Need guidance for a Trident / Bix N Andy issue


New member
Good Morning Everyone,

I built a Trident based rifle for the smallbore prone discipline. After shooting the rifle successfully the day before (appx 200 rounds) the next day saw the trigger function begin to deteriorate beginning with significant amounts of creep, to a hang fire, to no engagement at all resulting in a complete failure to fire. The rifle and trigger were brand new. I am looking for some guidance as to what may have been the culprit and or noting any special needs to properly fit a BNA to a trident action. Note that I had not used any cleaning solvents down the barrel which may have seeped into the trigger.

Many thanks for your guidance and counsel.

Mark D
You might try to clean it, but I had one that acted like that and I had to replace it. Bullet Central has cleaning procedures on their web site.
BNA - Trident

OKL Jim,

Thanks for the reply. I am trying reconcile in my head the need to clean a brand new trigger !


Jim is correct, but if after cleaning following Bullet Central's instructions the problem resurfaces.
Contact BC and they have a fix for this issue. After they fixed one of mine that had been acting up (had it back within a week) it has never reoccured.
Very nice, helpful folks at Bullet Central.

Glen H
BNA Triiger

Jim is correct, but if after cleaning following Bullet Central's instructions the problem resurfaces.
Contact BC and they have a fix for this issue. After they fixed one of mine that had been acting up (had it back within a week) it has never reoccured.
Very nice, helpful folks at Bullet Central.

Glen H

Many thanks !
Jim is correct, but if after cleaning following Bullet Central's instructions the problem resurfaces.
Contact BC and they have a fix for this issue. After they fixed one of mine that had been acting up (had it back within a week) it has never reoccured.
Very nice, helpful folks at Bullet Central.

Glen H

Did they happen to tell you what the problem was?
All they said was that the fix would take less than 20 minutes. They weren't specific.
All I can say is that I had it back in my hands in less than a week, and almost two years later it has worked flawlessly since the fix.
The folks at Bullet Central were really great to work with.
The other B&A triggers I purchased after this one have never had an issue.
I would not hesitate to purchase another one.

Glen H
TRIDENT or another action?

All they said was that the fix would take less than 20 minutes. They weren't specific.
All I can say is that I had it back in my hands in less than a week, and almost two years later it has worked flawlessly since the fix.
The folks at Bullet Central were really great to work with.
The other B&A triggers I purchased after this one have never had an issue.
I would not hesitate to purchase another one.

Glen H

Hi Glen,

Was your trigger fixed for a TRIDENT or another action?

I am confident that Glen's was on a different action, but this is a well known issue in RFBR with some B&A's. It isn't related to the action. If you have this issue and you have cleaned the trigger and it comes back, send it to BC and let them fix it. I have had this issue on my Trident and Turbo.
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Did they happen to tell you what the problem was?

Glen and Hozzie are correct. Only thing I have to add would be an answer to the 'what was wrong' question. I have 3 B&A triggers and two of them failed. The fact that two of the failures were in Trident actions had nothing to do with the action, as already mentioned.

I took both apart for detailed cleaning and they both worked again.....for a little while.....then failed again. The second failure on one of them was in a 2500X. Both triggers went to Bullet Central, on different occasions. Time on the phone with the tech there finally got me an answer. There were one or two batches of triggers that were imported after the factory changed out some tooling. This change effected the vertical plate that holds the balls in alignment and put it out of spec. In those triggers, the balls will eventually end up stacked perfectly centered and will not allow them to roll off to release the sear. It's a gradual process that you can feel in trigger when it happens. All my failures did the same as described in the original post, except I never had any hang fires. These issues occurred in my first two triggers. My last trigger I bought has had no issues and the tech at Bullet Central assumed it was from a later batch produced after the factory fixed the production issue.

In triggers that were part of the bad batch/batches, the tech hones the plate into spec so the balls align slightly off center and no issues have been had with them since the repair. As others have stated, Bullet Central is an excellent vendor with great customer service. My experience with them was top notch.
Bix N Andy - close the loop on the thread

I am compelled to let everyone know that I did return the trigger the Bullet Central and their responsiveness was terrific. The trigger was returned to me within one week. I was not made aware of what mods were done but I will hopefully now be able to run the rifle with no issues. Thank you to everyone who responded to my question(s).
