N.H. State Championship Results 9/11


Dave Shattuck

You couldn’t have ordered a finer day to for any match, let alone a State Championship. The day started out a bit on the brisk side showing a true feeling of things to come as the thermometer read just below 50° as I was getting ready to head out for the range. But the skies were a deep Cobalt blue with hardly a cloud, so it was obvious things would soon warm up, at least by a little.

On the way up to the Club I couldn’t help but notice how only a slight ripple was occurring out on the lake that’s about half way between my house and the range, so I knew things would not be staying calm for much longer. And they didn’t. By the time we were trying to set our flags out they were already flipping around, which usually doesn’t happen until closer to the first Commence Fire command. And, as the day wore on, the breeze turned into a wind, and the scores fell accordingly. I do not own a wind meter, but according to the reaction of our flags, the swaying of the trees, the papers and targets wanting to let loose, along with the sound of the air moving across my bench, my guess would be that most of the day we were dealing with winds of somewhere in the mid to upper 20’s with the occasional gust going even higher. But, I could be wrong.

We ended up with 14 shooters coming even though some only shot one or two targets. It was great to see Ken Henderson again along with Pete Roberson and Todd Banks as they haven’t been over in quite some time.

Below you will find the top five scores for each of the five Classes being contested:

1.) TODD BANKS 247-10X
2.) Al Hadfield 243-9X
3.) Ken Henderson 242-7X

4.) Pete Roberson 239-10X
5.) Pete Wass 238-6X

10.5 LB. CLASS
1.) AL HADFIELD 249-13X
2.) Ken Henderson 247-11X
3.) Dave Shattuck 246-12X

4.) Pete Wass 244-10X
5.) Penny Hadfield 243-12X

2.) Michael Gallant 246-10X
3.) Al Joly 246-8X

4.) Al Hadfield 245-10X
5.) Dave Shattuck 243-7X

1.) AL HADFIELD 494-23X
2.) Penny Hadfield 492-21X
3.) Dave Shattuck 489-19X

4.) Ken Henderson 489-18X
5.) Michael Gallant 487-18X

1.) AL HADFIELD 737-32X
2.) Ken Henderson 731-25X
3.) Penny Hadield 729-29X

4.) Todd Banks 728-24X
5.) Dave Shattuck 724-26X

There was only one 250 recorded this year at Pinnacle, and that was shot by long-time shooter Mark Rocheleau, his first ever, back at our first match in April. Since then, many have come close, but none have been able to over-come the conditions that are so prevalent at Pinnacle Mountain.

I want to thank everyone for all their help, especially to Al Hadfield and Todd Banks for their calling of lines, Paul Bendix for his help with the set-ups and take-downs, plus his posting the end results onto the IR website, and to the referees and clean-up crew that made my job so much easier.

This was my final day of being a Match Director as I had decided over the summer that after 14 years of running matches it was time for me to become nothing more than just another competitor so I could focus my attentions on my shooting rather than the running of matches. I have greatly enjoyed my time as a Match Director, and in many ways will miss being one. The saddest part is that I was the only Club member participating on a regular basis in rimfire benchrest, so with no one to pick up after me I’m afraid this may have been Pinnacle Mountain’s final rimfire benchrest match, at least for now. We’ll see.

Good shooting, and hope to see you all on a range somewhere.

Dave Shattuck
Thanks Dave

This was my first visit to this venue and am saddned that it may be my last. It is a challenging range, for sure. I have run a few shoots over the years so I know how tough it can be. Most of the time though, I get lots of great help from folks so that the biggest thing I have to do is worry that all will go well :).

I must say, this Rimfire crowd is one heck of a nice group of individuals. I was either introduced to or folks came up and introduced themselves all to me. Everyone seemed pleased that I was visiting and were pleased to make my acquaintence. I surely was glad to see the ones I knew and to meet the others.

Thanks Dave, for your service to the shooters over all of those years. I hope someone will take up the gauntlet and continue the events at that range.
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Although it was said many times at the range Saturday...thanks for all the time and effort you've put into the Pinnacle Mt. matches over the years. As much as I'll miss shooting at Pinnacle, I'm looking forward to you having more tim to focus on shooting and seeing you continue to move up in your scores. If the past few matches are any indication, you'll be a strong contender the rest of this year and all next year.


I'm glad I didn't miss the last match at your range. Always enjoy shooting at Pinnacle Mountain, great company and challenging conditions. I hope you may reconsider over the winter and continue the matches. If not, I'm sure we'll cross paths at other matches.

It was good to see old freinds again and meet new ones. Pete, I think you'll find rimfire shooters are about the best people you can meet. Most will do anything they can to help you. It was good to meet you and put a name and face together.

Ken Henderson
Dave, this summer I made my first visit to your fair state, as well as Vermont and Maine. Lovely country. My fairly new son-in-law's father lives in Dunbarton, NH. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to look you up. Rimfire Benchrest has been lucky to have you as a match director. Don Stith and Jeff Teeter took over for me a couple of years ago and it's been a pleasure to just shoot for a change. Best wishes, glynn angle p.s. I did get to shoot some barnyard trap in Vermont
Thanks Dave!


