NBRSA members


cook and bottle washer
Try to answer this question specifically and supply the basis:

How do you perceive the change process of the NBRSA? Not whether you like it or not but rather the process itself.
my perception-my vote dont count and will never count under the current system, i can never shake that feeling. i vote and some one else decides if that vote should be worthy of casting.
Ray/Francis - how is your vote cast?

my perception-my vote dont count and will never count under the current system, i can never shake that feeling. i vote and some one else decides if that vote should be worthy of casting.

Under what circumstances do you vote? Publicly,privately, individually or group?

my perception-my vote dont count and will never count under the current system, i can never shake that feeling. i vote and some one else decides if that vote should be worthy of casting.

You mean like our gov. works, I'm sorry Ray but it's not that bad.
How I think it should work. If it is a safety thing it should and usually is handled by the board A.S.A.P. If not it should be an agenda idem for the board. If it passes the board it should be sent out to the members by ballet. Not just at the nationals meeting because that is only about 10% of the members. I've seen members vote down rule changes at the nationals but most of the time people just grumble and don't stand up. If you've been to more then one nationals you would notice that most of the people who speak are the same year after year.
Bob Dodd
The process

I don't shoot a lot of events, and have only been to one Nationals, but here is the way I percieve to be the way the process ususlly goes.

1 There is an issue at an event or events that raises the hackles of one or more shooters.
2 It is discussed at the loading area.
3 It finds it's way to this forum, where it gets numerous pages of posts....pro and con.
4 Someone gets thrown off the forum for persistant inflammatory remarks.
5 A regional director weighs in and people seem to calm down a bit.
6 It gets thrown into a meeting of the directors, voted on, and the decision is ususlly reported first on this forum, then NBRSA NEWS.

Clarification and another question

I go to the annual eastern region meeting and a majority of us present our director with a proposal for a new rule or rule change. The day before the National Championship Match the board of directors meet and discuss proposals they have from their members. The board then votes on what rules or changes they favor. These are the rules or changes that are presented to the members at the National. What carried at the Eastern Region Meeting may never go before the entire membership. It goes only to the Board Of Directors unless they see fit to present it to the members at large.

May I mention the IBS procedure? Is this to be only an NBRSA discussion?

Just to clarify...The items carry in a public eastern region meeting, get put on the agenda and the board decides. Is that, exactly/in part, what happens? I understand the preference for each member having a vote.

The published 2009 annual Eastern Region meeting is in November after the 2009 Board meeting. How will the Eastern Region members vote on 2009 agenda items presented by the other regions?

For now, let's try to keep it NBRSA. Please feel free to post whatever you think is germane - as always.

Interesting perception! You may have it right!!!

Permit me to pick on you a bit more..or not...your choice.

Does your region hold meetings to propose changes and vote on changes proposed by other regions?

Not to my knowledge. Again, a lot of stuff is bantered around in the loading area between various individuals, but I have seen no organized efforts to get the word out, or to get a consensus of the shooters in the MC region.
Wilbur, I'm not sure that some members know how it works, please tell them.

How I think it works and how it actually works may differ. I'm on a fact finding mission treating perception and fact as equal imposters.

More specifically, does your region have the opportunity to vote on items from the other regions prior to the BOD meeting?

Currently, equipment and course of fire changes are the only items that go to the membership.
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NBRSA is a representative form of decision making. Much like our own US Government. I approve of it completely. There is no way that individual members can vote on every issue. There is no way that individual members can be informed on every issue. I would not want every US citizen to be able to vote on issues affecting the country either.

If members would put a lot of thought into who they elect to represent them the process would work a lot better. Instead, many Directors are elected because of where they live or how many shooters think they are really nice guys.


I was at a shoot at Raton a couple years ago. After the match Saturday your region had a pretty good meeting about rules and equipment issues. Our region has 2 meetings with our director at different ranges to get a good coverage. We have a good director and I believe that we are well informed.

Butch, I'm a local in Raton and probably sky'd out after the last target on Saturday........But I don't recall being informed of the meeting.
I don't shoot a lot of events, and have only been to one Nationals, but here is the way I percieve to be the way the process ususlly goes.

1 There is an issue at an event or events that raises the hackles of one or more shooters.
2 It is discussed at the loading area.
3 It finds it's way to this forum, where it gets numerous pages of posts....pro and con.
4 Someone gets thrown off the forum for persistant inflammatory remarks.
5 A regional director weighs in and people seem to calm down a bit.
6 It gets thrown into a meeting of the directors, voted on, and the decision is ususlly reported first on this forum, then NBRSA NEWS.





I look at our procedures much in the same way as the way we can Ammend the Constitution of The United States.

It was made extremely difficult to do this so that it would not be subject to the whims of the moment.

If there is support foe an agenda item, it will come to pass. The tuner rule is a good example. When first proposed, everybody seemed to be rather non chalant about it. Then, through careful thought, the BOD, and members, said yes. Now, many shooters take advantage of the rule, and the world did nor end.

We just had the first half of our Region Meeting Saturday at The Bluebonnet. It was welkl attended, and we voted on one particular item to have Scott propose to the BOD. I have made a separate post concerning this......jackie
Tuners are OK

But that ain't how it happened...and your example could well be a "poster child" as it pertains to the subject.

I could be wrong (was once...:rolleyes:) but as I recall Gene pulled a tuner out of his pocket at the BOD meeting as an impromptu item. There may have been some pre-meeting lobbying that occurred but the membership of the NBRSA was not involved....and that's an example of how the moniker "Powers that be" was coined. By no means is it my intent to imply that Gene did anything out of line. I would need to clean my own backyard first.

What's the purpose of the agenda if I can add stuff to it at the meeting? I have added stuff at the meeting....seemingly good stuff at the time...turned out it wasn't really all that good...

Oughta be some method where the directors discuss the agenda at a public meeting with their region's members and have a public show of hands for each item - BEFORE THE BOD MEETING.
I would like to see both the NBRSA and IBS have their annual meeting on the day before the Nationals. The Nationals shooters have the heaviest involvement in rules, policies and the resulting product. This way the really involved shooters would feel a part of an open process.

There would need to be some kind of firewall between the policy making process and the actual live meeting to prevent micro-managing the rules.

In actuality, what we have now is enough rules. Any more and we will need to hire shooting rule lawyers.

New technologies, like tuners, stock and such would need a fast track consideration process.