Neck Tension for LT-32

LT-32 Lot Numbers

Both of my 8# Jugs have a sticker on the bottom 01.07.13 with a #2 on top. If that is the lot# maybe its a good idea to mark that # in the front of the Jugs with a permanent pen. The stickers dont look like they will stick very Long. if this powder is as good as people ar claiming it is. i will stock up some more. Gabe

I have received 3 8# jugs & 1 1# the stickers on the bottom had a 1 above the date on the 8# and a 2 on the 1#
Also in the lower right corner of the bar code on the front of the 8# is the #1 and in the same location on the 1# is the number 2. The numbers match so from what others have said on here I think the lot # could also be in the bar code area.
I'am going to call western Powders to check on my assumptions.

Interesting Question - - -

Have you, or anyone else for that matter found too much neck tension to be a bad thing? If so, why do you think?

I hope some folks will opine on this one. I have my opinion but am interested to hear what others have to say.

I have shot this powder and the older lots of Canadian 2015 which is reportedly very similar (which I can attest to). I have performed ladder tests over a 2 grain window, used more than one kind of bullet, and a pretty wide variety of neck tension. Too much neck tension didn't seem to be a big issue, too little and the groups opened up.

Here's where I am probably going to get in trouble with either my analysis or terminolgy. In all this testing, I have never once had a flyer; I mean the one shot that for some unknown reason is a 1/2" or more outside the rest. I think this powder has a very shallow pressure curve and is very stable. The pressure curve is not spikey like some other powders we use.

Last weekend I took my same load that was producing mid 1's on a warm afternoon to a morning score shoot that was cool and humid that changed by the end of the shoot to warm and extremely dry for our area and never changed the load. I couldn't have gotten by with that using 133. It is going to be very interesting to see what happens when it starts to get hot.
new lots of LT-32

I know this is an old thread but am just wondering what shooters are thinking about the newer lots of LT-32 as compared to lots 1 and 2? I have seen jugs with lot numbers as high as 6 and was just wondering how it was shooting as far as accuracy, velocity and weight/density? Any comments?

Ive Shot a good bit of LT 32 in competition. As a matter of fact I won River Bend with LT 32 last week. If you have the correct neck tension to shoot V133 then it will work perfectly with LT.


Thanks for the powder LOU! You're the Man!
I got an 8# jug driving back from Phoenix a few weeks ago from Brunos 10.14.13 (6)

It cant be lot 6 already can it ????
The LT-32 I got is not as clean burning as the Chinese-made 2015 BR I've been using to date.

Zdog (that's Zee-dog! Chris Mitchell)

I have seen Israel- made 2015
I have seen Czech Republic- made 2015
I have seen Canada-made 2015
never even heard of this Chinese stuff....