NBRSA and good standing members

James A. Kelbly

New member
We need to have one of the NBRSA BODer's to explain what was the reason for Rodney Brown membership termination. I think all members of NBRSA need to know what causes can terminate your NBRSA membership! And I certain hope the NBRSA BOD can do this. I for one am very curious and as a good standing member for over forty years, I have never heard of such action by NBRSA. I would also like to see how the NBRSA Directors voted on this as well, this is how we know what are regional director are doing. The rules below do not cover causes of termination other than: must be individuals of good character, must be friendly to the United States of America, and must honestly believe in the American way of life and principles of freedom.


Section 1. Members Authorized. The Association shall have three classes of members.
Individual Members and Affiliated Club Members shall be admitted to membership after
application in the form approved by the Board of Directors and the payment of dues.
Continued membership shall be contingent upon the timely annual payment of dues and
assessments (if any), continued qualification under these By-laws, and continued good
standing in accordance with the judgment of the Board of Directors. Qualifications of
membership shall include:
(a) Individual Members must be individuals of good character, must be friendly to the United
States of America, and must honestly believe in the American way of life and principles of
freedom. Annual dues for Individual Members shall be as set from time to time by the Board
of Directors. Life Members are those Individual Members who pay a one-time fee as set by
the Board of Directors and such fees shall be deposited into a special fund (“Life Membership
Fund”) and invested. Only income (as defined by the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation
Law) earned on the Life Membership Fund may be used by the Association for normal
operating expenses. Life Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of an Individual
Member for and during the Member’s life, except that Life Members who join the Association
after August 28, 1999, will also be billed annually for the cost of receiving the official
Association publication.
(b) Affiliated Club Members must be organizations comprised of individual members as
described in Article I, Section 1(a) above. Affiliated Club Members have no voting privileges
or membership rights, but may receive the official Association publication. Annual dues for
Affiliated Club Members shall be as set from time to time by the Board of Directors.
(c) Associate Members are the children (under the age of 18 years) and spouses of Individual
Members. Associate Members have no voting privileges or membership rights and do not
receive the official Association publication. Life Associates are those individuals spouses of
individual life-members who pay a one-time fee as set by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Evidence of Membership. Each member may be issued a membership certificate.
Membership and membership certificates are not transferable.
Gary, I agree!

At the risk of sounding sycophantic, I have never heard Rodney (even in the middle of this nefarious mess) say one negative word against NBRSA. Secondly, as a returning benchrest shooter (after forty years), no one spent more time in helping me get back into the game - and with pretty fair success! Consequently, I have asked that I be removed from the Alternate Team List, and terminate my NBRSA membership. Hell, if Rodney doesn't meet membership requirements, then I better "hat" up, too. Sine die.

Thats not OK

The President and BOD shuld reconsider this action. The only one that profits from this is the IBS.
I was asked to be the go between the ELECTED person and the NBRSA, should this person who cannot be there. I said NO, the reason is how would it look if a member, who is a foreigner, and do not forget that, would look after a National organization. I have dealt with Audrey on a personal level, never have dealt with Rodney, and I to would like a personal answer back as to why this action was taken. Now I admit that being in politics, there are some things that can't be said, but up to that point, WHY?
I think

I have a feeling the IBS is going to get a whole lot bigger.Todd Tyler

I feel Todd hit the nail on the head.

I will admit I am NOT current as a NBRSA member but that is my choosing at this time.

I am replying to this as a FORUM MEMBER. A BAN from the NBRSA is like a death sentence. It is one thing to suspend but ban?????

I guess he will not even be able to shoot at what would be his home range Billings Montana, GreenLee CO,(sp) etc etc. Being banned means he no longer is allowed to shoot at any NBRSA matches period.

Welcome to the IBS and Visalia, CA Rodney...it appears at this time that would be your closest range where you would be able to shoot a match as it is now hosting IBS sanctioned matches.

Nothing more to say.

OMG the organization is small enough.......maybe disciplinary actions to a lesser extent should have been looked at.

Hopefully this gets hashed out at the executive level, brought forward to the membership and something written into the rules to clarify actions which are detrimental to the sport.

