Need 6 PPC loads for an AR15 (1 in 13 twist Hart barrel)

jeff, see above.
the probablity of me shooting at any match is slim. i have shot at club score matches and beat 6 ppcs...the best finish was a 5/6th.
to shoot a registered match i stll need some items. one is the buttstock remade with a low angle lower section for beter tracking. the 1000 yd stock made that clear.
then some practice in the 7 min time frame.
i have over 10 years, part time , in these guns. they shoot well but not ready for a registered matchs.
having said that, if you want to see me i will give you a phone number.
mike in co

mike in colorado

coming to the ralltlesnake as I am coming from canada to see you compete against the bolt actions, I would just like to see your rig and perhaps shoot it,

I was one of the nay sayers but would like to be proven wrong, as i recall you did not want to go to a match

hopefully you want ot shoot a yardage at that shoot

later Jeff
the lower is not the issue...the upper, specicially the bolt.
i use 7.62x39 bolts
as has beem mentioned pressure may be an issue.
it is my inderstanding that "someone" has a bolt stronger than the std 7.62x39 off shoot of the 6.5 rounds in ar's.
lost of issues...and i now work most weekends, spent my las bit of money finishing the 300 win mag 1000yd BOLT gun...
so all else is on hold.
mike in co

What lower? Can someone PLEASE answer my question on where to find a lower for a 6PPC AR?

Steve would appear you have a little problem with ar's and terminology.
a)the lower on an ar is a holding holds: the trigger group, the handle, the buttstock, the is not really caliber specific...other than by length.

b) the upper is the bbl, the bolt, carrier, charging handle. since it is both the bolt and the is VERY CALIBER SPECIFIC.

next question.
mike in co

What lower? Can someone PLEASE answer my question on where to find a lower for a 6PPC AR?

Steve would appear you have a little problem with ar's and terminology.
a)the lower on an ar is a holding holds: the trigger group, the handle, the buttstock, the is not really caliber specific...other than by length.

b) the upper is the bbl, the bolt, carrier, charging handle. since it is both the bolt and the is VERY CALIBER SPECIFIC.

next question.
mike in co


You are telling me that even though there is a dimensional difference between the 6PPC and the other AR ammo, that a mag can hold them and reliably feed them.

i never said that.
but that is the mag..not the lower....
i shot mine single was a br gun.
others have posted here no use a 7.62x39 magazine.
i would guess that m4 feed ramps would help..but that is the upper again.
mike in co


You are telling me that even though there is a dimensional difference between the 6PPC and the other AR ammo, that a mag can hold them and reliably feed them.

I see

i never said that.
but that is the mag..not the lower....
i shot mine single was a br gun.
others have posted here no use a 7.62x39 magazine.
i would guess that m4 feed ramps would help..but that is the upper again.
mike in co

Thanks Mike!

You can always load an ar-15 single shot, as I was told at Small Arms Firing School.

Thanks Mike Ezell for the load advice. I think I will go with a 6 PPC load from the Hodgdon load table: 70 gr Nosler, 26.0 gr Benchmark gives 2803 fps at 35,500 CUP. This would seem like a safe starting load even though I will be using Bart's 68 gr bullet instead of the Nosler 70 gr. This 6 PPC AR was built by me using a Hart barrel. Hart headspaced the barrel to the 7.62 x 39 bolt I sent to them; I have several 6.5 Grendel mags. I have had this rifle completed for about 6 months now but have not had to time to get loads together. Looking forward to more shooting time when I retire in December.

