NASCAR moving left on gun rights

I bought one a' them cheapo chi-com lathes so's I can do gun work......

I also paid quite a bit MORE money and bought a Heavy 10 because I can.

The SB10 is a pita to use, fussy, lots of oiling maintenance, HAD a place in history.

So here's my youtube contribution, this is how I love to see history preserved, and no whining!

checki'dout, not a tear in sight :)
If a Cristian Baker doesn't have to make a Wedding Cake for a same sex couple Walmart doesn't have to sell me an AR both can be had elsewhere.
Nice video Al. My cousin in Minnesota hosts a much smaller version. No train but they cut grain .

What's the big deal?
Wallyworld asks that you don't walk around in their stores with a gun on your hip where everybody can see it, looking like a cowboy. No problem. Concealed carry.
IMHO, the only person that should have a gun on their hip (with a badge next to it) is a LEO.
The LEO are the ones with a target on their backs anyway.
Don't like the way Wallyworld does business? Don't shop there.
Don't like the store policy? Don't shop there.
Funny how Wallyworld was the best thing since sliced bread when you could go in and buy a gun cheaper than any place else.
Now? They're worse than ANYTHING ELSE could ever be.:rolleyes:
Bottom line? Wallyworld is in it for the MONEY. That's the American Way.:cool:

You’re missing the second amendment’s point. You don’t need the govt permission to carry a firearm. Don’t need a CC or any govt certification. Every inch we give, we don’t get back.
If a Cristian Baker doesn't have to make a Wedding Cake for a same sex couple Walmart doesn't have to sell me an AR both can be had elsewhere.

The Colorado baker lost lots of time and money fighting a lawsuit from a tranny lawyer. Big difference
I think we all can pick our favorite times when we saw an American Institution bend leftwards...... Jackie cites Walmart, you say "when France III kowtowed to Jesse Jackson" where I use the term "pandering to the bigots" but they all point to the same problem....which is US

WE, as in OUR GENERATION have failed to recognize and stop this sort of stuff early and more importantly we have failed utterly to pass on solid mores, values and abilities to our young. We look at these "millenials" with wonder..... but few of us stop to think, "WE MADE THEM!" We made them by dropping the value system of our forebears. We, as in my generation, send our kids off to college to make ourselves feel good. We've made college into a "guilt tax" where the more we spend the more we can say "well, I did all I could".... "we gave our children every advantage" ..... "it's not OUR fault" ......

Nope, it's OUR stupid fault. And it's time for us, for we, for those of us who can RECOGNIZE the problem to fix it. From the ground up, we've got to fix it.... We're the last generation of people who've seen both sides. Our kids don't even know what it's like to have "esprit de corp" or "patriotism" nor to feel the endorphin rush of achievement and growth. These kids today are being told they already have a voice, they already "matter" and they're already equal to society's call....

When I was a kid my parents recognized that I was A CHILD, therefore unable to make good decisions.... I wasn't given any credence. Nowadays we've got the collective opinions of groups of school children being used to make government policy decisions. And we stand by and let them do it. Not only do we stand by but most of us wonder quietly if "maybe they're right, maybe gun control IS the answer".... this is the part, one of the parts, I call "stupid!"

WE have made all of these choices. Now it's time for US to fix them.... this is how the real world works.

Or doesn't.

The choice is ours to make.

Not all of us made this. Sending our kids to Christian schools, keeping a mom and dad in the household, giving a good model for them to follow, etc. Those that kept silent and supported public school liberal agenda did this. Those that pushed away a moral standard did this.
not all of us made this. Sending our kids to christian schools, keeping a mom and dad in the household, giving a good model for them to follow, etc. Those that kept silent and supported public school liberal agenda did this. Those that pushed away a moral standard did this.