
I may be missing something idk. It was my understanding once you become a paid member of the nbrsa you can access the members only section which has the current month of the magazine as well as archiced months. As far as match results. matches that are held in May are usually listed along with a write up in the next month addition. Sometimes its two months later. I was never aware of any other way to see results other than when someone is kind enough to post a pdf on this site when a topic about that match is started.

Mike i think you made us all aware of the results from the match you shot in recently.
I believe more than one thread was started with results attached. Did something change?

Ive shot in several registered matches that do not recieve a write up or have results posted in Precision Rifleman magazine. As a matter of fact sometimes they onlt list top 10-15 not the entire field.

If there is another method by which to see or recieve match results I would like to know myself. Starting a thread asking for a pdf of the results has so far never failed to get a response from someone who was a part of putting the match on

Mike do you recieve Precision Shooter magazine?
I understand your thoughts Eddie, but how can Audrey print what she doesn't have? Remember there is a leadtime on printed matter.
The guy probably saw the results at the match and getting a copy by computer is not what he is looking for as he wants all of us to see it in the funny papers. Funny papers is a term from Jay Lynn Gore.
Yes, we do like to see our name in print.

You are correct Butch, but my comment was only meant to define what happens at a match...I know that in our area of Texas it is common for anyone who participated in the match to receive the match results (if requested) via email. But making it available to the general public (thru forums) seems to be a low priority..
I can also agree that very few websites update the match results as frequently as the IBS...IMO...they know that results and photos of events can bestow pride in accomplishment for the shooter, and curiosity from those who might be trying to decide if Benchrest is a game they want to try... The IBS is doing a great job in that aspect..!!

Eddie in Texas
yes i get the magazine.
no i never said it was about results....the naysayer started their own thread, not me.
i had tried an email, and got no response to my question. others say to try another contact, so i will.
actually pretty simple except it appears the children still need to play.

I may be missing something idk. It was my understanding once you become a paid member of the nbrsa you can access the members only section which has the current month of the magazine as well as archiced months. As far as match results. matches that are held in May are usually listed along with a write up in the next month addition. Sometimes its two months later. I was never aware of any other way to see results other than when someone is kind enough to post a pdf on this site when a topic about that match is started.

Mike i think you made us all aware of the results from the match you shot in recently.
I believe more than one thread was started with results attached. Did something change?

Ive shot in several registered matches that do not recieve a write up or have results posted in Precision Rifleman magazine. As a matter of fact sometimes they onlt list top 10-15 not the entire field.

If there is another method by which to see or recieve match results I would like to know myself. Starting a thread asking for a pdf of the results has so far never failed to get a response from someone who was a part of putting the match on

Mike do you recieve Precision Shooter magazine?
well i guess i am just a stick in the mud.
i go to the back of the magazine, and guess what...
audrey's email is THE ACCOUNT i sent the email to..still no reply.
tried her phone and got voicemail.

only time will tell
The rest of us have a number Audrey will answer day or night. The number in the magazine is just for show...

If you can't reach Audrey pretty quickly, call your regional director. He needs to know you couldn't reach the secretary, but moreover, he can likely answer any question you may have. Further, if he doesn't know the answer, it's up to him to find it.
Wilbur you must have gotten lucky or something this week.
Between the bank robbery and this one you seem to be in rare form.
I'm hoping Mike will realize the first part of that is me trying to be funny - but the second part is gospel.

Yes, I suppose I was a bit "rare"....

Instead of rising to the top the sludge remark seems to have gone over more than a few heads. My communication skills are slipping.
no most adults recognize childish behavior and have long ago learn to ignore it.
no one missed your poor behavior..again
Since this forum goes out to the world, and the matter in question would only concern members of the NBRSA, perhaps it would have been better to have simply called a regional director, rather that taking it to the world. Many times I see posts on various forums concerning matters that could have been handled without so much fuss.
i tried the nbrsa site.
it failed,
i am new to nbrsa, and
i know there are members here, so i asked.
the bottom line to this point is no returned emails or calls.
the reason for the contact has never been discussed, contact was the issue.