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Me too..

I would also like to understand why this action was taken against Rodney. I have never dealt with him, but I have with his wife who was always helpful and had a very large part in resurrecting the magazine which was great.

Virgil Howarth
Austin, Tx
I was asked to be the go between the ELECTED person and the NBRSA, should this person who cannot be there. I said NO, the reason is how would it look if a member, who is a foreigner, and do not forget that, would look after a National organization. I have dealt with Audrey on a personal level, never have dealt with Rodney, and I to would like a personal answer back as to why this action was taken. Now I admit that being in politics, there are some things that can't be said, but up to that point, WHY?

I'm currently at the NBRSA Nats in St Louis. A couple of days ago a well known and registered shooter for this event was expelled from the premises for firing his rifle down range while the range was cold and THE RED LIGHTS were flashing. It is posted policy by BRRCto expel for such actions for safety reasons. I can see this. But to BAN a paid member for what???
+1 I'm with Todd T. I think the IBS will get much larger. Rodney Brown is salt of the earth people and he is what I use to believe made up the NBRSA.
A New Shooter's thoughts

Looking at all that is happening I wonder just how bad the damage is that we are doing to ourselves as an organization? We have seen several requests for the facts yet none have been provided. This is concerning to me as well as others with questions that remain unanswered. Lou Murdica has asked for the facts and just the facts. This seems to be a reasonable request. We as members should demand these facts regardless of your position on this issue.

Concerning Rodney Brown, he is one of the first shooters I met in my very short career and he has always been nothing but welcoming and helpful in my observations. He has on more than one occasion sacrificed his own match time to help a new struggling shooter get to the line on time and safely. I know of no better way to endear our sport than to help a new shooter who is struggling. That is the Rodney that I have seen.

My observations do not reflect the accusations stated in the correspondence Rodney received. Lets get the facts out, not opinions.
It's seems everybody is ready to jump all over the NBRSA when there just might be a possibility that the Board of Directors have taken the correct course of action.

Rather than jumping to conclusions and making predictions based on conjecture, how about we all wait for the Region Directors to inform their constituents through the proper channels.

Yes, there are always two sides to a story. I would like to believe that our Board of Directors listened to both sides and made an informed decision based on that information.
Sounds like a lot of people are jumping to conclusions without "any" of the facts (so typical on social media).

Those that have suggested leaving the NBRSA..., all I can say is, "see ya"! Enjoy traveling to the east to shoot your few group matches. ?

I also don't use an alias for my name.

Sounds like a lot of people are jumping to conclusions without "any" of the facts (so typical on social media).

Those that have suggested leaving the NBRSA..., all I can say is, "see ya"! Enjoy traveling to the east to shoot your few group matches. ?

I also don't use an alias for my name.

Well said Lee.

Dan Honert
Sounds like a lot of people are jumping to conclusions without "any" of the facts (so typical on social media).

Those that have suggested leaving the NBRSA..., all I can say is, "see ya"! Enjoy traveling to the east to shoot your few group matches. ?

I also don't use an alias for my name.

Well said, Lee, but I got twenty bucks that says we never do get the facts.

Last match at ICSC tomorrow. It is group this time.

Jackie, there are at least4 people in this thread that have seen many of the facts and none of them should have resulted in banning Rod for life!

The pertanent statement here is "many of the facts".

There might many other "facts" that the Board of Directors are privy too that caused them to make the decision that was made.

The NBRSA is not a pure Democracy. We elect a Board of Directors, and they appoint a President. These individules are mandated to carry out the business of the Organization. If members do not like the way the the elected Directors are doing their duties, they have recourse in the next election by voting for other candidates.

Far too many people seem to be swayed by personal relationships and a conclusion based on what they believe. They then publically make statements that are based on these, only to find out later that they did not know the whole story.

But the damage is already done. People read on this World Wide Forum statements such as have been made in this thread and come to the conclusion based on those statements.

I am not going to say to fellow NBRSA members....."if you don't like it, leave". What I will say is contact your Region Director and work within the Organization to address any complaints.

