need Insert help


Active member
I bought a couple 3/8" boring bars on ebay really, really cheap. 18$ for the both. The bigger bar in the pic I have and know what insert it uses. the little bar doesn't have an insert and the fella I got it from doesn't know what insert it takes. He CDCD insert I could try before I spend 150$ . Can anyone help? Much appreciated. Lee

The little bar isn't phase 2 and the insert is about half the size as the bigger phase 2 bar in the pic. This insert will be a little sucker! Thanks lee
Nope. No insert. I'll tell ya, my head is about to spin. I've been reading and measuring and when I finally think I've got it figured out, I'll read something else that makes me doubt myself. Lol. Carbide depot seems to be a really good source of info. I may even give them a call after bit. Thanks gentlemen. Lee
If its got numbers on the bar call any good insert mfr. if it does not then go ahead and trash it. Youll never find the correct angles even if you get the right size. I had one like that and it was better served in the trash
This little bar is a c or 80* for sure that much I know. I also know the center hole for the screw is approx. 068. The insert will be approx. 100 in length and width. I'm guessing the thickness will be around .080. This I know. I called carbide depot and that was a worthless phone call. The dude wouldn't give me the time of day. Actually he was an ass and I hung up on him, and I never do things such as that.
Jerry, I guess I'll use your advise and start tracking down these measurments. Lee
Looks like a CCMT insert, most boring bars that size are. Its either a 200 size or 300 size. Break out the enco catalog, you calipers, read the intro to inserts and figure it out.
Try these:

It should use a CDCD insert, which I believe only comes in one size. 5/32" inscribed circle, and .040" thickness. That doesn't sound like the correct measurements, but USST sells the boring bar model BBC-1130R and says it uses CDCD inserts.

Here's the USShopTools website. You want catalog page 294.

The insert size appears to be 1.21.2 and then the last digits can be a 0, 0.5, or a 1 which designates the corner radius. 1.2 and 1.2 designates the I.C. and thickness. It looks like CDCB inserts may work as well.

Someone really should come up with a better system for this crap.
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