr Woodleigh for 2,500 fps.....and yes, even with a brake it pounds the shooter hard.

Alinwa -

Howdy, again !

Another outside the box project, that featured their Mk 1 round; a .51" cal @ 1,250fps.... once up-to-speed.

With regards,

I remember the Gyrojet.....$15.00 a round back in the early 70's IIRC???? And couldn't hit the inside of a barn???

The problem with these as with all multi-charge, base-bleed, multi-stage, RPG etc type systems is that they lack accuracy. And they're hideously expensive....We build fireworks here, my engineer son is quite the pyro...he's even working on a self-guiding system for pinpoint displays, but at $38.00/shot it ain't worth it to set up your typical 3-second Golden Shower.

I want simple, conventional and proven tech. And cheap bullets. sounds like you're doing some of the same stuff. And what you find is, supersonic is EASY and PLEASANT because you've enough excess gas to brake the system.

Now, on the subject of penetration, big and slow..... it's unbelievable.

I've got a couple acres of lawn in front of my shop/range house. We shoot a lot of stuff right at the lawn. We set up plates and swingers, we have liddle competitons and we hold classes and sometimes we race cans. This last is simple. We paint two lines acros't the lawn maybe 50ft apart. Start with the cans/rubber targets/tennis balls etc set on the line closer to you and try knock your can over the second line before anyone else. There is only one rule, no shotguns allowed. But anything else goes. Sluggunss, 22's, 44Mag's, 45ACP, the little kids shoot Daisy Red Ryders and have an intermediate line to cross........

My point is, I've seen the damage from a LOT of projectiles as they rip and pock the lawn. A 338 will drag up a fist-sized divot before it whines off into the mountainside...a 12ga saboted slug will sometimes tear a foot-long slot. But an 850gr lead slug at 900-1050 is just unstoppable.

I built a little roll in the yard, an area that slopes down to a volleyball court. It starts about 50ft from the shooting area of the shop. Flat, flat, flat out to about 50ft then the ground rolls down about 18"-20" into the volleyball area... I set up my recoil sled about 10PM one night, on the shop floor, shooting out into the night. A couple times I thought I heard ricochets before hearing the slugs crashing thru the trees down by the crick. Didn't think anything of it.......

Next morning headed for work my headlights swept the lawn and WHOAHHHH!!! "Looks like the moles attacked last nite!!!" I walked out into the lawn and there's 3"-6" deep furrows with the sod peeled open like you'd drug a plow thru. FURROWS 10-12ft long! Those biggie slugs were entering the lawn 10ft back on the flat, powering thru 10-12ft of sod and EXITING THE SLOPE to continue down into the trees unabated!


With my toe I rolled the sod back into the furrows and tamped it down. 3days later you couldn't see it.
I've just thought of something.....those 850gr 50cal slugs that burrowed and furrowed the lawn were wound up by a 7.5" twist. Recommended twist is something like 15" or 20"......they were revolving at near 78,000rpm's....

I be betcha' that this is what kept them stable instead of them bouncing out the sod! I mentioned "I thought I heard ricochets" which is true....but they were not the typical VrrRMMMM!! just subtle flutter....

Whatever it is, these pertickler slugs burrowed like linear gophers and came out on the same plane. And still made it to the treeline 180yds downrange with a crash and a bang...
Al, this is a cool project! I think you juuuuuust might be having fun. I have to compliment you on your writing, you make it read like you're having a standard conversation and you seem to have mastered creative ways to write that make it feel almost like one is right there with you just listening along. You are a ton of fun on here, gotta be more so in real life. I've not read every post yet, gotta go to work in a few, but I think you need a good name for your creation. I nominate you call it the.........


Take care,


Why thank you Greg :) I'm glad you're enjoying my musings...

I'll put AlinWAMMMM!!! on my list alongside "Sussurus" and "Airborne Pathogen" and "Covert Interdiction" and "Butterfly Stomp"......or, from My Jackpine Savage friends...."beerfart" (SBD).....LOL.....yeahh, I'm having fun with it.
Yup....that's the thing. They are wikkid easy in those big clunky two-handed two-ton tacticool setups but that's just not my deal. You cut the weight in half and the paradigm shiffftssss

Even at 13lb they're not bad (physics) but you get 'er down under 10lb and look out...(again, physics LOL) more weight=less felt recoil EVERY time....