As soon as he gets back from The Nationals, I will be contacting my Director, Scott Hunter. That's the way things work.
I would agree with Jackie on this issue. I asked for the reason that a member was banned, that is what I want to know. As I said in my 40 plus years and in my fathers 60 plus years of being a NBRSA member, we have never heard or seen anyone banned from NBRSA. I would like to know what reason the board had for banning a NBRSA member. Yes I have heard a lot of rumors and I will not rehash them as they are rumors. I can wait to hear from the Board as the Nationals are in progress right now.

Till we hear from someone on the NBRSA Board we need to hold our thoughts and opinions. What I would like to see is people asking the same as those that have posted, and that is a clear concise explanation of the reasoning a NBRSA member has been “immediately and permanently” terminated for “ongoing actions” that can “no longer be tolerated”. The more members that post for an explanation will show the board we would like an answer. I know most members just want to shoot, but could this happen to you or me? That is why we need a explanation and now precedence has been set.

with the nationals going on right now I would think it might have been a good idea if this was discussed at the general meeting as letter was written at the beginning of the nationals. with all the board members and president there perhaps there should be an open discussion before all leave, as in a question answer session. I get the feeling of some kind of cover up is happening here,

The President and Board have their reasons for not disclosing this information which I rightly understand. The plain truth is that their 'smoking gun' is embarrassing.

Embarrassing to Audrey. In her anger and frustration with the President for directing her final paycheck to be withheld, she went into a rage. She threatened to erase data. She spoke to our lawyer and believed that as an employee she could start the proceedings for suing for 3X damages, or as a Business Manager she could ensure that the local NBRSA accounts would not be closed leaving herself and the other outstanding vendors unpaid. She transferred enough funds to cover all the outstanding checks (including her paycheck) into one of our escrow accounts. She sent emails out to the Board and she published a letter on this forum and on NBRSA.org, going on strike and calling out the leadership to fix this issue. Hell hath no fury like an employee who's paycheck is threatened. And she extended a complimentary membership that to me. By the following morning, heads cooled, all funds were restored to the correct accounts and strike letters removed because a plan was negotiated for a local law office to hold her paycheck until the final transfer of assets was complete. For the first time in a couple months she did not feel that her paycheck was at risk and from there we happily completed her final magazine mailing, then boxed, shipped, palletized all the NBRSA assets that had filled our house for years, got them sent down the road. We thought it was over.

Embarrassing to the President and Board. Poor communication, anger, frustration, threats, and ever escalating desire for punishment. They've known this story. They know they can expose it and attempt to criminalize Audrey (and me by association). They have been digging for proof for months. They also know that they had a significant role in the cause. They know that there were no actual fiscal damages nor any intent to do so. The By-Laws and the ill defined responsibilities and authorities of the Business Manager role makes their case against her shaky at best. She embarrassed them and they want revenge, seek vindication, and demand capitulation. In July, they sent us a letter rescinding my complimentary membership. Audrey paid my dues before I even saw the letter. Not good enough. The trouble is I'm not rolling over, apologizing and taking the taking the blame for this whole fiasco. In that way I guess my "past and ongoing actions" are detrimental to the NBRSA and for that I have been excommunicated.

Sorry, I love shooting benchrest, but I love my wife more. She was reacting and now they are reacting. Some range, some where will let me shoot. My dreams of wearing a Team USA jacket and a Hall Of Fame jacket will simply be shelved.

There is a bunch of add-on BS too... file cabinets damaged in shipping, wi-fi passwords for the printers, lack of training, etc. All this is noise to fluff up the case file but just as easily refuted with basic knowledge, photos, phone records, and freight claim checks. I think it can safely be ignored.

There, you have it. There was plenty of fault to spread around, and we certainly had our share. It has cost me my affiliation with the NBRSA and my dream of shooting on the World Team. I have to leave it to the benchrest shooting community to decide what it will cost the NBRSA.

All the actions taken place between the president, the directors and the NBRSA secretary at that time had absolutely nothing to do with Rodney Brown. He is an individual NBRSA member himself and shouldn't be held responsible or held to a different standard for problems between the secretary and the board, especially a ban for life!
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