Since this forum goes out to the world, and the matter in question would only concern members of the NBRSA, perhaps it would have been better to have simply called a regional director, rather that taking it to the world. Many times I see posts on various forums concerning matters that could have been handled without so much fuss.
Then perhaps you may want to consider my suggestion for any future NBRSA related issues. As a former president of a large rifle and pistol club, perhaps I am more sensitive to people taking things to the world that a simple look at the officers' phone contact information, and a personal call could have handled.

Part of Audrey's DAILY regimen is to wade through dozens of emails and phone messages and make some attempt to respond to everyone. From what I know, most contacts are returned within hours, if not by the next day. The NBRSA number in the magazine rings through to her cell where the messages are collected. As a global organization, that phone rings at all hours of the day and night. For her own sanity, and as part of her time management process she lets it go to voicemail when she's on other tasks (NBRSA business, processing renewals, publishing the magazine, ordering trophies, feeding chickens, walking the dog).

The content of the magazine directly reflects the material supplied to her by the match directors and their assigned publicists. No pictures? No write-up? Shows up 6 months late? Chances are it can be traced back to us, the membership. Occasionally she will fill in details with info she researched from this and other sites, but it certainly isn't her responsibility to go digging for it. Each issue has room for about 9-12 match reports. Results from the many sanctioned Nationals get some priority, but most things are published roughly in the order received. The August issue is already at the printer (40 pages this month) and September is basically full, just waiting for print deadlines before final massaging. By October there will be 50+ matches in queue and there are many other obligations like board minutes and obituaries that consume the precious 32 pages of space each month that we support with our dues. Could it be bigger? Certainly, but is the membership willing to accept the dues increase to make so? Even one or two issues at 40 pages gives a severe aneurysm to the annual budget.

On the NBRSA website: frankly there are only so many hours in the day and the nbrsa.org gets the short end of that stick. Running a good website is even more of a time and technical challenge than publishing a magazine. Someday we will get to a consolidated technology platform that allows us to schedule matches, keep score, publish results, and analyze performance all online without having to re-enter 99% of the data (its all on the drawing board). Until then, the website will probably get less attention than it deserves. As a full-time web application developer and somewhat officially responsible for keeping nbrsa.org online, all I can say is "the cobbler's children have no shoes". I'd rather shoot matches on my weekends than sit in front of the computer.

@Mike in CO: this forum is not a substitute channel for resolving NBRSA issues -- we have Audrey and Regional Directors for that purpose. This site has no official relationship to the NBRSA or her job and Audrey does not regularly visit here. Airing your concerns here is probably the least effective way to get them addressed -- like calling the newspaper to get your car fixed. I met you in person at the LR shoot in Byers and found you to be a reasonable and pleasant person, but I have to say that I find your opening post to be in poor taste. With the lone exception of Audrey, this is a volunteer organization and the quality thereof is a direct reflection of us, the membership. Want something better, step up to the plate, there is no line. I did wade through through Audrey's email logs and found no email contact from you within the appropriate date range, and Audrey mentioned that you may have used a Contact Form from website. I will look into that to ensure that messages through that channel are being forwarded to her.

Rod Brown
(Audrey's BR-shooting husband and official (with a little "o") NBRSA web guy)
Part of Audrey's DAILY regimen is to wade through dozens of emails and phone messages and make some attempt to respond to everyone. From what I know, most contacts are returned within hours, if not by the next day. The NBRSA number in the magazine rings through to her cell where the messages are collected. As a global organization, that phone rings at all hours of the day and night. For her own sanity, and as part of her time management process she lets it go to voicemail when she's on other tasks (NBRSA business, processing renewals, publishing the magazine, ordering trophies, feeding chickens, walking the dog).

The content of the magazine directly reflects the material supplied to her by the match directors and their assigned publicists. No pictures? No write-up? Shows up 6 months late? Chances are it can be traced back to us, the membership. Occasionally she will fill in details with info she researched from this and other sites, but it certainly isn't her responsibility to go digging for it. Each issue has room for about 9-12 match reports. Results from the many sanctioned Nationals get some priority, but most things are published roughly in the order received. The August issue is already at the printer (40 pages this month) and September is basically full, just waiting for print deadlines before final massaging. By October there will be 50+ matches in queue and there are many other obligations like board minutes and obituaries that consume the precious 32 pages of space each month that we support with our dues. Could it be bigger? Certainly, but is the membership willing to accept the dues increase to make so? Even one or two issues at 40 pages gives a severe aneurysm to the annual budget.

