NBRSA Nat's at Byers, questions.....


Jay Idaho

Can somebody answer a few questions about Byers?
1. Do you sight in on clays/berm or spot each shot on targets?

2. How close can you get a vehicle to the bench or staging area (75# Heavy gun plus big rests).

3. Will food be available at the range on Match days?

Thanks for any answers and any more info you can supply to first-timers.

Jay, Idaho
1. Do you sight in on clays/berm or spot each shot on targets?

The 1000yd range at Byers has pits so during the sight in period you will be sighting in on the target and they are marked with a sighter disk like in F-class.

2. How close can you get a vehicle to the bench or staging area (75# Heavy gun plus big rests).

I would say it is no more than 50 feet from the closest parking spot to the firing line. There is a paved sidewalk going from the parking area to the firing line but it is a fairly steep grade.

3. Will food be available at the range on Match days?

I didn’t ask Jim about this but in Kopriva’s post last month he did mention having food there.


I forgot to add that this is a wonderful range to shoot at. I have only shot there twice but I sure enjoyed it. Jim and the rest of the guys are just great people to be around.

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It isn't too bad getting up to the benches. If you need help I will be there and will help. Last time I unloaded my gear and left it up on the bench level, made it a lot better. Bring a tarp as it is known to rain there.
Thanks for the info and offer of help. Looking forward to being there.

Jay, Idaho

I think most of your questions have been answered. I will only add that there will be a cookout Saturday after the shooting is finished. It is at no cost to the shooters. Other than that you will have to bring your own snacks, sandwiches, etc.

During the match all sighters will be spotted by the pit crew. The range will be open Thursday for practice and most guys shoot at clay birds on the impact berm.

Daryl Kopriva

do the shooters do the pit duty/pull targets ..or is there a pit crew???...just curious...thank you...Roger
roger sir

if it was like the last time i went up there the shooters will pull targets when not shooting,there will be assignments given to you showing you when to go down to pull targets,the first time i pulled targets it was really scary as i was afraid i would screw up someones relay,but as it turned out is was quite easy and fun,everybody helped me get it right.i am actually looking forward to pulling targets this time .they would put 2 guys on each target one would pull and put the spindle and the put it into the most recent hole and the other guy would stick a correctly colored stickon over the old hole then it would be raised and we were done.they have a really nice range and never thought i would say pulling the targets is fun but in this case is the exception. and seeing some world records shot from directly under the target is pretty cool too.darryl sir looking forward to it and we will see you there . tim in tx

Looking forward to seeing you and and everyone else that can make it.

Roger yes Tim is correct we have to pull targets which isn't that bad. The target frames are counter weighted to make running them up and down quite easy.


I like having the shooters involved with the targets...it is eye opening to see the group form rite in front of your eyes.....and is faster and cheaper than a paid target crew....
Thanks again for the info about the counterweigthts....I have a bad back and it helps us ole' broken down guys to know these things....
Keep up the good work Daryl.....
Shoot Date(s)

I must have missed it, but when is this shoot scheduled to be held.
What date?

I just shot one of CRC's LR weekends out at Byers this past weekend. There were several well-known Palma shooters there, as CRC has the State Fullbore Prone Championships scheduled for this coming weekend, and they were taking advantage of the opportunity to get in some shooting at 1000 a week early.

Any issues with the target carriers (worn pulleys and/or cables) were getting a close look by the guys who're going to be hosting the fullbore matches; I expect that they'll have replaced all pulleys & cables before the match starts. CRC's pits & carriers are among the finest - if not the finest - in the country. The club invested a huge sum in pouring completely enclosed concrete pits when they designed & built the highpower range, and IMHO, they're far-and-away the safest pits in the country. Just ask anyone who's shot at Byers and at Camp Perry since the Ohio NG rebuilt the carriers there a couple of years ago where they'd rather pull pit duty, and see what sort of a reply you get....

Good luck & safe traveling to all the shooters who're planning to make the trip to Byers next month!