NBRSA and good standing members

Rodney, did you have a chance to defend yourself in front of the BOD, or was the vote based on hearsay? Hopefully, the BOD gave you some semblance of "due process" -- after all, that is one of the pillars of "the American way of life and principles of freedom."
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You are always welcome at the Super Shoot and to be a HOF member there is always IBS Nationals. Don't give up on BR because of a few people.

It's seems everybody is ready to jump all over the NBRSA when there just might be a possibility that the Board of Directors have taken the correct course of action.

Rather than jumping to conclusions and making predictions based on conjecture, how about we all wait for the Region Directors to inform their constituents through the proper channels.

Yes, there are always two sides to a story. I would like to believe that our Board of Directors listened to both sides and made an informed decision based on that information.

This is exactly correct!
Was this issue

addressed at the nationals? If so I think the membership needs to know. I've heard so many rumors that I believe it needs to be quieted down. One way or another it needs to be done with. I hope the BOD is straight foward with this. Not taking any sides but would like reasoning for this action.

Richard Brensing
Hachigan, social media, alias, see ya & ad nauseam...

Want to dispel Hachigan's cheeky innuendos that some of us depend on the "social media" for facts as regards our objections to Rodney's excommunication from the NBRSA. Let me begin by asking Lee how many times within the past year that he has been in Rodney's home? Or personally sat at his table while him and Audrey worked on a P.S edition? Or, watched them manually put labels (that he made) on to save money and insure an up-to-date mailing. Like to know the monthly edition cost(s) now delivered to your mailbox as compared to a year ago?
And, yup, Miss Audrey didn't fool around playing favorites in advertisement placement (o.k., I wont go there), but I will say that in my biannual migration between our homes in CO & AZ, my mailing address change was always handled with accuracy and a cheery note. Wanna hear about my last experience?
Well, let me say that more than a few of us NBRSA "mountain members" have physically traipsed through Rodney's home, his motor home, his range, and you know what? No signs of flag burning; no signs of Islamic State (Isis) Training Camp(s); no glaring newspaper headlines of: "Illegal Alien and NBRSA Technical Editor caught with Convicted Isis Prostitute in Burkley Transgender Dorm". No! None of the stuff worthy of a serious NBRSA excommunication.
Now about the dearth of shoots for us "non members" here in the "mountains" to attend...son, son, you hide & watch. Regardless (Irregardless, in your case), we'll be shooting, flipping elk burgers, "firewalking", and in general, just having a hellav'a large time. Did I mention shooting? And crowed us too much, & you'll see a larger I.B.S real estate.
That "alias" quasi-acronym (1oldE9) that slipped under your saddle blanket - well, that remains. I earned it, and more (28 months in Vietnam) in my career. Anyone with a room temp I.Q. could figure out who is on here...geez!
So; lastly, Lee, are you really a divined omniscient (either Abrahamic or dharma)? Or, simply trying to soothe your ego for supporting a leader that tends to make decisions with his amygdala as opposed to using his frontal lobes. Deep rooted narcissism that treats compassion like a spent primer comes to mind...
Concomitant with this heavy-handed tirade is a hope for common sense to prevail as regards where this organization is wondering in what has to be the epitome of a wild-ass decision to drop kick Rodney out of the NBRSA as if he were a traitor to our national security. This is nuts!
As for you Lee, no offence - really; just make it out this way and shoot with us. No knuckle draggers here - guaranteed. But we know our hearts.
Larry C. White (1oldE9)
it ain't going away

well, I would like to hear from President Gene Bukys on the boards action. I think we should hear it from the top. It's his job to inform us.
Well stated Mr. White.
I am concerned that only one side is being presented. When are we going to hear the facts supporting the BOD decision? The letter Rodney received only spoke in general terms. We all need a much finer point put to these accusations. Otherwise are we only welcome as NBRSA members at the pleasure of the board?
Atta-boy, Luther!...err Larry.
Any bets that the BOD vote to give Rodney the boot, was a voice vote, and as such will be untraceable to any particular Director.
T. Wilson
Hi Larry,
Thank you for the kind words.

I had a chance to speak to my NBRSA Regional Director yesterday, and I "now" understand the rationale for dismissal. I would suggest you (and all concerned) do the same.

Since the competitive shooting season is winding down, I would like to wish all my friends good health and happiness till next year.