On the NBRSA website: frankly there are only so many hours in the day and the nbrsa.org gets the short end of that stick. Running a good website is even more of a time and technical challenge than publishing a magazine. Someday we will get to a consolidated technology platform that allows us to schedule matches, keep score, publish results, and analyze performance all online without having to re-enter 99% of the data (its all on the drawing board). Until then, the website will probably get less attention than it deserves. As a full-time web application developer and somewhat officially responsible for keeping nbrsa.org online, all I can say is "the cobbler's children have no shoes". I'd rather shoot matches on my weekends than sit in front of the computer.

@Mike in CO: this forum is not a substitute channel for resolving NBRSA issues -- we have Audrey and Regional Directors for that purpose. This site has no official relationship to the NBRSA or her job and Audrey does not regularly visit here. Airing your concerns here is probably the least effective way to get them addressed -- like calling the newspaper to get your car fixed. I met you in person at the LR shoot in Byers and found you to be a reasonable and pleasant person, but I have to say that I find your opening post to be in poor taste. With the lone exception of Audrey, this is a volunteer organization and the quality thereof is a direct reflection of us, the membership. Want something better, step up to the plate, there is no line. I did wade through through Audrey's email logs and found no email contact from you within the appropriate date range, and Audrey mentioned that you may have used a Contact Form from website. I will look into that to ensure that messages through that channel are being forwarded to her.

Rod Brown
(Audrey's BR-shooting husband and official (with a little "o") NBRSA web guy)

well said, Rod.

and thank you to Audrey for putting up with us!!
Thank you Rod for your post and a big thank you to Audrey. She has and is doing a great job. We are very lucky to have you guys.
that's not what she said about you!

lol...yes all is well, nice write up.

it is in the past, let it be.
it all started when the site email never got thru to her.
no idea why. i had a simple question, it was answered, on to the next shoot.
you going to go to missoula for the 1000 yd shoot in aagust ?

I would like to make one of the Missoula shoots some day, but I've got goals in short-range that are my focus now. Shooting 5 weekends in a row at the moment: Porcupine(Prairie Dog), Ault, Grand Junction, Billings, and Springville. I take a couple weeks off to spend time with friends, then its the fall push: Billings, Porcupine, Ault (Firewalker), the Nationals, and Grand Junction (Purple Haze). Lots of opportunity for a Colorado guy to make some shoots without too much travel -- you're invited! :)

I've got a LR gun in the works: barrel, scope, and action on are the bench. Just got a new reamer last week in Frank's new "6x41 Vance". I'm planning on converting a hunting rifle for it for this fall, and will build the LR stock for a competition gun this winter. Probably year after next before I'll take much time to play with it as next year's calendar is looking pretty full already.
like you, i do not have a gun for short range. i shot my 30br in the best of the west.
i could do some more work on my ar's and try one of them.
like you like of time right now.
i'll be driving thru your town on my way up to missoula.

I would like to make one of the Missoula shoots some day, but I've got goals in short-range that are my focus now. Shooting 5 weekends in a row at the moment: Porcupine(Prairie Dog), Ault, Grand Junction, Billings, and Springville. I take a couple weeks off to spend time with friends, then its the fall push: Billings, Porcupine, Ault (Firewalker), the Nationals, and Grand Junction (Purple Haze). Lots of opportunity for a Colorado guy to make some shoots without too much travel -- you're invited! :)

I've got a LR gun in the works: barrel, scope, and action on are the bench. Just got a new reamer last week in Frank's new "6x41 Vance". I'm planning on converting a hunting rifle for it for this fall, and will build the LR stock for a competition gun this winter. Probably year after next before I'll take much time to play with it as next year's calendar is looking pretty full already.