The funny thing is, the typical tacticool weight for 50BMG's is 26-28lb......I've fired 13lb 50BMG's that kick LESS than that. It's all in the brake and making it do it's thing.

BTW here's another video I found off yours. I'm guessing with that fat barrel it's weighing 13-15lb ....this looks to be kicking a little more like mine do LOL....he's making it look like he's enjoying it....
After reading and relating as best I can to this thread, I feel more comfortable inside my box.

You guys keep it up. I am enjoying the discussion from my box.

Concho Bill
I am liking it also, but what's not to love about inventing some thing new and the experimentation that goes with it!!!!! Any chance we could see a picture of this beast?
I am liking it also, but what's not to love about inventing some thing new and the experimentation that goes with it!!!!! Any chance we could see a picture of this beast?
pix of the round(s) on page 1, and of the brake. At this point my test-mule guns are just a Sav 110-ish thing, a Wby chassis and a Rem700 all with aluminum slideplates. I guess I've also screwed a bbl onto one of my TAC338's and tested a bunch of 338L based rds (kindofa' 510 Whisper type thang but I can't say that name or use a Whisper reamer without paying I don't) I won't put together a real one until I've gotten the feel I want.

And I won't do a Whisper.

And since't I don't want to pay Rick Jamison I won't use the WSM-based one neither LOL....

It's the principle, not the money y'see.....
50-338 Norma

pix of the round(s) on page 1, and of the brake. At this point my test-mule guns are just a Sav 110-ish thing, a Wby chassis and a Rem700 all with aluminum slideplates. I guess I've also screwed a bbl onto one of my TAC338's and tested a bunch of 338L based rds (kindofa' 510 Whisper type thang but I can't say that name or use a Whisper reamer without paying I don't) I won't put together a real one until I've gotten the feel I want.

And I won't do a Whisper.

And since't I don't want to pay Rick Jamison I won't use the WSM-based one neither LOL....

I am working on a rifle now based on a 338 norma case. Cut the cases at 1.860" and neck them to hold .510 bullets. Still working out some kinks with loading dies but I should be set soon. Planning to shoot cast bullets 550 - 875 grains. Used an 8 twist bbl to stabilize 750 gr jacketed bullets at 1000fps if I decide to go that route
pix of the round(s) on page 1, and of the brake. At this point my test-mule guns are just a Sav 110-ish thing, a Wby chassis and a Rem700 all with aluminum slideplates. I guess I've also screwed a bbl onto one of my TAC338's and tested a bunch of 338L based rds (kindofa' 510 Whisper type thang but I can't say that name or use a Whisper reamer without paying I don't) I won't put together a real one until I've gotten the feel I want.

And I won't do a Whisper.

And since't I don't want to pay Rick Jamison I won't use the WSM-based one neither LOL....

I am working on a rifle now based on a 338 norma case. Cut the cases at 1.860" and neck them to hold .510 bullets. Still working out some kinks with loading dies but I should be set soon. Planning to shoot cast bullets 550 - 875 grains. Used an 8 twist bbl to stabilize 750 gr jacketed bullets at 1000fps if I decide to go that route

Just a perspective on reloading dies from a complete die freak.......I still don't have any dies and don't know if I'll ever get any. If the cases are virtually straight taper (mine ARE straight body nor neck taper at all) and you've a formed shoulder in the brass then the only thing you have to size is the hold a bullet.

First of all, part and parcel of my setups are turned necks and straight tapers to maximize the amount of shoulder I can mfgr in the brass case.

I made a die on the lathe which resizes the neck a couple thou.....I can vary neck thickness to vary neck tension and I've fired some of these cases 20 times up to a velocity of about 1500 max, most at 1000-1050 and found no need to resize the bodies.

I've been seating using some oddball 50cal die from my drawer....could be a Beowulf or a 50 Sharps or a 50AE I can't remember...just something to push the bullet in.

Anyway, no need for much in the way of dies IMO