Want to dispel Hachigan's cheeky innuendos that some of us depend on the "social media" for facts as regards our objections to Rodney's excommunication from the NBRSA. Let me begin by asking Lee how many times within the past year that he has been in Rodney's home? Or personally sat at his table while him and Audrey worked on a P.S edition? Or, watched them manually put labels (that he made) on to save money and insure an up-to-date mailing. Like to know the monthly edition cost(s) now delivered to your mailbox as compared to a year ago?
And, yup, Miss Audrey didn't fool around playing favorites in advertisement placement (o.k., I wont go there), but I will say that in my biannual migration between our homes in CO & AZ, my mailing address change was always handled with accuracy and a cheery note. Wanna hear about my last experience?
Well, let me say that more than a few of us NBRSA "mountain members" have physically traipsed through Rodney's home, his motor home, his range, and you know what? No signs of flag burning; no signs of Islamic State (Isis) Training Camp(s); no glaring newspaper headlines of: "Illegal Alien and NBRSA Technical Editor caught with Convicted Isis Prostitute in Burkley Transgender Dorm". No! None of the stuff worthy of a serious NBRSA excommunication.
Now about the dearth of shoots for us "non members" here in the "mountains" to attend...son, son, you hide & watch. Regardless (Irregardless, in your case), we'll be shooting, flipping elk burgers, "firewalking", and in general, just having a hellav'a large time. Did I mention shooting? And crowed us too much, & you'll see a larger I.B.S real estate.
That "alias" quasi-acronym (1oldE9) that slipped under your saddle blanket - well, that remains. I earned it, and more (28 months in Vietnam) in my career. Anyone with a room temp I.Q. could figure out who is on here...geez!
So; lastly, Lee, are you really a divined omniscient (either Abrahamic or dharma)? Or, simply trying to soothe your ego for supporting a leader that tends to make decisions with his amygdala as opposed to using his frontal lobes. Deep rooted narcissism that treats compassion like a spent primer comes to mind...
Concomitant with this heavy-handed tirade is a hope for common sense to prevail as regards where this organization is wondering in what has to be the epitome of a wild-ass decision to drop kick Rodney out of the NBRSA as if he were a traitor to our national security. This is nuts!
As for you Lee, no offence - really; just make it out this way and shoot with us. No knuckle draggers here - guaranteed. But we know our hearts.
Larry C. White (1oldE9)
Mr Larry White , very well put, as always you have my utmost Respect, and looking forward to seeing you and shooting with you this coming weekend.
Kelly Ellis
Hello Lee

Hi Larry,
Thank you for the kind words.

I had a chance to speak to my NBRSA Regional Director yesterday, and I "now" understand the rationale for dismissal. I would suggest you (and all concerned) do the same.

Since the competitive shooting season is winding down, I would like to wish all my friends good health and happiness till next year.


Seeing as I won't have the opportunity to speak with my NBRSA Regional Director until next spring, perhaps you could share with us what your "now" understand the rationale for dismissal is.


I don't know how any board member voted. But I am willing to bet that it was a very long meeting and that no NBRSA board member wanted to vote anyone out of the NBRSA association without first knowing all the true facts. At the NBRSA Nationals at St. Louis the NBRSA President made it very clear that he would answer any question or questions that any NBRSA member had about the vote and terms of the vote by phone, call him first. Every story has two sides and shame on everyone who speaks out against either party without knowing all the facts.

Chet Whitebread NBRSA Life Member
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We are all grown-ass folks here (or at least should be) --- why can't we have some transparency in the process? Why do phone calls have to be made to find out about OFFICIAL business of this organization? There should be official minutes available from the meeting or the president can kindly post the decision and rationale made by the BOD. This doesn't seem difficult and can be handled like adults should.

We are all grown-ass folks here (or at least should be) --- why can't we have some transparency in the process? Why do phone calls have to be made to find out about OFFICIAL business of this organization? There should be official minutes available from the meeting or the president can kindly post the decision and rationale made by the BOD. This doesn't seem difficult and can be handled like adults should.


Exactly, lets hear some facts and show us the proof. Easy enough to do!
Bottom line. Apparently there was an infraction of existing rules or a violation of tradition.

Wouldn't it be helpful if existing members knew what the violation was so they would not make that same mistake?

Sounds like Washington DC, "we know but you are not smart enough to know"!

To Lee Hachigian, I spoke to Dennis Thornbury last Friday and I suggest you give Dennis a call. Dennis has been involved in NBRSA politics for 26 years and is the past President and current Vice President. Are you not curious why our current Vice President of NBRSA is holding IBS matches now? I also suggest that Jack Neary call Dennis Thornbury before the Eastern Regional meeting to be held next week. If neither of you have spoken to Dennis or the Browns, then you are not fully informed. Actually I think all directors should call Dennis, especially if they are only going by what was discussed at NBRSA Board Meeting.

Dennis has been in the middle of this whole situation and he is on the side of Rodney and Audrey Brown, why is that?

As far as Gene Bukys taking calls, why does he not just get on this website and give the NBRSA offical side to this story. He does work for us the membership!!!!!!! Why would we have to call him.

To ban someone for life from a very small organization is quite amazing. Let me ask you this if it is found that the Gene and the board are wrong on this, does it mean we will have to ban them? I guess what I am saying is where does it end. I have heard two out of three sides on this story and the two I have heard from are totally against the NBRSA Board. Precedence has now been set and anytime in future the NBRSA Board can just ban anyone for any reason, as long as the Board deems it against the NBRSA.

I would try to contact Gene as he instructed me to do at Super Shoot, but that is worthless as I sent two emails to him this last June and no response.

I also would like to know why Rodney Browns refund check from the World Team was written out of General Fund and not the World Team account?

Also the last number of years we don't see in the NBRSA Board of Minutes how the Directors are voting on all agenda items and especially the Nationals. This is how we know if our directors are voting how we would like them to vote, which helps us in voting for Director next time.

The Directors are paid to be at the Nationals so it sure would be nice to know how they are voting, it is our money that is paying them.

I had a chance to speak to my NBRSA Regional Director yesterday, and I "now" understand the rationale for dismissal. I would suggest you (and all concerned) do the same.

Lee, is your understanding based on a solid foundation? In other words, were the "facts" thoroughly fleshed-out in a manner that afforded Rodney due process? Were the "facts" based on hearsay?

I am willing to bet that ... no NBRSA board member wanted to vote anyone out of the NBRSA association without first knowing all the true facts....Every story has two sides and shame on everyone who speaks out against either party without knowing all the facts.

Chet, if Rodney was not afforded due process and hearsay evidence was relied upon you're probably safe in assuming "all the true facts" were not known by the BOD.
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