Thanks again,

You're welcome Bill. Just be careful. Those ar's don't show pressure like a bolt gun till it's already way too hot.--Mike
As Mike said, the lower can be any standard AR15 style lower. I had Robert Whitley build me a 6mmAR upper which is the 6.5 Grendel case (a PPC based case) necked down to 6mm. This upper with match grade barrel and other components sits on top of a standard Bushmaster lower. Put whatever trigger in your lower that you would like. The magazine for the lower does need to fit the cartridge, but those are available. While not buiilt to benchrest specs, it's a whole lot of fun on prairie dogs (and probably coyotes too)! If you want more info on the 6mmAR, please go to Mr. Whitley's website Again, PPC based.
i am reluctent to get speciific. there are narrow minded loud mouth people on this forum who, in my opinion, "if they did not do it, it cannot be done".
my 223 shoots under .2 and is an ar15. 14 twist bbl, 52/53 at 3500/3600 fps. 36x scope...3" flat fore arm.
i just converted my 6ppc ar15 to a 6beggs.....still in work.
and an ar10 in 308 br.....
these were built as BENCHREST rifles.
others have built gas gun repeaters...that shoot very well. 6ppc is just one of a multitude of chamberings in these platforms.
robert w has done quite a few and published the results in PRECISION SHOOTING.
not everyone with a "black gun" is a spray and pray person......some of us enjoy precision shooting.
they make great varmit..small game guns

mike in co

Congrats there Mike, you just won about 90% of the registered BR matches in the country, wish my purpose built bench gun did that.
i dont need silly remarks. my work/progress has been posted here over the 10 plus year period.
none of this is new..and you will note i mention i cannot do it in 7 min...still work to be done.
is the accuracy there ,, it ready for a registered
work, work and more work

mike in co
Not silly in the least. Shoots under .2" when stated implies , more than rarely, i.e- with some regularity, a suggestion of some consistancy, which, given the nature of most winning BR aggs with purpose built BR guns......better. I understand you cannot do it in 7 min, which I translate into rarely, which I suspect translates into...almost never. Since a purpose built, CNC machined, precision bolt action, usually glued into a high grade purpose built stock, incorpoating a 2 oz trigger, none of which are practically available on an AR platform. This is why matches are held, and why might I ask is this not possible within 7 min on that platform?
i do not need a glued in action/stock...cause its an ar....i do have a glued and screwed forearm flat.
one issue in the seven minutes is lack of tracking. it still has a std buttstock..i need to build one up and shape it like a bolt gun stock in br.
opening the bolt disturbs the gun too much with the current i spend a bunch of time getting back to where i think i was.
and yes the .2 is real...took me a long time finally got there with a slow lot of 8208....
things to do list:
regrind reamer for br bullets, and then rechamber.
(my reamer has too long of a throat.)
start over....

mike in co
I still would like to see it in colorado if you have the time, it is hard to try to build one if it is not possible to shoot well with it, jefferson
end me a pm/im/email
i'll try sending my ph number
I still would like to see it in colorado if you have the time, it is hard to try to build one if it is not possible to shoot well with it, jefferson
Precision ARs are possible. My buddy's 222 is built for precision. 26" heavy barrel single shot with no gas system. It is good for 0.25. Could be better as it has the rear stock fixed and a very light single stage trigger from JP. The barrel nut fit to the receiver seems to be the significant error factor at this time that keeps the groups up to 0.25"

Our bull barrel 223 uppers will shoot 0.50" groups and my Stoner M-4 also did 0.5" when the barrel was fresh. And for a fact the M-4 would shoot 5 shots into 1/2" or better in less than 10 seconds when the barrel was fresh.

All of the groups above were shot with quality scopes, usually a 36D Leupold. Shooting was off a high quality concrete bench. We use a custom 3" forearm and custom front and rear rest. We are as close to short range BR gear as possible. The only thing different is we are using the AR-15 platform.

Mike in CO I would be very interested to learn if you have any better solutions for the Barrel Nut fit to the receiver than the common parts. This is currently our area of question. We have been bedding the parts together but still think we are not perfect. Especially with the heavy 26" barrels.

My buddy's 6.5 BR with a heavy 26" barrel, light trigger and good butt stock will also keep with in the 0.5" groups or less.
i tighten them mil style. tighten it several times to bed/seat the threads and then torque to line up tube if there is one, if not till i feel happy.
do you face the front of the recvr ?...custom nut with trued thread to face ???
(you know colt made ar's in 222 ?? mags are out there.....yes i know single shot...just saying....)

mike in co