NBRSA Hunter Class Case Capacity


Jason Stanley
I heard that the Case Capacity did not pass at the NBRSA Hunter Nationals. However, I just got the latest edition of the NBRSA magazine and it mentioned that the Eastern Region is still trying to get the NBRSA to drop the case capacity. I am obviously missing something. I thought all the decisions about this were discussed/settled at the Nationals in St. Louis? Thanks in advance.

Mr. Stanley,

I'm the Eastern Region Director until after the meeting this weekend. The Magazine shows what the agenda items are for the BOD meeting this Saturday the 6th in Phoenix. The case capacity proposal was made prior to the vote at the Hunter Nationals and will be on the agenda until the report from the Hunter Committee is heard at the meeting.

I have been asked by the Hunter Committee representative to drop the proposal as a result of the vote. But, I would rather that the process of the Board acting on the Committee report get into the minutes so that there is a record that the issue was considered.

Practically speaking, nobody should expect to go against the vote at the Hunter Nationals; it is your shooting discipline and should be run in the manner that the largest number of participants want it to be run. But, we should let the process work to show that the question was considered.

If you want to discuss this further, e-mail me at Krooppc@aol.com with your phone number and I'll call you at the soonest I can.

Joe Krupa

I looked on the NBRSA website but could not find the date of the 2013 B.O.D meeting. I heard eliminating the case capacity rule narrowly passed (for a 1 year trial period) at this year's Nationals in Kansas. Just wondering if it was approved at the meeting to make it official?