Here is a photo of the crew at Pinacle Mountains last shoot and Dave with his "Thank You" wood.

Thanks for a job well done Dave, we have certainly enjoyed our many years of shooting with you!

Al & Penny
Great shoot!
Todd, Al & Penny, Ken, Michael, David and Al Joly Thanks for showing the rest of us how to shoot in the switchy wind!
Al, thanks for the pictures.
I did pretty good picking the trash! see picture.


That's a great find!!! And congratulations on your "wood". It's not too fancy but it sure is the biggest. For those that wonder what I'm talking about check out what Paul is holding in the group shot (far left on your screen}. While we are congratulating...Congratulations to Pete and his new head of hair. :D

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Hi "Bloodhound",

As far as I know equipment lists are not kept. I can tell you what Penny and I use. For the 10.5 gun I have a Turbo action with a Broughton bbl 'smithed by Gordon Eck. Penny is shooting a Turbo, with a Lilja bbl 'smithed by Kathy Calfee. Both in Edge stocks. For the Sporter class I shoot a ULA - Douglas, 'smithed by Calfee, Penny a ULA - Douglas bbl, 'smithed by Mike Mullins. Both have Shehane stocks.

Hope this helps, Al
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For the 13.5 class I was shooting my Hall, Bill Myers stock, Benchmark barrel - smithed by Mr. Myers.

Al and Paul - thanks for posting the pictures...I gotta work on gettin' some hair like Pete!!!!

As much as I B**** about the conditions at Pinnacle, I've always had a good time shooting there. I shot my first ever IR50/50 matches there back in '03, and the encouragement I got from you, Al, and Penny helped get me hooked on this game...THANKS A LOT;)

Bloodhound, I won the Sporter Class with a lowly Sako in a used stock of undetermined origin that didn't conform to the rules(sides and bottom were flat) and sanded to legal specs myself. Benchmark 3 groove 16.5 twist by Gene Davis, Jewell trigger, Burris HBR II scope in Millet rings. I'd give you the specs on the 40X in the garbage can, but you only asked for the top three in each class:eek:

Thank you to all who came out on Saturday. It's my guess that only another Range Master could possibly appreciate just how much everyones help and comradery has meant to me over the years, because without you these matches would have probably gone away long ago. And it's because of you I'm not totally ruling out their coming back sometime in the future.

Pete Wass,
I was glad you came down (could find the place), and as Ken said, it's good to now have a face to go with the name.

Pete Roberson,
I was happy when you and Todd pull in, but felt your pain when your Heavy Gun didn't do everything you were hopping for. It's a beautiful looking piece and one would guess it should shoot every bit as nicely as it looks, especially if they knew the shooter. Good luck with getting it straightened out before too much more time passes.

You had better believe we'll be catching up with one another sometime, and hopefully next time you'll have Cherri with you.

It was my pleasure to have been a part of your becoming so obsessed with rimfire, and my apologize to Kathy for having done so, but I'm sure Tom Miller played a much larger role in your getting hooked than I. You have done well over the years, and one can only hope that you will continue doing so for may years to come, plus that maybe someday you will be given another opportunity to achieve that ever so allusive Pinnacle Mtn. 250 which you had flirtted with many times, but always seemed to get blown away by the ever-changing winds of Pinnacle.

Nice fined! Never know what you'll run across when you're an American Picker, do ya? And I loved the "Wood" almost as much. Thank you for your help with the set-ups and take-downs of the range. It has been greatly appreciated for many years.

You seem to have your guns shooting up to snuff, especially your Heavy Gun. Good shooting! And, thank you for taking on the responsiblities of becoming a Range Master as it made my decision to step down just that much easier.

To my old friend Glynn Angle,
It has been too long my friend, and I hope that someday you and I can once again meet up on a range somewhere. I always enjoyed our time together both on and off the firing line during the Nationals from years gone by.
My family owns a camp on the back side of Gorham Pond in Dunbarton, so I'm quite familiar with that section of the woods of New England. Too bad I didn't know you were coming up as I would have enjoyed seeing you once again, and maybe even showing you around. By the way, early to mid October is a much better time to be visiting New England as the leaves are on full display.

And finally, to my good friends Al and Penny Hadfield,
You have always been there for me whenever I've had a question, needed help, or just needed to vent about the goings on at the range, plus have always given me something to shoot for as I, like so many others, were usually caught up your vapor trail.

Bloodhound, I was shooting a Suhl with a Broughton barrel that was smithed by Bill Myers over this past winter.

Dave Shattuck

My sporter is a Sako with a Benchmark barrel and Stith stock smithed by Chet Amick. 10 1/2 lb. is a Suhl with Benchmark barrel and Myers stock smithed by Bill Myers.

Ken Henderson
Dave, my friends live year-round on Gorham pond. I remember their conversation about the one private property owner on the back side and saw the roof thru the trees. (truly a small world). I'll give you plenty of notice when I get back up that way. It can't possibly be as hot as when we visited in July. Best wishes, glynn
Dave, sad to see you leaving as Match Director, will miss your tales of the matches. Hope everything's good and wish you well.
